View Full Version : too early for bed?

02-13-2009, 05:44 PM
My little one has been getting ready between 6:30-7pm. Is this too early? I mean he does get up around 7:30-8am every day so I guess it makes sense. I guess I just see it as so early - probably because I dont go to bed until 11pm-midnight. The sun goes down at roughly 6:15 so I guess if he's going by the sun than he's right? Will it change around summer?

I just want to make sure he's on a sleep schedule & isn't sick or something. But since the day I got him, sure enough when the clock gets between 6:30-7 he goes right into his happy hut and thats it till morning! lol - it's adorable though to see him all snuggled!!:)

02-13-2009, 08:17 PM
Ever hear the phrase...."goes to bed with the chickens"? And chickens are....birds, right? At the Monterey Bay Aquarium the aviary hours are determined by the sun, not the Aquarium schedule. It is open till 6:00 P.M. in the late spring, summer, and early fall. It closes at 5:30 in the late fall and early spring. And at 5:00 P.M. in the winter. And when the aquarium is open for an evening event, no matter the season, the aviary is closed and hidden behind dark shades to keep the light from the aquarium from disturbing the birds. The penguin exhibit is open till six, year round, but it, too, is closed for evening events. Our birdies are smart...they tell time by the sun, not the clock! Twelve hours sleep isn't too much. We could learn a lesson from our babies :)