View Full Version : Buddy Update

02-14-2009, 05:44 PM
Welll, it wasn't the soap after all. It was a bruise. That became obvious as the color changed. I had forgotten about the fall Buddy had had a day or two before I noticed the swollen eye/face. She had had a seizure while I was in the kitchen--uncarpeted--and fell out of the bottom of my shirt & onto the floor :( The vet & I discussed options, since Buddy's arthritis has reached the point where she can hardly hold on anymore, even when she isn't seizing--she had 2 more seizures yesterday :(:( The vet is going to do some research to see if there is an anti-pain med we can safely give her without risking further liver compromise. She also cautioned me to prevent all falls, since blood clotting factors are liver related so that at Buddy's age & health, a fall is a really risky thing--not that it is a good thing for any birdie! So, from now on I will continue to wear 2 shirts with Buddy sandwiched between them but will also be sure the inner shirt is tucked in. Something my vet suggested that I hadn't thought of. I feel so bad for not being more careful with my poor little old lady. On a happier note, she is eating well & gained back 2 of the 3 grams she had lost recently. She's back up to 59 grams! So, even if she looks pathetically small with her thinning feathers and all-but-non-existant tail, she isn't exactly wasting away! My brave little birdie!!!!

02-14-2009, 06:18 PM
oh buddy!!! I do hope she'll get better. i hate birdie falls. i'm glad she's gained some weight back

02-14-2009, 06:46 PM
Poor Buddy - it's not easy getting older, but she is such a little fighter. I hope she starts feeling better soon.

02-14-2009, 08:11 PM
poor little dear. it just makes me smile to think of her having such a happy life though! much better to live it out with people who love you than alone in the dark and friendless!

02-14-2009, 11:04 PM
awwww-poor Buddy!! I'm sending hugs and prayers to you and Buddy from me and Zoe...we are thinking of you both!!!

02-15-2009, 12:13 AM
Aww little buddy!! As someone stated, while getting older is never easy at least it is being spent in the company of very loving companions!! All the best to both of you = )

02-15-2009, 12:28 AM
Thanks...and she certainly is loved! I've never had children with hair, but it's hard to imagine loving a kid more than I love this fid! She really is the standout of all the birdies I've had in the past 60 years. Gussie wants to love her, too. She wants to preen Buddy sooooooo badly. I think I mentioned elsewhere that Gussie now sneaks up behind Buddy and preens her back and the top of her head, ever so gently, while Buddy is distracted by eating--out of my hand, of course. I really think Buddy knows it's Gussie & not me messing with her back. She turns her head slightly every so often, makes a threatening beak gesture, Gussie backs off, Buddy goes back to eating, and Gussie returns to her gentle preening. I do think that Buddy would eventually come to tollerate--if not become fond of-- Gussie, given enough time. I just don't think we are going to have enough time together for that to happen. :( We shall see, we shall see. All I can do is cherish every day that Buddy is still with me. :)

02-15-2009, 12:30 AM
aww poor little girl!! At least there is a solution for now!!

02-15-2009, 12:52 AM
aawww.... hugs and blessing on the tough li'l lady!

02-15-2009, 11:54 AM
Aw. I'm sorry to hear about Buddy's fall. It seems no matter how hard we try, we can't keep them safe from everything. At least you know the causes of her most recent problems and have a plan to make sure it less likely to happen again.

I don't blame you for lovin' up on that little girl. She's a totally sweet girl!

02-15-2009, 12:58 PM
I am sorry to hear that Buddy is having seizures and had a nasty fall. I hope she feels better soon.

I feel for you as I can see Squeaky doesn't always have the balance that he used to. Sometimes, he loses his balance a bit and takes a little tumble too. My vet thinks that he may have some arthritis. I know how precious each day is with our elderly fids! I hope that we both have many more days with our elder birdies.

Hugs for you and Buddy!