View Full Version : Can a lovie and a CAG get along?

02-09-2009, 10:56 AM
Me and my boyfriend have been talking about getting a Congo African Grey. While I love the idea of nnot being frightened of crushing the poor things bones so much as I would with a smaller bird, and having the chance of maybe having an intelligent conversation (well, four year old) with my bird... I still love lovebirds. (How can you not? they have love in their name!)

So, I was wondering, can a lovebird and a CAG live together? If not, what kind of birds can a lovebird live with? Or even can a CAG live with.

02-09-2009, 11:34 AM
I've had a number of customers buy tame lovebirds as companions for their African Greys! However, as with any birdie friendship, the two birds must form the relationship because they want to, not because we want them to. If you have one of each, they may or may not get along. Nothing is a given.

Right now, I'm watching Harley, my TAG, getting to know Magellan, one of my most adventurous lovie hens!!!!! Harley has been going over to Magellan's cage for about 3 weeks now and Magellan has been ignoring him because Magellan already has a mate. However, this morning, I looked over and saw Harley with his head against the side of Magellan's cage and Magellan was preening Harley through the bars! I'm staying out of this one, as I'm not sure where this is all going. No one seems upset by anything so it's just wait and see.

02-09-2009, 11:41 AM
It was more of a matter of fear the that CAG might kill the lovie. Not so much if their personalities would get along. Because just like people we have to like the other person to want to bother.

I've heard in that past that if lovebirds dont like something or someone they will definitely let you know! Juuuuust curious though.

I'd like to get the CAG first and then perhaps ASK him/her (assuming s/he wants to speak, which is fine if s/he doesnt) if s/he wants another birdie companion. I think they should have a choice really instead of being invaded upon.

I'm also a bit frightened because my boyfriend is a dog person and I'm a bird person. He wants to get a picardy blue spaniel and I'm hoping that they also wont be spazzes at each other. I've heard too many horror stories.

02-09-2009, 07:31 PM
My CAG grabbed my lovebird, Petie last October. We came close to loose Petie. To this day, Petie still cannot fly.

Max also accidently killed my lovebird Blu. If you get a CAG, you have to do it with the expectation that something CAN go wrong and with the understanding that you cannot blame the birds. As with any two species co-existing, you must understand that you are forcing a co- existance that would not exist in the wild.