View Full Version : Lovebirds and guinea pigs?

02-27-2009, 10:30 PM
Today was the day I needed to do a full guinea pig cage clean out. We use towels and fleece instead of wood shavings. Every so many days I have to get the towels out and the top layer of fleece and wash it out and swap for clean ones.

While I was cleaning my largest cage I let the 5 boys in it play in a sectioned off part of the kitchen. You may have read where my new lovebird girl Angeli is fascinated by them and sits on their cage all the time and even tried to sneak some of their food one night.

Anyhoo, most of my birds were having out of cage time during this time and I noticed Angeli kept sitting on top of the fridge watching the five piggies running around and playing. After a while she got a little braver and hopped down on top of my toaster oven to get a better view. Then miss brave heart hopped onto the counter top and had her head peeping over the side watching them.

I figured she wouldn't go to the floor to see them, but after a little while I saw her fly down and land on the ground close to them. A couple walked to her and she flapped her wings and squawked and they ran off. In the meantime Jackson, her b/f lovebird, flew to the counter tops and was amazed to see her down there. He flew to be beside her and if a pig got to close to them he would flap his wings and chase them off. It was so funny to watch. He didn't hurt them as I was watching closely.

I would have never have guessed they would interract so closely with my guinea pigs. I let my other three pigs out to clean their cage late this evening and Angeli and Jackson did the same thing with them. My pig Thumper wouldn't run from them like the others did. He just stood his ground and turned away from Jackson. Of all the days I didn't have my camera batteries charged.:rofl:

Pips mom
02-27-2009, 10:50 PM
Yeah, those lovies are brave.....Pip is always interested in other animals too.....he was always fascinated with dogs and would ride around on ours! I have a guinea pig here too at the moment.....a temporary boarder for a girl I work with who is moving. Her husband got very sick and was in the hospital with kidney problems, so I've been keeping their guinea pig until he recovers and right now they are staying with family......when he is better they are moving back to their own place and taking the pig back!
My Ivy seems fascinated with the guinea pig too.....she'll climb down the side of her cage and stretch her neck way out and look at it!

02-28-2009, 01:12 AM
My Goffins Cockatoo and Quaker dont mess with Lizzy. Thats gota tell you something LOL

02-28-2009, 04:35 PM
my bird doesn't show a ton of interest in the guinea pig, but is certainly not afraid, he'll fly to the pigs cage and sit on it, and i can have the pig in my hands or on my lap and tango on my shoulder etc, no problem.

02-28-2009, 05:30 PM
Buddy used to like to watch my beta fish. She'd go up to the glass and tap on it, which of course made the beta display! I could tell she was really watching the fish swim, which is, of course, what you are supposed to do with pet fish :)

02-28-2009, 09:34 PM
Up until yesterday Angeli had only watched the pigs thru their cage bars. My betta fish is in my bedroom and I would love to see her notice him. I bet she would love to peck the aquarium glass. She loves to peck on the mirrors in the house.

Angeli is not scared of my dogs either. When the birds are out I put my cats up but keep my dogs out. (Always closely supervised of course.) My larger, part lab dog Rowdy could care less about any of the other animals and my little dog Sophie will not even walk towards Angeli when she lands on the ground near her.

I love how brave Angeli is. At her last home she was good friends with the ladies almost toothless cat named Brother. I think that she thinks all other animals are friendly like him. She keeps me on my toes.