View Full Version : Goofy and B.B update.

02-27-2009, 05:55 PM
Its now nearing the end of B.B's quarantine.....:)......Despite having to reduce the time I usually spend with Goof in order to interact with B.B (our newbie), Goofs really taken to it all quite well. Today, I moved B.B's cage to the stair loft where both could resume their steady calls within better earshot of each other. Soon, i'll be placing them near one another in preparation of an eventual introduction. Certainly, there's no hurry here.

I will say that even though B.B gets a bit nippy towards the hands, he's a very sweet lovie. He likes greeting everyone, loves to socialize, and has taken to all the changes in his life quite well. For an 8 year old, I think he could easily pass as being two :p. I would say Goof's about the same....well....maybe 1....:rolleyes:

With respect towards each others known presence, so far their current behavior has remained pretty much nonchalant. Neither bird has made any move to venture beyond sight of me. The only exception being since Beebs arrival, both have developed an interesting habit of rubbing their cheeks all over ME........:whistle:.......Oh...and wouldn't you know it....both love to get their point across by screaming in my ears......:omg:.......:)

02-27-2009, 06:02 PM
hey michael - I was just wondering if B.B. was the lovebird that I read about on here that was in need of adopting from Michigan. The age seems right as does the name but you never can be sure, lol!

If it is the same bird I am so happy it found a wonderful home!

& congrats on getting closer to the quarantine, I'm sure it feels like forever when you slowly introduce them.

02-27-2009, 06:17 PM
i can't wait for them to meet :) you'll have to take photos

02-27-2009, 06:26 PM
How exciting that it is getting close to meeting time! :happy: Hey, you just wait until they are both on your shoulder screaming in your ear!! :) Good luck and keep us posted.

02-27-2009, 10:36 PM
How cute- I'm sure they'll be fast friends.

I am envious of you all who have more than one lovie all cute and cuddled up together, preening. I think that's just about the most adorable thing. :blush:

Pips mom
02-27-2009, 10:53 PM
Definitely have to post some pics for us when they meet. They both must have some idea that another lovie is nearby......I hope the meeting goes well and they become best buds!

02-28-2009, 12:59 AM
hey michael - I was just wondering if B.B. was the lovebird that I read about on here that was in need of adopting from Michigan. The age seems right as does the name but you never can be sure, lol! .......If it is the same bird I am so happy it found a wonderful home!........& congrats on getting closer to the quarantine, I'm sure it feels like forever when you slowly introduce them.

Indeed, he is flock member Angela's B.B from up in Michigan.

Incidently, the first time Angela gave notice of B.B's need for a new home, I had reservations about adopting another bird. I had even rejected the thought for fear of undesirable behavior possibly taking over the precious time me and Goof have always enjoyed. Although you could say Goof really is a poeple bird, in the back of my mind i've always felt he would benefit the company of somebirdy like him. He did afterall, have a close brother when he was quite young who was to eventually join him. By the time I made up my mind though, I figured B.B had already been rehomed. Then by a miracle, back he came again.

Right now, its so wonderful to hear them peeping back and forth. I'm fairly certain they will hit it off if I just take things nice and slow. Even though me and Goof have always been very close, i've never once felt losing some of our bond for another bird would really have much consequence. If anything, this could either make two birds very happy, or at the least provide two squabbling lovebirds a human flock leader who's somewhat amusing.

Sorry I haven't any pics.....YET.....:roll:.....Will do as soon as I can!.......:)

02-28-2009, 12:46 PM
They sound like a wonderful pair. Congrats on the QT coming to an end! I've followed your posts regarding these two and think you've done great with them. I've learned a great deal from your posts.

Can't wait to see photos!

02-28-2009, 03:29 PM
OMG, I am so clueless... I had NO IDEA that this was going on, Mike!

I'm so pleased that you were able to offer B.B. a home. I have no doubt that this will be a great situation for everyone involved :)

02-28-2009, 09:03 PM
As usual.... Thank you all so much!...........Today, i've allowed them to share the same room together. I felt pretty secure knowing B.B had not only been cleared through a general "well bird" exam, but a CBC as well. I was also assured he had no previous contact with any other bird before coming here. Had this not been the case, I would have remained steady towards the full 45 day "minimum" quarantine or even longer if necessary.

For now, both have remained a bit cheeky rubby, but otherwise nothing to show a dissociate attitude. I think as long as neither of them invades the others exterior "cage bar code", a formal introduction can be seen on the horizon. Might take a few days, or even a few weeks. Goofs been acting a little possessive with me, and predictably so. Needless to say, i've been giving him plenty of extra attention to let him know he's still number one.......:hug:......B.B. on the other hand, has been coming on to me very nicely. Not only does he realize he's now a true flock member, but that i'm the "big bird" of sorts. Really, the more praise I can offer him towards certain behaviors, the more he's been following this as a cue. Very smart lovie!. And lovable too! Either way he acts though, I allow him my total respect.

I must admit, its been difficult lately to get some really good photo's of them. Every now and then, I could certainly use someone to hold the camera. Friends and relatives are quick to come and go, likewise, the timing just never seems right. I did manage to grab a couple quickies though!............http://www.flickr.com/photos/ourgoofy/.........:)

02-28-2009, 10:17 PM
cute photos!!!!!! they are so beautiful :)

03-01-2009, 10:11 AM
they are adorable!!! i am looking forward to hearing how their first meeting goes!! :)

03-01-2009, 10:21 AM
They are gorgeous! Congratulations. I am so happy for your flock!

03-02-2009, 06:24 PM
So cute, my favorite color!!

So happy to read you got Goof a friend! Eddie is no less people friendly now that he has Jimmy, so I hope the same for you.