View Full Version : toy making tips for birds

02-04-2009, 04:52 PM
so since visiting the humane society last week, i decided to make some toys for the birds there. they don't really have a lot of toys to begin with (two in a cage) and some were old looking. so i've been thinking about it and decided to do something about it. So I'm gonna order some bird toy making supplies and get to work. They do take donated toys :)

the only thing is, what sizes are appropriate for parakeets and tiels??? I mean, tiels are pretty big to me. i know people on here have tiels & budgies so any suggestions would be helpful.

02-04-2009, 07:50 PM
well alot of craft supply stores sell leather strips and wood beads of different shapes and sizes also alot of hardware stores sell cheap or give away untreated pine wood etc scraps, and also dr. foster and smith sells buckets of bird safe toy makeing stuff of all sizes for reasonable prices online at thier website.