View Full Version : my scared babies

02-11-2009, 11:44 AM
My new lovebirds are doing ok - clinging to the side of their new cage but ok nonetheless. I have my friend coming to pick up one in the next few days and it will leave me with only one bird, which I wanted.

I was told that these birds have been handled but I don't know if that is the case. They are terrified of me & scream at me if I come close - I went and changed their water today and one just flew and bit me! No idea why, I went really slow - Is this just a reaction to the changes they have been through in the past few days? Also, will it only get worse because I will be separating them? I cannot keep two, it is not an option for me because my friend really wants this bird and I only want one. But I DO feel badly that I will be separating them because they are clutch mates! They are young, 8 weeks, so I believe they will have ample time to adjust to the change of being separated.

Im doing all the right things - sitting next to the cage, talking to them and listening to soft music. Being my first time with a bird I'm not really sure the process of them getting to know you and likewise. I don't want to rush things! Thanks guys.

02-11-2009, 06:11 PM
Well my lovey lost his buddy today - my friend came and got it. He(or she) has been all over the cage playing with things and jumping around, Im sure it's looking for his friend. I just sit next to the cage and let him be. I also took my lovey to the vet this evening and had him sexed *FINGERS CROSSED FOR A BOY*!! I could know in 2 days or two weeks, so we'll see!

In the meantime am I doing the right things just letting him get used to me by sitting here?

02-11-2009, 07:42 PM
Well, let's look at it from the birdie point of view.

Your birdie is in a safe place, but it is strange. Strange people....strange smells. He/she will probably be timid at first....I don't think any of us on here HAVEN'T had that problem!

And now, his/her friend is missing! I am sure that panic is ensuing because he/she is scared of more change that might happen.

What worked for me was this, (please note....this might not work for you) I sat on the steps next to my birdie's cage....and was quiet. I gently called his name over and over and walked a little closer every time. I did this 3 times a day for about 20 minutes for a week. I also would move his cage closer to the kitchen at meal time, because flock-mates all eat together! Enemies don't eat together. Then while I was eating...I would slip some sunflower seeds through the cage. It really sparked some interest and Cherry slowly came down off of the perch and would accept the seeds I had for him. After about a week, I opened the door to his cage and walked away. I let him decide when he wanted to come out, and he did when he was ready. He hopped up the flight of steps and totally wandered around my house, looking in each room. I followed him, showing him that he was the boss and I was his "flock friend" hanging with him. We did this every day for about a week three times a day as well.

About 2 weeks after that, I had him riding on my shoulder. Cherry will tolerate being picked up, but he much prefers to sit on my shoulder and look at the world around him. Birds are like kids. Some kids are huggy, some aren't. I have one of each kind of kid, why wouldn't a birdie be any different?

It will take some time, and it is hard to be patient because we want to pick them up right away. That may or may not happen, but the more you work with the bird -- the better it will be around you!

Good luck!