View Full Version : Lukas death was my fault?

02-08-2009, 10:32 PM
Luka died sometime saturday morning so its been well over 24 hours but Im going to go and take her to the avian vet tomorrow for a necropsy before I get my new bird from my breeder - just to be sure there isn't a spread of polyma. Hopefully its not too late they will be able to look at her and figure something out (they werent open saturday). She's in my fridge at the moment staying cool.

I was thinking - Lukas death could have been entirely my fault. I had her cage in a corner where there were 2 windows on either side. Both windows were pretty drafty but we kept the cage half covered when night fell (during the day it was fine) and we had a space heater very close to keep some heat. Not only that but our front door was right near her cage too. We rarely use our front door but I did in the past week to come and go and Im wondering if she got a draft and got sick. I will never forgive myself if the window drafts caused her death. We checked for carbon minoxide and there wasnt any. There are also two heat registers under the windows so it wasnt THAT cold but she could have caught a cold.

Is this a plausible cause of death?

Pips mom
02-09-2009, 12:15 AM
I wouldn't think that any drafts would have caused this.....but I would look more into that space heater. I have heard that some are not safe. I used two different ones though in the living room with my birds when we were getting a new furnace, and they seemed fine. It's good that you are trying to get answers as to why this happened.....I have a feeling that it may end up easing your mind that it was not anything you did wrong.

02-09-2009, 04:09 AM
What brand of space heater do you have? I know oil filled radiants are OK and Holmes brand is fine.

I don't think drafts were an issue.

02-09-2009, 11:37 AM
Drafts were likely not an issue. Pretty Bird has lived in his cage next to a pretty drafty window for at least 4 years. He typically have a blanket over the cage where the window is though and as long as the house is heated it would have been fine.