View Full Version : new baby?...maybe.

02-27-2009, 09:24 PM
Well when I put Gus to bed tonight I kind of started crying a little and my boyfriend happened to catch me (of course!) and we started talking about our little Gussy dilemma. Interestingly enough my boyfriend has taken a surprising liking to lovebirds, which I think is fabulous!! My boyfriend told me that if Gus really isn't OK by himself then he'd rather we just get another bird so that way we can keep him around - we both love him too much to let him go.

Let's remember, this is only IF Gussy truly can't get along by himself.

Now as much as I am happy by this decision to bring another bird into our home, it makes me nervous. I entered this lovebird journey with the notion that I would only have ONE lovey, and it would love me and only me and we would live happily ever after. Of course I guess that is the point of a journey, there are always going to be things that surprise you. I am worried that if I have two birds that they won't want to be near me and that they will bond to one another. I know it is possible to break this stigma but I don't know how much time I would be able to devote to doing that with work during the week (although Gus does get A LOT of mommy time). I also worry I won't be able to tame them both, that they will become wild and rely on one another more than mom:(

Can I get some feedback from people who have more than one bird? Is this a good idea? Is this a bad idea? Should I get the same type of lovebird (peachface)? What have you learned? Can you tame more than one? What is it like for the birds? Do they still love you?! lol, that might be a silly question....:blush:

02-27-2009, 09:38 PM
I had Mika for almost three years before Kano came into the picture. There was one point in our post-Kano relationship where Mika preferred Kano over me. The cause? I had to spend less time with him because I was so overwhelmed with work and had to constantly bring it home. Ever since I went back to giving him the attention he was used to, he prefers me over Kano. He can be totally content with Kano but will usually jump off his cage and come to me.

Also when I had three breeding pairs (but about 15 total) all of them except for Mika's mom and dad were tame and loved to spend time with me. I think it just all depends on how much time you can give them. If you can give them lots of time, they won't have the chance to forget you. Hehehehe.

This isn't always the case, though. As much as a bird can keep it's bond with you even with other birds in it's life, a bird may prefer the bond with a bird over you...

02-28-2009, 09:27 AM
I'll write when I get home

02-28-2009, 09:50 AM
I have three (males) and they all get along but all like to spend time with me, too. I think it's always best to do what will make your bird happier and I felt that another bird friend (or two) would be best for my single boy, Oliver.

There is no doubt in my mind that he is much, much happier with the company of another lovebird(s). He is not as attached to me as before but that is only natural and now, when I have to leave him, I don't feel guilty because I know he has the company of Shy and Big Boi.

Keep in mind that adding another bird will be adding another expense. Twice as much fun but also twice the mess and twice the vet bills.

02-28-2009, 12:26 PM
I have had 2 pair of lovebirds. So long as they spent a lot of time out of the cage with me, they remained excellent companions. With the first pair, the hen was very attached to me and then male not so, even though they were bonded with one another, she preferred me. He could be held, but never did like hands much, and was jealous of the extra attention that his feathered lady showed me. With the second pair, it was
the opposite. The male and I were buddies and the female could not be handled AT ALL. She would come out of the cage and play with the male, and go back in. I had to have her step up onto a dowel or wear gloves to put her back in the cage though.

My mum's pair are both very friendly, love snuggles and scritches- they love one another and are a tightly bonded pair, but they are also very people friendly. They love me even though I only see them for a few hours once or twice a month. They take to strangers, they even like Mum's dog! They were very lovingly raised, and it does not seem to compromise their relationships with people that they are bonded.

I am interested in seeing what things will be like with Freyja and Odinn- who may be coming home sooner than we thought! Chris is a little taken aback by the suddenness of plan changes, but he's coming around quicker than I thought he would! He is still grieving hard for Loki. I miss Loki and Enko very intensely, but Chris and Loki had an extra special connection. I'm glad to hear that things are falling into place with future plans for your family! These decisions are huge!

I am SO glad that this is your back up plan rather than re-homing, not that I blamed you for considering that option, it will be so much easier on all parties involved!

02-28-2009, 02:04 PM
I would give you and Gus more time to adjust and get to know each other before bringing another lovie into the home.

Gus is still going through his own adjustment and getting to know you. I think it's too early to know whether Gus is good single or not. There are lovies on this board that are happy being the only lovie. I think if you integrate Gus into your daily lives and he gets plenty of attention, he will be fine alone.

I've also found that the longer you focus on one fid, the stronger your relationship becomes. So if you do bring another fid in at some point, your relationship with Gus is already solid.


02-28-2009, 10:08 PM
i agree w/ laura o. this is still new to gus.

see, i had joey for bout 3 months or so before i got evie. i never planned on getting him a friend at all. but being a single bird and having one parront, he seriously developed some issues that i never planned on. we're talking about a bird that will chirp for me for over an hour and a half!!!! he was not velcroed onto me, he was super-glued. it was bad. so in a way, he was not good as a single bird. he was not looking for other birds and he was fine when we were together, but when he was in his cage, then he'd freak out. talk about separation anxiety.

in my flock, i feel like joey is a much happier bird w/ other lovies. he does not express that anxiety he used to. he plays off me, he explores on his own w/o me, and he has bird games that i can never play w/ him. and that's fine w/ me. He's still bonded to me. He'd rather hang out w/ me than the other two. we have not lost our bond.

and i learned that w/ bonding too. that we all love if a bird would love us back, but i learned that a bird can love us back too much in unwanted and unhealthy sexual ways.

i've never had to tame down two birds at the same time, so i don't know how that works.

in my opinion, there's just something about having another bird that fulfills a need in them. as much as you love them, you can't give them everything. what evie and pan gives joey is something I can never give him. so i bought him friends, but they were also birds I wanted as well so it worked out for joey and i.

best of luck to you :)

P.S. two birds are more fun than one!!!!!! :) uh, that's why i have 3

03-01-2009, 12:03 PM
HAHA I know bookworm Im jealous of you with your three! Right now were just keeping Gus as is...he's gotten better this weekend. He's become more adventurous and will come out of his cage and walk around on the couch even if someone is sitting on it, which is a big deal, lol. He has learned to "tell me" when he doesn't want me any closer and I have learned what those signs are - usually a loud "PEEP!" in my ear.

If we do get another one we are going to wait for awhile, probably another 3 months. He's just a baby and as everyone has said, we really do need to let him truly settle in and understand his parronts and surroundings.

03-01-2009, 02:15 PM
watch, he'll come around and you'll end up getting a second lovie cuz birds are addicting :) Just warning you man, my trio, they are a handful. like today, i went to fill up my humidifier and while i was waiting on it, i heard commotion. turns out, pan was in his hut and evie went into his cage, into his hut as well, and he was defending himself against her. i had to pull her away from him. poor pan. and she is so stubborn. she wouldn't let go of his hut!!!