View Full Version : New lovebird...

02-08-2009, 07:12 PM
Hi everyone - I have come to accept Luka's death although I am still heartbroken. I knew that I wanted to get another lovebird and were going to do that as soon as we can, the house just seems quiet and empty without a bird here!! I was going to get another pied peachface but I feel like I am only doing that to replace Luka (I told my breeder I wanted one that looked exactly like her). My breeder told me that she has a very sweet Lutino that would fit me perfectly. My bf saw pictures and is very excited, as am I, but I don't know if I want one that isnt pied.

I KNOW I shouldn't be getting a new bird based on its COLOR of all things and I am more than likely probably going to get this bird, but do you think me being somewhat resistant to lutino is just because Im grieving? I honestly don't think I could have a pied in this house anyway, it'd hurt too much.

Hope that made sense!! lol

02-08-2009, 09:37 PM
you know, don't rush into it if you are not ready. people do get birds based on mutations, but you know what? looks aren't everything. my joey is a plain old seagreen. nothing fancy about his coloring, but you know what? I wouldn't trade him in for anything in the world. i think you are being a bit resistant cuz you are grieving. it's okay. you should grieve and don't be so hard on yourself okay?

Hugs and kisses, Thou.

02-08-2009, 10:25 PM
I figured out its not that the bird isnt pied and is lutino - that isnt the issue. The issue is that I am very scared to get attatched to another bird because I dont know if what happened to Luka could happen again. Im going to get a necropsy done tomorrow on Luka because if it is polyoma than I obviously can't get another bird from my breeder without running the same risk.

02-08-2009, 10:39 PM
i'm glad you figured out what's bothering you. i understand where you are coming from and i agree that you should find out what happened to luka first before getting the lutino.

Pips mom
02-08-2009, 11:29 PM
PLEASE find out what happened to Luka first before bringing another bird home. I have heard of two stories where someone did this and the second bird died as well......one just recently on here. If it was me, I would be very hesitant and cautious to bring another bird home too soon without being sure because it has to be just terrible to go through another loss all over again.

02-09-2009, 03:06 AM
I would not be making any decisions about a new lovie until you find out what happened to Luka. If the results return Polyomavirus, you can't get another bird from this breeder. Keep in mind that it can happen again (even if unlikely) if you get another lovie as young as Luka was.

I, personally, have not had Polyomavirus in my aviary since 1995 but one particularly devestating incident taught me what that disease is like! There seems to be more of it around lately and I'm not sure why. Breeders aren't testing and most don't keep closed aviaries. Everytime I go to a show and am tempted to buy a young, absolutely adorable baby, my mind reflects back to those 24 hrs when I lost 3 weaning age baby Abbys and that jolts me back to reality!

By all means, get another lovebird but be very careful about which one.

02-09-2009, 09:18 AM
My avian vet isnt in the office today!!! The nurse there said they can't do anything without him there, but that he will be in tomorrow. Im worried too much time is elapsing.

They were able to tell me that a necropsy is $130.00. How long does it take to get the results?

02-09-2009, 09:26 AM
Polyomavirus leaves distinctive internal marks so it's quite possible that they can still get something from the remains. Pathology may no longer be accurate but I would at least let them do a look/see. Usually results from just an internal examination are available as soon as the necropsy is done. Testing can take up to several days, even weeks.

If you want the remains back to bury yourself, you will need to make that very clear to the vet's office.

02-09-2009, 12:50 PM
the nurse called me back, gave me the bird vets line and told me to call him (i think she sensed the urgency in my voice when i talked to her this morning) and he asked me to give him a background on Luka, what she ate, where her cage was, etc. I gave him my breeders background and she even called him herself to give her background as a breeder (which I think is awesome of her) and then we came across what might be the culprit of Lukas death.

I told my vet about the space heater I used near Lukas cage. He told me to inspect it and look for burns, melted spots, etc. I didn't see any on the heater itself - but then I looked at the shelf that lukas cage was on I saw burns and melted spots on the leg, nearly halfway up. I started crying and called the vet back. He told me that the heater probably melted the plastic and caused some very dangerous fumes for Luka to inhale. He said it probably took a few days but eventually killed her, considering birds are so sensitive to smells, etc.

My mourning has begun again. I can't believe I could've been so stupid as to not check that heater or what was surrounding it. My dr. said I could still do the necropsy but he's pretty positive it was the space heater.

Well at least I know it wasn't polyoma but it doesn't make it easier considering it was completely something I did. I am glad my breeder doesn't have to shut down her aviary either.

Lesson learned I guess, although thats a tough pill to swallow:(

02-13-2009, 03:01 PM
Hindsight is 20/20, but I think you a great birdy parent to worry about not bringing a new baby home until you found out what happened. At least you cared enough to rule out the possibilities and find out before a new baby was brought home. Just think about how heart broken you would be if two died the same way.

When you're ready for a new lovie your heart will let you know and it will have a safe and loving home waiting on it at your home.*hugs*