View Full Version : The Journey Has Begun

03-07-2009, 07:01 AM
I took Freyja and Odinn (well secured in the shipping container) to Tampa International Airport this morning. Drop off time was 7:00 a.m. They have to be there 2 hrs prior to departure. Their flight leaves TIA and arrives in Houston, TX at 10:16 a.m. central time. The connecting flight leaves Houston at 11:00 a.m. and will arrive in Boston at just after 3:30 this afternoon, eastern time. The duration of the entire trip is roughly 7.5 hrs., not bad considering how the shipment routed. I had the option of shipping through Newark, NJ but chose not to do so because of weather conditions lately. I didn't want the container getting to Newark and the connecting flight being grounded due to inclement weather conditions.

I will be tracking the shipment from this end all day, and I know Kristi will be doing the same thing. Continental Airlines has always done a great job for me and the current shipment is off to a good start.

Will update this thread later on.

03-07-2009, 07:22 AM
How exciting! Looking forward to hearing the good news that Odinn and Freyja have safely arrived in their new home!

03-07-2009, 08:15 AM
Freyja and Odinn are currently in the air. The flight left TIA 4 minutes ahead of schedule and expected to arrive in Houston 16 minutes early. That's a good thing, considering the layover is only 44 minutes! :)

03-07-2009, 08:41 AM
Winged migration, LPC style :)

03-07-2009, 08:57 AM
Yeah. It's good to here the fids are heading to their forever home. How exciting. Of course, I remember being a nervous wreck shipping my birdies to Oregon, though it took 24 hours for them to get here.

The flight doesn't sound too bad at all. I can't wait to hear they are arrived safe.

Pips mom
03-07-2009, 09:37 AM
Awwww, have a safe flight Freyja and Odinn! It must be a little scarey to them, not knowing where they are, but they have each other, and once they are on their way on the last flight, they should have some nice peaceful time for the longer flight, hopefully not much turbulence. We flew on Continental last time too, and for the most part any time I have flown it was very calm and relaxing, so hopefully Freyja and Odinn will have a nice flight as well!

03-07-2009, 09:48 AM
That's great news that they are on their way. It's nerve wracking to think of the two of them on a plane, not knowing what's happening to them, where they are. I am sure Kristi and Chris will breathe a sigh of relief when they arrive. I can't wait to hear that they are finally in their forever home, safe and sound!! :)

03-07-2009, 10:06 AM
Winged migration, LPC style :)
You got that right! At the moment, the flight should be getting ready to land in Houston. Once the flight transfer is done and they depart Houston, next stop is Boston.

Who? Me, a nervous fidma??? What in the world ever gave you that idea????? :omg: You'd better believe I'm nervous!! It's a consolation knowing that the people I've entrusted to deliver my babies safely have done so many other times for me but each trip is different so I still pay close attention to what's going on!

The flight landed safely at 10:05 a.m., 11 minutes ahead of schedule.

03-07-2009, 10:21 AM
thanks for keeping us posted Linda - I know you will be much happier when they have landed safely and are in Kristi's loving hands. :)

03-07-2009, 10:40 AM
I'm here and following! I just hadn't been to the board yet. We'll know soon if their second flight got off on schedule. It should leave in about thirteen minutes.

03-07-2009, 10:55 AM
I can see everything that's going on but the flight transfer has not been updated yet. Won't know that until we track the shipment and see that 1 piece has departed from Houston. Everything is running either ahead or right on schedule... :)

03-07-2009, 11:09 AM
They have departed 3 minutes late on their flight to Boston!

03-07-2009, 11:35 AM
Next stop, Boston!

They left 3 minutes late but are still expected to arrive early. :) With the flight transfer confirmed, I'm not quite as uptight.

03-07-2009, 01:04 PM
Yippee, I'm so excited for them and know they'll love their knew home!

03-07-2009, 01:15 PM
Wishing the birdies a safe journey and a happy arrival at their new forever home! :)

03-07-2009, 02:26 PM
How exciting! I can't wait to hear how they are.

03-07-2009, 02:36 PM
The flight just landed in Boston (3:26 p.m., 11 minutes early). I'm now waiting for a call from Kristi to confirm pick up. It's been a long day here but shipment is successful.

03-07-2009, 03:35 PM
I picked them up and they are doing GREAT!

Odinn is amazingly beautiful. A seagreen-blue color with a white face and an orange-yellow brow and a bright cobalt blue rump. He is shy but very sweet. He came out of the cage much more quickly than I thought he would, it only took a few minutes, but I think his desire to get back over to Freyja was stronger than his nervousness.

Freyja is a beauty queen! She's incredible! The moment I opened the cage door she flew right over and landed on my shirt, collected her scritches. She's exploring her cage with gusto- she's already preened all of her toys, tested each perch, and all the bars of the cage. Fearless! She preened the crap out of Odinn on the way home.

They've both been eating a lot, and don't seem shaken up at all.

Yay! Everything went off without a hitch.

03-07-2009, 03:42 PM
yay. wow, you make me want to buy pan's next friend from linda.

03-07-2009, 03:43 PM
p.s. can't wait for photos. And i'm super happy for you

03-07-2009, 04:54 PM
I'm so very happy to read this update on Freyja and Odinn! It's been a very long day all the way around and I'm glad they took the trip as well as they seem to have. Continental Airlines always does a great job and I never hesitate to entrust my babies to their care during transportation.

Freyja is a lot like her sister, Lily, loves to preen anything and everything. Not a biter, either. I'm looking forward to hearing about more of their adventures as they explore their new home! :)

03-07-2009, 05:23 PM
They've quieted down and have snuggled up for a nap. They are so adorable together. We are both VERY happy to have them both here.

I am in awe of their colors. Odinn's blue-green is really stunning, and Freyja is almost ethereal looking!

I had debated using the swing I got for their play gym in the cage instead, and at the last moment, I decided to use it in the cage. I'm so glad I did! They love it. Its a tight squeeze for both of them to fit, and watching them try and get comfortable on the swing without pushing the other off, or squishing one toward the side was comical. They pulled it off, though!

03-07-2009, 06:00 PM
YAY!!!!!!!!! i'm so glad to hear that they arrived safely, and that they are already adjusting well. you sound so incredibly happy kristi!!! :happy::happy::happy:

now - did someone mention pictures?????? :whistle::whistle::)

03-07-2009, 06:06 PM

It's great to hear the birdies made it through the trip so well. I am also glad to hear everybirdy is adjusting and it looks like it might be a great match:).

03-07-2009, 06:13 PM
Congrats on the arrival of your two new fids!

Barb :)

03-07-2009, 06:37 PM
Holy flamingo!.......This little event had more suspense than a weeks worth of the six-oclock news! ............:omg:

Glad to hear all went well with the Spirit of Saint Lovebirds!...........:)

03-07-2009, 06:42 PM
it looks like it might be a great match:)
Freyja and Odinn are actually brother and sister, Odinn being the oldest of the clutch and the only one of the 4 babies that the parents raised. I was originally going to send just one lovie but we started talking about more than one and I asked Kristi if she wanted to get two. (It was no more expensive to ship two than it would be to ship just one. Cost is determined by container weight.) When she said two would be better, I started looking around for a mate to send and realized that one of the preening machines already had a companion so I asked Kristi if it would be OK if I sent the other Creamino and her companion. I was upfront and did not hide the fact that these two are related.

Seems that decision worked out perfectly, as they had each other during the flight and they are familiar with each other in their new home.

03-07-2009, 07:12 PM
Congrats Kristi!

So glad you got a nice healthy pair of birds! You deserve to be happy and it sure sounds like mission accomplished!

Can't wait to see pics of them.

03-07-2009, 07:12 PM
can't wait for photos!!!

03-07-2009, 07:13 PM
oops, my bad, i mentioned that already. wow, i must be more excited than i thought!!!

Buy A Paper Doll
03-07-2009, 08:10 PM
Woohoo! Congratulations on the new additions! :happy::happy:

(I have your babies' sister, Lily.)

03-07-2009, 09:37 PM
Yayyyyyyyyy Kristi--I'm so glad they made it home and that they had a safe trip!!! You must be ecstatic!!
Hugs from Cindy & Zoe

03-07-2009, 10:26 PM
Freyja is comfortably asleep on the perch near the fleece in a back corner, and Odinn, I think is very nervous. He has been hanging from the side of the cage next to her, watching. We covered part of the cage so only a little light comes in (these guys are used to uncovered cages & a night light) and he seems to have gotten himself in a more comfortable position at least. We have been ALL nerves- mostly happy ones, but nervous ones too. It is normal for a shy bird to be nervous in his new place after such a journey and watch out for his mate, right?

I have a feeling we're going to be on pins and needles watching out for these two for a while! They've already stolen our hearts.

03-07-2009, 11:07 PM
Whew! I'm coming a bit late to the party, but I'm still cheering for a mission executed and completed successfully.

Cheers! :)

03-08-2009, 04:08 AM
Hi Kristi,
What you are seeing is perfectly normal behavior for birds that have gone through a day like Freyja and Odinn have gone through today. Freyja is counting on Odinn to protect her so she will relax a bit easier than he will.

You are going to have to get them a swing built to hold 2 lovebirds....one that is wider. Those 2 dominated the swing in their cage here and even liked to sleep on it. They know what a Happy Hut is and how to use it, as they had one at one time. Cleo started getting nesty on me so the Happy Hut had to to go in quick order!!!

03-08-2009, 06:38 AM
Hi Kristi,
What you are seeing is perfectly normal behavior for birds that have gone through a day like Freyja and Odinn have gone through today. Freyja is counting on Odinn to protect her so she will relax a bit easier than he will.

You are going to have to get them a swing built to hold 2 lovebirds....one that is wider. Those 2 dominated the swing in their cage here and even liked to sleep on it. They know what a Happy Hut is and how to use it, as they had one at one time. Cleo started getting nesty on me so the Happy Hut had to to go in quick order!!!

Thank Goodness! I assumed so, it follows reason, but after our last few ordeals, I won't let any detail go unasked! Freyja slept comfortably in the back, and is still there sleeping. Odinn moved to the swing about halfway through the night and he is still there. Sweet little sentinel. We decided as soon as we saw how much they loved the swing that we had to make them a new one. I thought we'd only have one bird when I got this one! We'll get a longer dowel or a new swing all together and use this one with the play gym as planned. We have all the parts to make them a nice swing except the longer perching piece. I've never had lovies care much for swings before, so I wasn't even going to put one in there, glad I know! I also have a happy hut, and another lighter form of a snuggle hut for the summer months. I suppose I could put the hut in at bedtimes only, too.

It wasn't exactly planned and we stayed quiet and didn't bother them in the cage, but we stayed up in shifts and kept an eye out for them. I think it may take a bit of time for Odinn to realize they are safe here. He seemed at-ease until Freyja went to sleep and then seemed to stress out for a while, before he settled and watched out all night. I'm keeping it dark-ish in the room so they can rest a bit longer.

03-08-2009, 06:54 AM
Congratulations! so glad all went smoothly and your babies are home. Cant wait to see pics!!

03-08-2009, 06:59 AM
I promise there will be pics as SOON as I feel they've settled in. :) Odinn is still stressed and didn't get much sleep, so I want to leave them quiet for a while. I know they had quite the journey yesterday and Odinn at least is not feeling secure here, yet. I'll see how they're coming along later in the day.

03-08-2009, 07:08 AM
The difference between Odinn and Freyja is their first 8 weeks of life. Freyja was hand fed from day 1 so she really knows no fear of humans. Odinn, on the other hand, was raised by his parents who are not tame and he learned to be a bird from them. Now he's learning to deal with humans that he's not seen before. Freyja thinks she's more human than she thinks she's a bird. He has instincts that she doesn't. He will be fine. It will just take a bit longer for him.

03-08-2009, 10:39 AM
I really think Odinn will get comfortable with time, but like Linda said he's a little more gunshy when it comes to humans. Just take it slow with him, like you already seem to do be doing, and he will come around with time. I've also found it much easier to work with a bird that has a tame mate. Odinn will see Freyja lovin' up on you guys and will learn you are okay.

You know, I love me a really tame lovie like the next guy, but I've always loved the process and growth with a bird who isn't human friendly the most rewarding. It takes patience and understanding, but I always feel so honored when a birdy starts trusting me.


03-08-2009, 10:59 AM
I really think Odinn will get comfortable with time, but like Linda said he's a little more gunshy when it comes to humans. Just take it slow with him, like you already seem to do be doing, and he will come around with time. I've also found it much easier to work with a bird that has a tame mate. Odinn will see Freyja lovin' up on you guys and will learn you are okay.

You know, I love me a really tame lovie like the next guy, but I've always loved the process and growth with a bird who isn't human friendly the most rewarding. It takes patience and understanding, but I always feel so honored when a birdy starts trusting me.


I am as excited by the process of getting to know Odinn as I am by Freyja's remarkable tameness. She's with me now, preening my hair. She loves her Daddy, too. We opened the cage and she came out after a while, and spent a long time preening her Daddy's arm hairs and shirt. :) Odinn has calmed down and they've been frolicking around together. I am so happy with them! I have a photo of each of them, but we need to install the software for my "new" (its new to me anyway) phone to get them onto the computer. So photos will follow shortly!

They are doing well today. Once Freyja woke up, Odinn took a nap, then they got up and played together. I made them a nice warm breakfast with fresh veggies in it, and they ate a little.

I just experienced a lip preening for the first time ever. Freyja very gently pulled a piece of chapped skin off my lip with her beak. She flew to Chris first this morning and stayed with him for a while, and after preening him for a while, snuggled up in the crook of his elbow and was beak grinding. Then after a while she came to me. Despite being told how sweet she is, I am still in awe. She is amazing!

She and Odinn are preening and chattering to each other now. They both have very sweet voices. I love watching them play together. We are so happy they both came! I've probably repeated myself twenty times now, I need a nap. I was up half the night. I'll get the photos up before too long, though!

03-08-2009, 01:56 PM
so can you handle odinn at all? i mean, does he let you touch him or pick him up? haha, oh yeah, when evie or joey start to pick off my dry lips, i know it's time to put on some chap stick.

03-08-2009, 04:55 PM
Odinn does not seem to be a biter, but he does not much like being touched or picked up. I let him out for a bit today and he panicked. I think he feels more secure in the cage. They haven't been here but one day though, so I'm sure he needs more time. He is amazingly adorable and they are such a beautiful pair. Chris had never seen lovebirds as a pair before and is so so happy we got them both now!

Photos soon- Chris is going to install the software soon.

03-08-2009, 05:08 PM
Odinn is basically a parent raised lovie who needs time to get used to humans. He's not been handled to be tamed so that will have to come with time. He won't bite when picked up but he's also not trusting like Freyja. Give him some time and he will make a wonderful pet.

03-08-2009, 06:30 PM
We love them both as they are, and will be patient and gentle with Odinn as he learns to trust us.

03-08-2009, 08:59 PM
Their first day was very pleasant. They are eating well and seem to be adjusting. I put the happy hut in for them when they were ready for bed and they're snuggled together on top of it. I'll take it out again first thing in the morning. Since they like sleeping on swings, Chris is going to drill a dowel long enough to make a swing for them. We just need to find an untreated piece of wood that is a good type for perch making. We love them both so much and are so very happy that they are home safe and adjusting nicely. It was an excellent first day!

03-08-2009, 10:40 PM
I'm glad their first day went well and they are snuggled in for the night. They sound too cute:).

To help Odinn adjust to being around his new digs is to open up his cage and let him come and go as he feels comfortable. He will follow Freyja around so it will be relatively easy to return him to the cage when he is ready.


03-09-2009, 06:47 PM
since they are siblings, are you going to get another cage or keep them together?

03-09-2009, 07:52 PM
since they are siblings, are you going to get another cage or keep them together?

Definitely keep them together. They are a very much bonded pair.

03-09-2009, 09:59 PM
I took Freyja and Odinn (well secured in the shipping container) to Tampa International Airport this morning. Drop off time was 7:00 a.m. They have to be there 2 hrs prior to departure. Their flight leaves TIA and arrives in Houston, TX at 10:16 a.m. central time. The connecting flight leaves Houston at 11:00 a.m. and will arrive in Boston at just after 3:30 this afternoon, eastern time. The duration of the entire trip is roughly 7.5 hrs., not bad considering how the shipment routed. I had the option of shipping through Newark, NJ but chose not to do so because of weather conditions lately. I didn't want the container getting to Newark and the connecting flight being grounded due to inclement weather conditions.

I will be tracking the shipment from this end all day, and I know Kristi will be doing the same thing. Continental Airlines has always done a great job for me and the current shipment is off to a good start.

Will update this thread later on.

Now, I could have picked the beebs up in Newark and driven up to Kristi ;)

It ended up being a beautiful wknd up this way but you have to be careful when shipping.

Hope that Freyja and Odinn are settling in nicely :)

03-10-2009, 10:14 AM
Now, I could have picked the beebs up in Newark and driven up to Kristi ;)

It ended up being a beautiful wknd up this way but you have to be careful when shipping.

Hope that Freyja and Odinn are settling in nicely :)

They are settling in and doing absolutely wonderful!