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02-05-2009, 12:55 AM
antbody ever seen this sight before? What do you think of it?

just put "lovebird" in the box on the left and hit "add"


02-05-2009, 06:04 AM
Hi Jim. I have seen a few of the very same videos posted on various other websites. Most likely, this is an effort by that particular website to create several resources for its users in order to increase their traffic. Great for advertisers, not so great for those having to weed through them.

Although there are many of these sites that do offer useful and interesting information, the safest ones are those chiefly dedicated towards the subject at hand, be it lovebirds or Jimmy's ant farm.

Pips mom
02-05-2009, 06:28 AM
Ahhh, I don't really go much for those....."this is how to tame your bird and train it" stuff. With all of my birds I have found that just spending time getting to know their unique personalities is much more beneficial. Birds tend to be SO different from each other.....and if you learn to read their body language, and what they try to commicate to you, their likes and dislikes and their sounds and chirps....you can tell what they want, what they like, and once you try to accomodate that, and once a bond starts to form.....they really do start to understand us more too. With Pip when I wanted him to get off of the tiels cage and go back to his, I had a hard time reaching up there all the way to the back, so what I did was I grabbed one of my boyfriend's baseball caps and used that to reach to the back of the cage to kinda shoo him off. It's soft if it touches him, and it was just something laying around that seemed to come in handy at the time......now....all I have to do is show Pip that baseball hat and he knows what it means! it means, get back over to your own cage! and I don't even have to do anything anymore......just hold up that hat so he sees it, and he goes!
I suppose all of that training stuff can be helpful......I guess I just like to find my own way and learn what works for my birds on my own.
The correct way to handle and pet your parrot??? that was one of them on there.....well....Pip doesn't like being handled or being pet, so sometimes alot of those things just don't even apply to certain birds. Plus I think all of that stuff just comes naturally.....not something you teach...it's something you learn from your bird.....I believe that my bird is my best teacher!!

02-05-2009, 07:41 AM
I can't watch the videos right now, I'm in class :P but i have seen their horseback riding videos and these people are the farthest thing from experts, the so called "experts" for riding can barely ride themselves and "teach" incorrect methods as well as promote dangerous practices.
I'm going to assume these videos follow in that fashion.

02-05-2009, 08:02 AM
Ack!!!!!!! I've not seen this site before and it's not one that I would recommend to anyone. I looked at two of the videos, after being forced to also view the advertising for 15 seconds, and all I found was misinformation.

The first one I viewed was giving your lovebird seeds as treats! Even you pellet manufacturers will tell you that at least 20% of the total diet needs to be fresh food. All the lovebird had in the food dish was straight pellets! Poor bird. Not a very interesting diet at all..... Avian vets are finding that seed needs to be part of the diet of small birds and that pellets should not make up more than 40%. I use a varied diet of seed, fresh food and about 10% pellets. I've got quite a number of "senior" citizens so I must be doing something right!

The other video I watched was the one regarding leg bands and microchipping. I agree that leg bands are optional but lovebirds are too small to microchip.

I'm not impressed......