View Full Version : Back from my Holiday

02-26-2009, 06:03 AM
Well, I went on a holiday.. three weeks.. went to China and Hong Kong. I've been home for a day now.

Elmo stayed with a friend off another bird board :). She took fantastic care of her... I can't believe how much can change with elmo in THREE weeks..

First of all.. SHE CAN FLY NOW!... I suspect that the "breeder" I got her from clipped her wings before she could learn to fly. She was flapping and flapping and could go about a meter before I left and now she can fly around my whole apartment. She basically learnt to fly in three weeks.. :happy:

She doesn't look incredibly strong but I guess practice will get her there :) I thought that once she got her wings she'd be flying everywhere all the time. my nannny's budgies when growing up would fly EVERYWHERE.. just for the sake of it. But elmo flies to people, her play pen and this turtle statue. She still prefers hanging out in her play gym and her turtle statue!!.. I was worried because mum has ornaments around the house and that she would hurt herself. But strangely enough she isnt interested.. well I guess not yet.

Second... she has become ALOT less bitey, she still doesn't enjoy hands. But when we left, when elmo would go on my mums legs, she would enjoy biting her legs but now she just enjoys sitting there.. and when she nibbles my ear she is significantly more gentle..

Third.. I never knew she was soo big.. compared to other lovies.. well.. she's either big boned... or has lots of junk in her trunk ;) I dont know whether she just grew when I was gone, or whether she was always like that and I didn't notice.

I was afraid when I came home that she would be terrified.. but I just left her door open and let her come out on her own. After half an hour she did.. It's as if now neither of us left.. but she has a more "nicer" personality!

Ahh.. It is good to have my baby back!!.. though one "not so good" thing.. shes alot more nosier now hahaha, my friend had lovies, (they were separate) and every morning they would "talk" to one another.. but now no one is there for her to talk too. Shes a little bit more clingy as well.. if I walk out of the room i get flocked called.. before I would have to be out of the room for a few minutes.. but when she doesn't have her eyes on me.. shes a bit crabby. ;)

Oh one more thing.. Elmo's new thing is to help open the mail.. we came back and a stack of mail and chew chew chew.. thank you elmo ;)!.. who needs a letter knife!

02-26-2009, 08:28 AM
Sounds like she missed you and appreciates that you're home!

I'm going away for two weeks in May and was worried, and Freyja and Odinn will be staying behind, so I'd worried... but everything I've heard from this board about similar situations has been very encouraging.

02-26-2009, 08:47 AM
I was terrified shed forgot who I was.. but she hasnt seem to have. :).. where are your fids staying when ur away? family? boarding house?

02-26-2009, 12:28 PM
Glad that your trip went well!! What a great vacation - 3 weeks of sightseeing? I bet it was beautiful. I hope that if I ever go away my little Gus remembers me! He seems to be getting more attatched by the day so I'm sure Elmo already knew you were her mommy before you left!!!

It's kind of like she grew up while you were gone, learning to fly and less bitey!! How cute to come home to see all these new things huh?

Pips mom
02-26-2009, 01:58 PM
Wow, that's great! I have had very good luck too with leaving my birds behind while away on vacation......I have been able to go on vacation too and not worry too much about the birds while I'm away....I do miss them though and I can play the the videos I have of them that are still on my camera when I miss them! My family mostly has taken my birds, but the first time we went away I had only Woody and we left him with a friend of my boyfriends who used to have birds.......he is blind, but he is very good at doing things like he is sighted, so that never bothered me at all! Also my next door neighbor is a life saver! They took Ivy for me last Aug. and they are close enough that we can lug her big cage over there and they have lots of room and two other birds and they took great care of her and she seemed comfortable there when I went to go get her when we got back.....of course, all the birdies area always very happy to be back home! Of course, they do remember where home is!
I wonder.......the person who watched Elmo for you.....is she the one I recommended to you? I was kinda hoping so since she is such a great parront to her own flock.
Glad you had such a great vacation! having that time to relax and have fun is good for you! and it's nice when you can do it without having to worry about your pets!

02-26-2009, 04:46 PM
Sorry Pip, It wasn't the person who you recommended, she was sincerely nice but I was afraid with her and elmo's biteyness. But thank you ever so much for asking for me :) The girl who took care of her, has had an array of birds of her own on her farm back home but since she's in the city she only has four lovebird breeders so she knows how to deal with the biteyness. As one of her female breeders used to be a play bird, but supposedly elmo is well behaved?.. When I took elmo over for a meet and greet prior to deciding, elmo actually bit her, but she didnt seem to flinch whereas I would. I'm sensitive ;)!

I went sight seeing for a week in Kunming, it was amazing to see everything, put my life in prospective ALOT... never shall I whinge about the lesser things in life.. ever. There are tribes there, where the most expensive thing you can buy is a TORCH.. if my phone battery dies.. it is NOT the end of the world..

But two weeks of shopping... oh.. sometimes I wonder if there really is a credit crisis.. esp when sales are on ;)

I feel a bit bad though, because now that I am back, I have had to go back to work and I have uni as well.. but the weekend we shall spend some quality time.

Last night, she just wanted to sit on my shoulders and crawl down my shirt.. normally when I have had enough or she is getting a bit too much, I put her on her play pen.. but now she just flies straight back to me!!.. I feel loved, but I worry about the plastic adjustor on my bra strap... shes into it a little bit TOO much..

02-26-2009, 05:44 PM
I feel loved, but I worry about the plastic adjustor on my bra strap... shes into it a little bit TOO much..

i agree!!!!

02-26-2009, 07:38 PM
i agree!!!!

She can break her plastic toys.. but such a small thing on a bra is VERY vital!.. she isn't very happy when I tell her no.. but we get there in the end. hahahah.

Pips mom
02-26-2009, 10:06 PM
elmo actually bit her, but she didnt seem to flinch whereas I would. I'm sensitive !

Not me.....I have learned that sometimes you just gotta grin and take it! It's the best way to react, as the bird won't have as much use for biting if he doesn't get any reaction from it! Pip bites too, but 90% of the time it's just nippy bites that don't hurt at all....once in a while he'll get ya good though.....when you least expect it! Haha, such a lovie! Ivy never bites, but....sometimes she'll try to chew your clothes or something else on you and will get your skin in there by mistake! ouch! she doesn't mean it though! After being bitten just so many times I think you start to toughen up, expect it and just take it as part of having birds!

02-26-2009, 11:21 PM
I was terrified shed forgot who I was.. but she hasnt seem to have. :).. where are your fids staying when ur away? family? boarding house?

They're staying with my partner, but he works a lot during the week, and is a part-time musician with practices and gigs after work- so they'll be home alone a lot. Though if it comes down to it, and he will be away too often to let them out to play at least a little most days, they'll stay with my mother. Mum's got two healthy and friendly lovies, and she's an excellent parront. Plus the little ones will know both my partner and mum by then, so it'll be nice that even if they can't stay home, they won't be somewhere completely unfamiliar.