View Full Version : Countdown...

03-06-2009, 12:11 AM
The cage is clean, the supplies are purchased & ready to be set up tomorrow, the aquariums are covered, the rice cooker (the lone vestige of teflon left in my home- NEVER used when the fids were here) has been re-homed, there are two orders from The Perch Store (theperchstore.net) arriving (tomorrow & Monday), the tinker toys are prepared for tomorrow's building endeavor, the wheatgrass has been planted, the handmade toys have been safety-checked and safety double-checked, my big grapevine branch split down the middle from a crack caused by the hardware and I can't afford a new one just yet- so the birds will have to wait to use the floor-to-ceiling thing and they will have to settle for the tinker tower and all the toys I made that go with it :very_sad:, everything in my house has been cleaned with avian petfocus antiseptic, the seed skirt and all of our personal and bed clothing has been washed in hot water and oxyfresh, the cage door clips are ready for action, my from-scratch bird recipe ingredients are ready for action and the kitchen sink corn bread with extra figs is ready to be mixed and popped into the oven...

... and I am sure there is more that has been done.

If the weather holds out, and it looks good right now- its supposed to be warm and clear Saturday, Freyja and Odinn will be home in less than 2 days. :rotfl We are very excited to say the least!

03-06-2009, 12:20 AM
Me and Zoe are counting down the hours with you!!

03-06-2009, 12:45 AM
Cant wait for pictures!! How exciting :D

03-06-2009, 08:32 AM
haha you're so cute it's like you are bringing babies home from the hospital!! lol i suppose you somewhat are, minus the hospital part!! i am so excited for you, take lots of pictures, have a VERY SAFE drive, take it slow even though you will be excited!!

03-06-2009, 08:38 AM
you must be soo excited. i look forward to hearing all about them and their arrival!!! and of course, seeing pics of them!! :):)

03-06-2009, 08:40 AM
haha you're so cute it's like you are bringing babies home from the hospital!! lol i suppose you somewhat are, minus the hospital part!! i am so excited for you, take lots of pictures, have a VERY SAFE drive, take it slow even though you will be excited!!

Haha, it does feel like bringing babies home. Birdie-proofing, making sure we're training "raising" them right, making sure we have the right diet down, cage "crib" safety... they're my feathered kids.

I cannot drive because of neurological vision problems, and my hubs has a badly injured back at the moment, so mum-in-law is driving me to pick them up. Thank you for the concerns :) We want to make sure that us and our babies arrive home safely!

The forecast still looks good, and it went from VERY cold yesterday to warm-ish and sunny today. It was in the 40's when I left the house to go to an appointment, which may not seem too warm to those of you from warm climates- but yesterday it was below zero with the wind chill.

Tomorrow's the day!

you must be soo excited. i look forward to hearing all about them and their arrival!!! and of course, seeing pics of them!! :):)

There will be photos galore! Our battery charger is broken, so we'll have to pick up batteries for the camera. I can take photos with my phone to start off with, though, if we don't get the batteries in time!

03-06-2009, 01:36 PM
Looks like tomorrow morning is going to be a go. Mother Nature is being cooperative and I'm thankful for that! I'm always a basket case from the time I drop off a shipping container until I know that container is safely in the hands of the person who is supposed to receive it! Tomorrow will be no exception........

Drop off time is 2 hrs ahead of take off so I will be leaving the house early.

03-06-2009, 02:16 PM
Thank you so much, Linda. We are right along with you. For the last few days, Chris has been asking repeatedly "Are you SURE they won't be too traumatized by the flight?" I've assured him that you are just as concerned as we are, and that you see things from the birds' point of view, and will make it all as comfortable as possible. Can't tell you how appreciative we are of all the effort and care you have put into this! You've become somewhat of a Hero and a Saint in our house! It will be so nice to be able to bring them home to a climate that at least isn't freezing cold on the first day, too.

03-06-2009, 10:45 PM
ohmigosh, it's almost time!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!

03-06-2009, 11:01 PM
Woot!! Im so excited for you!

03-06-2009, 11:14 PM
Haha. I know it. We've got everything all set up. Chris got home from work today and decided he NEEDED to get an extra perch because there wasn't anywhere in the cage that looks like a good spot for them to snuggle. The cage DOES need one more perch to balance things off, but rest assured, they have many good places to snuggle and lots to play with and to eat and to do!

One thing worth mentioning, I think y'all will get a kick out of it.

I was in the waiting room at an appointment and this guy was talking about Angell Animal Hospital and his pet rats, and the other person had a dog and ferrets... I ended up interjecting something about the hospital and that I have lovebirds coming from Florida. The dog and ferret guy got called in, so the conversation continued with the rat guy. He asked me if we were waiting until Spring, and I said "no, why?" and he just seemed agitated, and asked how long I think it'll take them to fly up here. I told him all told it'll probably take 4 or 5 hours. He looked confused and indignant at my answer. I'm sitting there, thinking "what on earth is this guy talking about"... and then it hits me, he thinks the birds are actually FLYING up here, not in a plane, but flying! Thank goodness I got called in right then, cos I was about to bust a gut right then and there. I would think he was joking, but I've conversed with this guy before about his rats... he's not the brightest and is very high strung and not the joking type, and just from the way he was acting, I'm pretty sure he wasn't joking! It really seemed like he thought I was cruel for having my birds fly here from Florida!

03-06-2009, 11:37 PM
Wow, he couldnt have been THAT stupid....could he??? Maybe he just thinks its too cold for them?

03-06-2009, 11:49 PM
LOL, that is hilarious!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:

03-07-2009, 01:09 AM
Wow, he couldnt have been THAT stupid....could he??? Maybe he just thinks its too cold for them?

It was the WAY he said it... when I realized what he probably meant, I paused for a moment to assess the situation, and tried to see if there was a punch line, but he just sort of sat there looking indignant. Its difficult to describe.

03-07-2009, 01:13 AM
LOL. I can picture that awkward silence. Some people... lol:whistle:

Pips mom
03-07-2009, 01:39 AM
Well, today's the big day! Weather looks good here in Mass! it was nice out on friday too. Sounds like you have done everything to prepare! can't wait to see the pics!

03-07-2009, 06:30 AM
Ohhhh, how exciting! The big metal stork is bringing you not one, but 2 babies! You lucky duck!

03-07-2009, 01:30 PM
Can we have an update???

OMG that is too funny about rat man. I almost spit tea all over my computer!

Pips mom
03-07-2009, 01:55 PM
They should be arriving at the airport in Boston and greeted by their new parronts very soon! any minute now! we will be waiting anxiously for news and pics!