View Full Version : Not lovebird related,,,,but...

08-07-2005, 02:44 PM
I would like to know if anyone owns a CAG or a TAG.
I had to go for supplies once again to the pet store....GOD how I hate going there now!! Everytime I go in there, he has all of these parrots....and the Greys are my Ultimate favorite!!! He has 5 of them now.....3 babies, that seem to be just weened., they are sooooooooo cute! and he has two older ones, Probably the parents of the babies,,,all for sale, they are getting $1500. each for them, but the owner says I can have one for $1200. (my husband said NO, but we all know how that goes.....eventually I WILL have one....he almost ALWAYS gives in! He must love me.... :happy: )

I just want to hear the ups and downs of the Grey's, Im not sure if they are CAG's or TAG's, they are grey,,,with the face being mostly white, with a black beak, and they have a very red tail, (although in my opinion the tails are kind of short)

please tell me all you can about them, including any web sites you think will be helpful to me...and anything you can think of for me to get my husband to go and BUY ME ONE!! :rofl:

thanks again,

08-07-2005, 02:57 PM
Lori: I think it would be great if you could find a rescue or a second hand grey. Granted they may not be a cuddly baby, may have some feathers missing, and behavior issues, but I think you would make a great home for a big bird who needs a forever home. While Cookie is on the better side of rescues (he's not too damaged) I would never replace him with a baby Meyer's (did I tell you he buzzes like a cell phone on vibrate? :cool: ).

08-07-2005, 02:58 PM
I have no idea where to find a rescue in RI....if anybody knows.....or can tell me what to search for on the net....I would most appreciate it.

08-07-2005, 03:24 PM
petfinder.com is a place you can serch for birds and such that are in rescues. That is were I found Baggy and Kiowa.


08-07-2005, 03:29 PM
ok, I did a search, using "congo african grey rescue" and it brought me to some links and in the end I found two rescue's in RI and 3 in MA.....
If I will ever have one I will have to buy one first, as they will only adopt a large bird to those with existing "large" bird experience. So that leaves me out....as all I have ever owned is one parakeet some 17/18 yrs ago, and the 10 lovies I have now. they also state that they will not adopt any bird to a known breeder, not that I am a "known breeder" but I wouldnt lie to them if they asked me if I am breeding the birds I have now. so.....two strikes!....
I will just have to work on the dh....and see how long it takes me to get one.

So does anyone have anything to tell me about the difference between CAG and TAG's.... or any quirky behaviour stuff I should know, special feeding, cageing,,,,handling.....Please let me know what your experience with them are if you have ever owned one.


08-07-2005, 05:22 PM
Lori, if I'm not mistaken, Linda has a Grey. I think it's a TAG named Alex. I love the Grey's but I'm too darn old to have one! :(

08-07-2005, 07:07 PM

Yep, Linda has a Grey and I'm sure she can fill you in. He is just adorable, and he makes me laugh everytime we talk on the phone.

About all I know about them is that they are said to be the smartest of parrots, with the largest capacity for vocabulary, well that and they are just stunning!!!!

Now that you've got your mind set, I'll be looking for that post stating, "And Here S/he is" :lol

08-08-2005, 10:01 AM
I wouldn't give up on a rescue just yet. African Greys rank up there as one of the most popular "large" parrots. That unfortunate designation also means that there are many, many, many of them in rescues. Many rescues will allow a breeder to adopt so long as they don't plan to breed the rescued bird. Others, however, believe all breeders rank right up there with the devil (not my opinion mind, but there are way too many birds right now and rescues have to deal with some awful situations).

That being said, I researched african grays before deciding on an eclectus. The thing that put me off is the amount of feather dust. Yes they are smart and beautiful and yes, every bird is different, but if anyone in your family has slight bird allergies, they may not be able to visit your home comfortably.

Also, African Greys (Warning: generalizations do not apply to all birds as we all know) have a reputation for not being cuddly. They also require immense amounts of sophisticated stimulation.

There are some excellent African Grey lists and resources on the web. I checked in with a couple when doing my research and got lots of information before deciding on another species. I would recommend some of them, but I don't remember the addresses anymore (Google and Yahoo to the rescue). I also highly recommend Mattie Sue Atlan's Guide to Companion Parrots for anyone researching what type of parrot might be best for them.

Good luck! And I sincerely hope that you realize I am in no way advocating or arguing against an African Grey. I'm just providing what information I remember from my own search for a larger parrot and hoping that it will be helpful to you.


08-08-2005, 09:16 PM
Jeremy I appreciate you comments and opinions as well as everyone else's. I dont think I can get a rescue Grey, as there are 3 rescues within driving distance of me, and everyone of them states on their web pages, that they "will not" let anyone without large bird experience adopt one of them from their rescue, and they "will Not" adopt a bird out to any known breeders. Although I am not a "known" breeder, I have begun this quest. I would absolutely have no intention of breeding the grey (if/when) I do aquire, as I do not want two of them, I only want one.
We dont get a lot of company. If anyone is coming over, they normaly call us first.....so I would keep them away from my birds, I dont see alot of family and have no idea how they keep their pets....and most of them do have pets, I dont want germs being brought into my bird room, so I would bring them around back and use the door that totally keeps them away from my "sunportch/Birdroom" so therefore they wouldnt' be around any bird dust. So that wouldn't be a problem.
Getting a rescue to allow me to adopt a Grey from them, now thats a problem! Like I said, If they point straight out asked me if I breed birds, I would not lie to them. ( I dont enjoy being lied to , and therefor I dont make a practice of telling lies either...its a pet peave of mine....I have been lied to in some very damaging situations,,,and I just cant bring myself to do it....even if the lie wont hurt anyone....even if its just a "little white lie")
When the time is right, and the "right" Grey comes into my life, I will know it. Everything will fall into place and he/she will find a loving home with me. It will happen when it happens....right now the virtue comes to mind again.....what was it called...... Patients.... :rofl: (what the heck is THAT!! Lord knows I dont really have any of it!)
Thanks for all the Replies!