View Full Version : LOL I got them

08-06-2005, 01:30 PM
But they are not love birds..lol. They are a pair of Parakeets.lol. I will take pictures later. Anyone know any sites about them? I have no idea if they were handled as they were brought to me by my dad.We were late getting there and he was nice enough to bring them to me.


08-06-2005, 01:37 PM
Yeah! Non lovebiridies :D. I still think your lucky. I've been wanting a budgie for a couple years but my hubby always says NO!

08-06-2005, 01:54 PM
Budgies are wonderful birds to live with. I myself, have a nine year old English Budgie, who I've had since he was 44 days old. I also just recently purchased a regular Budgie, who is only about four months old now. Do you know if you have English, or regular budgies? The English Budgies are much larger in size, and the feathers look a bit longer. When puffed up, they look 'grumpy', I guess you could say. Do you know how old they are? If they're old enough, you'll be able to determine the gender just by looking at the cere (fleshy part above they're beaks) if they aren't lutinos. The male's will be blue, while the females' will be brownish (sometimes whitish) in colour. It's hard to tell with the lutinos, as ceres on both genders tend to be pinkish to purplish.

Here's one site that you can find a few interesting facts on. (http://www.budgieworld.net/)

I know a bit about them having been around them since I was born, so feel free to ask me any questions, and I'll do my best to help you out.

08-06-2005, 02:13 PM
TY so very much for the offer. I will take you up on it trust me..lol. I am not sure type but when i get back I will look. they do have rather long tails. They are so beautiful i keep staring.


08-10-2005, 09:20 PM
Hey Steph.....that is still wonderful.....parakeets will entertain themselves and chat with each other......their chatter is almost musical...you will really enjoy them.....sometimes they can be trained to talk if they are young....I've never had the time to try.....but they are still very entertaining.....I let mine out of the cages....one pair will step up for me.....the other pair are only stick trianed.

08-10-2005, 09:44 PM
Heh, yeah, I've trained (well, my family and I) my older budgie to talk, and it's very enjoyable to listen to. It isn't like a parrot, but more jarbled. He also won't talk on command, but only when HE feels like talking. Since I got him when he was very young, it was relatively easy to train him. Your budgies look a bit older, so it will be more difficult to train them. But you should attempt just the same. :)

Buy A Paper Doll
08-10-2005, 10:58 PM

My sister has 2 parakeets, a pair of feisty little hens. They are sooooo fun to watch with their strong little personalities. They don't share well so there are 2 of EVERYthing in the cage. When they have a disagreement, they go to their respective mirrors and talk smack to the birdy in the mirror about their cagemate. It's the cutest thing.

As a matter of fact, it was almost a year ago now that I had those 2 parakeets staying with me for a week, and that's what made me decide to get birds of my own. :)