View Full Version : Travel

01-29-2009, 06:51 PM
What do you when you have a lovebird and you go on vacation? I know lovebirds need daily attention and love (like any pet) so what is the best way to handle if you go out of town for a weekend? Just wondering what proper protocol would be!!

Thanks in advance.

01-29-2009, 07:29 PM
My in-laws birdiesit for me. We live in Southern Florida, and my in-laws have a large screened in lanai. Cherry loves to go to their house, because he gets to sit outside all day long (as long as the weather is not too muggy or hot OR getting too much sun in the AM) and he comes in at night-time to sleep in his own birdie room.

01-30-2009, 04:22 AM
Mine comes along. Peanut has gone camping quite a few times, has been to 2 hotels in his little lifetime. I can't leave my baby at home because I don't have anyone who would take care of him. Everybody I know, I either don't trust or they are afraid of birds.

01-30-2009, 07:11 PM
I've only been away once since I brought Pickle home ;) He stayed with my parents, who live about 45 minutes away from me. They like pets but don't wish to have any of their own (they're in their 70s) so it works out nicely. Plus my sisters live nearby and my vet is about 1/2 way b/t my parents and I, so Pickle would be safe in an emergency.

As a back up, I can board Pickle at one of 5 different parrot shops in my area, board him with the vet or leave him with one of 3 parrot-savvy co-workers. So apparently, I have no excuse NOT to travel ;)

At the very least, have a relative, friend or neighbor (or petsitter) come and look after you pet. At the very least, have them TOTALLY replace water and food once a day. If they can check on your lovie more than once a day and maybe play with him, even better. You can have whoever is looking in on them put your TV or a radio on a timer for comfort.

I would take Pickle along with me if I could do so safely and easily.