View Full Version : Mating??????

08-06-2005, 08:51 PM
Silly question---will a peach-faced and a black-masked mate??? They seem to be trying???

08-06-2005, 08:56 PM
Yes they can but it is not a good thing. Hybrids are not a thing you want to make as they can have health issues. I would separate them til you know gender and then only allow together if they are same sex.


08-07-2005, 12:10 PM
My Martha is a hybrid and she doesn't have any problems.

08-07-2005, 02:52 PM
Actually Taylor your bird is not one. Both her parents are same type. But a peach faced and masked are not.


08-07-2005, 03:12 PM
Any time you breed one species of lovebird to a totally different species, the resulting babies will be hybrids.

Hybrids introduce all sorts of health problems into the gene pool, as the illnesses that are specific to each will be magnified in the resulting offspring.

Most hybrids will be infertile so they will not be able to reproduce when they reach adulthood. They will be able to mate, and lay eggs, but the eggs will not hatch. This is especially true of any combination between an eyering species and a non-eyering species. Peachies are non-eyering, and masked are eyering species, so they should never be bred together.

They will mate if they can, and they will lay eggs, but all attempts should be made by their owners to prevent this.

08-08-2005, 09:49 AM
I have a black mask that is mated to a peachface. i also have another peachface that socializes with the first peach but not the black mask. this combination was their choice and I wouldn't seperate them. however, I will also never allow eggs from the pairing to hatch. my lovies are very happy with their arrangements (I haven't had them sexed so I couldn't tell you if I even will have a problem) and I won't disturb them, but I will boil any eggs that appear.

08-08-2005, 12:50 PM
I think that is an excellent idea.

Birdies choose their mates and those they love, and who are we to tear apart the friendships they cultivate.

As long as eggies don't hatch, they can be friends and mates for life.