View Full Version : The sweetest and funniest lovebird ever...

02-13-2009, 04:32 PM
A while back I posted about adopting a disabled lovebird Angeli, to be a friend for my Jackson. She has severely splayed legs and cannot walk at all. She is an excellent flyer and lands anywhere she pleases.

Jackson and her are totally in love and very bonded already. Jackson was clipped before I adopted him and when he met Angeli he could not fly. When Jackson falls off the cage and ends up on the floor, Angeli flies down to him and stays by his side until I go to pick him up.

My budgie Twinkie had a prolapsed uterus a couple of weeks ago and had to be in a seperate room for a week to quell the egg laying. Angeli had never been in my bedroom before and on the first day Twinkie was in that bedroom Angeli flew all the way to that back bedroom and landed on Twinkie's cage and spent alot of time with her. She flew back and forth all that week to spend time with her.

While Angeli's in the bedroom, Jackson tried to get to her and got underneath and behind the guinea pig cages and couldn't find his way out. Angeli flew to the living room upon hearing his cries and sat on the ceiling fan until she figured out where he was. She flew where he was and showed him how to climb up on top of the cage.

Now, they both spend lots of time in the living room flying between the two large guinea pig cages. Jackson's flight feathers are coming in, yeah! Angeli has figured out that she loves the pig's timothy hay and goes and finds it sticking thru the top of the cages and helps herself. The other night I fed the pigs their cut up celery and I caught Angeli on the inside of the cage edging down to try and "share" some celery with them. You could just see it in her eyes that they should be sharing with her.

Angeli also loves to hang from a wrought iron mirror I have in the living room. She hangs down enough to see herself and head bobs the mirror and makes "kissy" noises to herself. It's so sweet. She has also learned to land on the kitchen counter tops, microwave and refridgerator.

Just thought I'd share a few stories about my new sweet girl. I just love her so much and Jackson does too. She has brought so much happiness into the household. We are always watching to see what she does next.:happy:

02-13-2009, 04:39 PM
awww what good stories! It's good to hear that your birds are looking out for one another - i bet thats super fun to watch!

02-13-2009, 05:12 PM
Hi, Awww, what a sweet story! Thanks for sharing!

Barb :)

02-13-2009, 05:41 PM
A double miracle and freindly lovie and a hen to boot!

02-13-2009, 05:46 PM
what a sweet sweet lovebird she is. i would love to see photos of your flock. funny cuz i was just thinking of your angeli the other day.

02-13-2009, 06:11 PM
That is so sweet! :happy:

02-13-2009, 06:11 PM
I have taken lots of pictures of them together and separately. I even have a video clip of them taking a bath in a budgie bath tub. I also got a video of Jackson climbing up the plastic rod that turns the mini blinds today. I'll post them in the pictures section for everyone to see. Angeli doesn't seem to mind me taking her pictures. I guess she knows what a pretty "diva" she is.

02-13-2009, 06:18 PM
well, i'm excited to see her!!! Try not to rush okay? Haha

02-13-2009, 06:20 PM
i just love reading these sweet sweet stories. give her loads of kisses from me will ya?

02-13-2009, 07:01 PM
What a wonderful story! Just one thing sent up a red flag, however. Wrought iron is frequently coated with lead based paints. I've heard of parrots who died after being housed in wrought iron cages. Unless you know for sure there is no lead based paint on your mirror, it needs to go to a room where birdies never go! Better safe than sorry. Lead is deadly to lovies--and other parrots. Which reminds me, I asked at the vet about the parrotlet that got lead poisoning from a Christmas stained glass sun catcher. She isn't out of the woods yet but things are looking up & she is definitely doing better. If any of you remember that post :)

02-13-2009, 07:10 PM
That's a great story - how wonderful that she and Jackson have become so bonded!! Now - did someone mention pictures???? :):)

02-13-2009, 08:28 PM
Thank you so much for the warning about wrought iron. I didn't think about it being harmful. I don't think she eats on it, but why take a chance with a precious little girl. It will be taken down before she comes out of the cage again.

I am going to go post some of their pictures right now under the pictures section. Beware, I love taking lots of pictures of my lovies and budgies.

02-13-2009, 09:47 PM
That is SUCH a cute story and what a wonderful personality she has!! So sweet!!

02-16-2009, 12:10 PM
I love to hear about birds that have birth defects and how they are just as busy and happy as a perfectly normal bird! Wonderful story!!