View Full Version : Kiwi update

03-02-2009, 03:41 PM
Well, Kiwi is completely settled in and has quickly established herself as the head of the household. She's now a few days over 4 months now, and is eating about 1-2ccs in the morning quite happily. I don't see any reason to stop offering it to her. The breeder weaned her at 8 weeks, but when I brought her home I got her some baby food and started her back on 2x per day. She's also got pellets and seeds in her cage at all time, and occasionally we give her millet as a treat. She won't touch veggies, but I keep offering them anyway.

She's completely bonded to my boyfriend, and doesn't want to have anything to do with me when he is around. During the day (I work from home) she'll crawl into my sweatshirt and sleep for the day. It's adorable.

She's also started eating her cuttlebone, and playing with her toys. Her favourites are the lucky duck (http://birdyboredombusters.com/smalltoys.html and one that I made her that has leather, silly string, beads, paulie rope, and and plastic links. She's also really gotten into her woven palm leaf (They're called "Shredders" http://www.birdyboredombusters.com/shreddables.html). At first she was terrified of it, but we kept offering it to her because we value our ears and skin, and she is really nippy. Well today, all of a sudden, she decided that she *loves* it, and has starting ripping it to shreds! Hurray! We can even distract her with it so that she doesn't try to bite our fingers off (previous attempts with other shreddable material only kept her busy for a millisecond. Because she showed so much interest in it this morning, I wove some through the bars of the cage. For the last 1/2 hour she has been chewing away at it, and chatting/clucking happily the whole time. I'm so happy!! It's nice to find a toy that she spends so much time with.

Needless to say, she's an absolute joy to have in the house. I'll try to post some pictures later today.

03-03-2009, 08:14 AM
That's great news to hear about your new baby!! I'm so jealous you can work from home and spend so much time with her = (