View Full Version : we're getting there....

02-19-2009, 01:05 PM
We are still patiently awaiting Gus's sex results - we might have jumped the gun with a boy name! lol but at this point I don't think it's going to matter if he's a boy or a girl, he's a part of our family FOR SURE & I couldn't bear being without him. he's such a quiet, timid little guy and he just sits and watches us and hangs out. He chirps now if we leave a room and when we come back he's quiet - so we know he's chirping for us!! My bf & I both think he's a boy because he always sits with his feet soooo close together. I know this isn't a tell-tale sign for sure, but that's what we think!!:)

Today Gus was on his play gym and I started training him to let me touch his beak, using clicker training. The first few times he would open his beak but I was very persistent and now I can pet his beak without any hesitation on his part. I was amazed that it only took him 15 minutes to learn, but I believe that him trusting me played a big part in him learning. We will have to reenforce I'm sure, but we're getting there!

OMG & I promise I will post pictures soon - I've been trying to borrow a camera!!

02-19-2009, 04:17 PM
Way to go Gus!.......:happy:.......Way to go fidparents!......:happy:...................:D

02-20-2009, 04:59 PM
Hey i found a sure fire way to sex test them without dna!
It only works with lovebirds because sunshine is a bigot, but if you have a male sunshine will hang out with him and show him around etc if its a hen for sure sunshine will feed her and try to get his swishy on!
Works everytime!

02-20-2009, 05:04 PM
Hey i found a sure fire way to sex test them without dna!
It only works with lovebirds because sunshine is a bigot, but if you have a male sunshine will hang out with him and show him around etc if its a hen for sure sunshine will feed her and try to get his swishy on!

So, how does hangin' out with the guys but wantin' to "get it on" with the girls make Sunshine a "bigot" :confused: Sounds like a pretty typical male to me :rofl:

02-21-2009, 04:30 AM
Sounds like your typical gay lovebird suffering a slight gender complex................:)

02-21-2009, 08:38 PM
any results yet?

02-22-2009, 02:39 PM
no LuLu no results yet!! It's killing me to wait!! We contacted the previous owner and she said the vet told her at the most 2 weeks and she said that yesterday was 2 weeks!! Our luck they lost the sample or something, lol. I'm hoping to hear from them tomorrow, if not were just going to call.

02-22-2009, 02:53 PM
It's so hard to wait for the results. I just sent off my 6 babies blood for DNA'ing yesterday. Can't wait to see what they are and if my 'assumptions' are right...which I bet they are totally off base. The place I use emails you the prelims then sends out a certificate.