View Full Version : Cage freak out

02-05-2009, 07:28 PM
When Im home I give Luka the option of coming out of her cage. The door comes down so she can stand on it. anyway, today was a busy day for her and she was pretty social - she was out of her cage for roughly 5 hours. she loves being out and on her play gym. well I just put her back in her cage and she is doing what I now call the 'cage dance'. She runs back and forth on the floor of the cage very very fast.

I let her out earlier when she did this (she walked out and fell right asleep) and i know this time she's just going to come out and sleep, and i dont want to re-enforce that her throwing a fit means she can come out.

Anyone experience this before?

02-05-2009, 07:36 PM
That's a form of birdie communication and it's not something you can reinforce. A lot of birds do it so it's not uncommon. Paying attention to her will reinforce the trust relationship. At least she knows you recognize what she's trying to tell you!

02-05-2009, 08:07 PM
Baby does this too. But, she's become accustomed to me letting her out first thing, so she will only resort to FRANTIC cage dancing if she feels I'm ignoring her...gotta admit, it is really cute when they do that :whistle: You can almost hear them saying: "lemme out, lemme out, oh please! lemme out....gotta get out, gotta get out, oh please! lemme out!"

02-05-2009, 08:40 PM
hee hee! sunnybird does the li'l dash along hte bottom of the cage too... and she also stands on a cup and shakes the whole thing.... lol!

Pips mom
02-05-2009, 09:30 PM
What is it with lovebirds?? I think they are the most impatient birds when to coming out of their cage! and boy do they know how to express what they want! Pip's the same way.....he beats up on his toys and bangs his bell til it falls to the bottom, then proceeds to lift up his front door. Definitely can hear them say.....Lemme outm lemme out!!!

02-06-2009, 12:25 AM
I guess you could say that it's because of the "cage freak out dance" that I am a lovie slave :happy: Nineteen years ago I visited a family who had a human child who needed speech therapy & a lovebird child who needed to be re-homed. (I didn't know at the time that the bird needed a new home, nor even what kind of bird it was!) They had covered the bird's cage prior to my first visit so he wouldn't interrupt my assessment of the child. But, of course, there were about 6 or 7 inches at the bottom of the cage that weren't covered. So you know what I saw! This beautiful little bird (& he was beautiful--half masked, half peach faced) doing an amazing "cage feak out dance" with extreme exhuberance. He chamed me from the top of my head to the bottoms of my feet. :happy: It was truly love at first sight. And every week I visited, he charmed me more. It was like he had a magnet that just drew me to his cage. A few weeks after I first met him the lady asked me if I would like to have him! She said she had friends who wanted him but she had been looking for the "right person" & she decided that person was me :happy::happy::happy: No rehoming fee, cage & all the trimings included! And the most amazing part of this--which the woman did not know--four days before she offered my very first lovie to me, I had had to have my 10 year-old budgie sent to the Rainbow Bridge because the vet couldn't aleviate the suffering her ovarian cancer was causing :very_sad: That lovie is now at the Rainbow Bridge with my beloved budgie, but I am still a hopeless lovebird slave...as you all know :whistle: And I still love to watch a good cage feakout dance :rofl:

02-06-2009, 07:13 AM
Bubblelady, what a beautiful story!

Kiwi does this too, and Daisy before her. It's so hard to resist!

02-06-2009, 10:23 AM
We have several versions of the freak out dance at our house. It's just so nice knowing they want to come out to be with us. Mostly we have pacers, but then there is:

- Quigley who gets on his triangle swing and moves his head back and forth as fast as he can making noise on the cage bars.

- Holly who picks up the edge of their little saucer and drops it so it makes lots of noise.

- And Ariel who sings little trills as loudly as she can.

- And Jasper and Sophie who start ringing their bells like crazy.

- And, of course, Buddy who picks up the edge of the coop cup and lets it drop back into place so it makes noise.

My gosh! You should hear all of this going on at once. It does get our attention.

And - they call this NORMAL lovebird behavior!!! :rofl: