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02-15-2009, 12:53 AM
Well look at me I couldn't even stay away for a week! :rofl:

Luka's death was certainly traumatic for both myself and my bf but we feel that after the nice burial we did and the time we've had to mourn that we will soon be ready to adopt another fid. It's funny, after what happened on Monday I figured that it would be a very long time until I would be able to accept another lovey but it has come easier since I decided to really let go of Luka and I HAD to keep telling myself it WAS NOT MY FAULT. My boyfriend and I have started looking here & there for a new bird - my breeder won't have one for almost 8 weeks since she JUST had new babies. I don't know if I can wait that long! Waiting two weeks for Luka nearly killed me!

We are making the decision to have it sexed before we get it, we both would like a male, it's just our preference. & something bright colored!! Other than that, only time will tell.

Honestly though I LOVE this board & I enjoyed so much to post and talk with people and get answers to all my silly newbird owner questions! I was on here lurking in the shadows until tonight when my boyfriend said "gese just go back already & post something!" lol. He told me that were going to have a new bird eventually so I might as well hype everybody up! (so true) So here I am!! I hope everyones weekend is going wonderfully and hopefully I will have bird news soon!! & I'm keeping my avatar because Luka is still very much in my heart & I want to keep her as my little lovey angel.

02-15-2009, 10:16 AM
Welcome back! Good luck with finding a new lovie. Keep us posted on how it goes. :)

02-15-2009, 11:24 AM
i'm glad you're back :)

02-15-2009, 11:40 AM
Yep! Welcome back! I'm glad you guys have decided to bring another lovie into your life......I thought I'd throw out the idea of looking for a rescue or second hand lovie. While some rescues may be wild, there are truly some great rescue and second hand birdies out there.

Good Luck in your lovie search:):)

02-15-2009, 11:45 AM
Yea I think a rescue bird would be neat - my bf said he knows some people who have birds that they no longer can look after so we might look there and see what they have. I would feel better knowing they are going to a good home!

02-15-2009, 01:01 PM
A re-homed or rescued birdie is a great idea! I got my Ducky from someone who needed to re-home him and I never imagined that I would get such a sweet cuddle bug lovie! I hope it works out as well for you!

Pips mom
02-15-2009, 01:36 PM
I totally agree......my first bird came from a pet store, but after that each one was a re-homed bird from a previous home. One benefit of that also is that they usually come with a name, so you don't have to come up with one! (I was never too good coming up with a name, Woody took me six weeks!!!) Pip came from a previous owner and home, as did Ivy....both were very nice people and families wanting to do the best they could for their birds. Also my female cockatiel came from a rescue. I really like the idea of giving a bird out there who needs one a good home, and I like the feeling you get seeing the previous owners happy that they have found a good one! I still keep in touch with both Pip's and Ivy's previous owner with pics and updates from time to time! And Pip's previous owner has always been welcome here to come visit anytime since he's closeby. Each bird was also young, so it's not like you are getting an older bird, they still have just as many years left as a baby, and if I had it to do all over again, I'd do it just the same way! A bird is a bird.....and they can't help it if they're first home just wasn't the right home for them!

02-15-2009, 04:07 PM
I'm sooooo glad you're back. You clearly are meant to be a parront. And I agree about the rescue bird idea. And that way you'll be past the polyomavirus danger phase. I'm reading & posting backwards today & I see that half my blurb from my last post (under New Species) really belongs here. Hopefully it will be a while yet, but I, too, am planning on becoming a parront of a rescue lovie--or two :happy:

02-15-2009, 05:09 PM
Yaaaayyyy....So glad your back. I have 4 lovies and 3 of them are rescue's. 2 are from the same clutch and they came from a yound man that was eaving for college. My last rescue is Phoenix, we adopted him from phoenix landing. He is 4 years old and he was rescued from a horder/breeder. rescues are wonderful. Good luck with your search.

02-15-2009, 07:05 PM

My boyfriend & I celebrated Valentines Day today because we had company here over the weekend - now I know why he was pushing so hard for me last night to come back to these boards...


We went and ran errands & went shopping earlier this afternoon & then he said we needed to make a stop at his friends. Turns out it's his buddies gf's house who has lovies. So we go in and Im talking to the gf about Luka and eventually getting lovey, etc. She showed me her new addition, a roughly 3 month old peachface who was super adorable and let me pet her beak! So we leave and go about our day, end up going to dinner a few hours ago and we just got back. SO Im doing the routine, letting the dogs out, checking for damage from the puppy (i know some of you know what I'm talking about!) and my bf says "We should turn the porch light on" so I go in the front room and turn on the light and I see my bird cage all set up which REALLY confused me. & I turn on a light in the room & look in the cage and my bf is standing there & he says "a lovey for my lovie on valentines day!" and there is the peachface from his friends gf's house!!! AND IT'S MINE!!:very_sad: (tears of joy)

Turns out the girl got the peachface as a mate for her bird but I guess the old bird nearly killed the new bird & it was a big disaster - she even got it sexed at her vet to see if they were the same sex and being territorial. My bf talked to her bf at work and my boyfriend thought "PERFECT!" and here we are with a wonderful new addition. Isn't it absolutely amazing how the world works?

I can't believe my bf did this - that little sneak!!! When we went to the house earlier it was so my bf could give his buddy a house key so when we were out he could bring in the bird for a surprise & so he could see how I reacted to the bird. He said Dawn should find out this week if its a boy or a girl but that they were pretty sure it was a boy. We will see!! I am calling him (or her, who knows!) Gussie. The first thing I said to him after my shock wore off was "hi gus gus" :)

I definitely have been crying a little - a little out of absolute love for my bf and new little Gussie, but also because Im a little worried having a new baby here! I'm going to take it day by day - & post pictures soon!

02-15-2009, 07:14 PM
Fantastic!!! What a lucky girl you are--a feathered Lovey AND a human Lovey.:happy: They both sound like keepers to me. And I LOVE the name. :rotfl Offically, my Gussie is Gingus, but I call her Gus Gus, too. :rofl: She has been DNA tested as a hen,'though her breeder thought she was a boy. So I guess you and I will have to refer to Gussie the Girl & Gussie the Boy (maybe) to keep 'em straight. We eagerly await photos And congratulations. I'm sure this will be a case of "The third time's the charm!" :happy:

02-15-2009, 07:51 PM
haha bubblelady I didn't know yours is Gussie too!! I swear I didn't steal the name! Yea I am hoping for a boy but Im already attatched (just watching it sleep stole my heart) so it won't matter anyway!

02-15-2009, 09:38 PM
awwwww....congrats.......thats exciting!

02-15-2009, 09:56 PM
I keep going and checking on him sleep, it's so cute he's all cuddled in his happy hut - I'm being so invasive!! & I'm totally taking the day off tomorrow!!!! hehehe

Oh & quick question: do birds usually sit pretty low in their happy huts when they first get in? I noticed that when we put Gus to bed tonight he sat kinda low before he tucked his head back - maybe I have a girl on my hands? or the norm?

02-15-2009, 10:26 PM
wow!!!! that is so sweet of your boyfriend. i wanna see photos of him!!!

02-16-2009, 12:35 AM
Mine always sit really low..... A I am 4 of them...I'm bound to ahve a male in there some where.... lol. I think they just feel nice and snuggly. I am so happy for you.

02-16-2009, 02:25 AM
Congrats. Can't wait to see photos!

02-16-2009, 08:14 AM
Hi and congrats on your new lovie!

Barb :)

02-16-2009, 09:19 AM
Awww, your bf is such a sweetie! Congratulations on your new lovie Gussie. :) Can't wait to see pics. :happy:

02-16-2009, 10:18 AM
awwww how fun, a new lovey!

02-16-2009, 10:27 AM
Thanks everyone! It has warmed up to me pretty well so far. It seems to be stick trained so this morning I took it out and put it atop its cage so it could just watch for awhile. It flew to the floor a few times but I would just get the stick & put it back on the cage. It also loves millet! I used the clicker training and it's so cute because now when you click it looks all around wondering where the treats coming from! I can't complain though because it seems to be learning. It definitely won't let me come near it with my hands but it seems to forget I have hands if it sees millet! It walked over to me earlier looking at my fingers seeing if I had a treat, lol.

I'm not going to rush anything with Gus - but I won't lie I am EAGERLY waiting to see if it's a boy or a girl!! My friend at work was laughing becuase I am acting so stressed out about it. She told me "If you're this stressed out over the sex of a BIRD, what are you going to do when you have children?!"

hahahaha, how right she is!

02-16-2009, 06:11 PM

02-16-2009, 06:45 PM
Pictures will come soon - my camera is totally on the fritz right now but I might 'borrow' the one from work for a day and use that. soon, i promise!