View Full Version : going on vacation!!!

03-11-2009, 06:28 PM
Mr. Wonderful (bf) surprised me today with a week long vacation as a present for my birthday. We leave Sunday!! I am thrilled but will miss my animal kingdom at home. We have arranged for the dogs to go to to my bf's parents house and gus is going to our friend who has a lovebird, quarantined of course. We trust her with birds and figured that would be the best place for him to go rather than have someone coming here to check in on him, he'd be alone too much!!

This has already been a *blah* week so I'm gonna perk up and start packing!!!!:)

03-11-2009, 06:29 PM
that's great - and a surprise to boot!!! :happy: where are you going????

03-11-2009, 07:19 PM
Have fun and next time come here i'll hook you up it is what i do after all :D

03-11-2009, 09:46 PM
that's sweet of your bf. i'm still waiting for the telescope my bf promised me for my bday in Jan. Just waiting patiently. I mean, I would love to look at the stars sometime soon!!!

Pips mom
03-11-2009, 10:09 PM
Yeah.....where are you going??? keep us in suspense! When is your birthday?? Mine's coming up too! I'm getting a lobster dinner! and I got a helmet(early gift) so I can ride with my boyfriend on his new motorcycle!

03-11-2009, 10:24 PM
Have fun, whereever you're going! :) The best part is knowing that your kids are taken care of because that load off your mind allows you to really enjoy yourself.

Next month, my brother is coming for a visit and I get to play tour guide--not my favorite job, mostly because I've seen it all, already.

OT-Bookworm, I'm interested in astronomy, too, and around here, if one joins the local astronomy association, they will let you borrow a telescope to use. They're decent, too--obviously, not high-end, but not dinky things, either. You might see stars sooner than you think! HaHa. Something to consider.

03-11-2009, 10:24 PM
were just going to the east side to see my parents and then up to my family cottage for 5 days. Nothing fancy, but thats fine, I really will just enjoy some R&R and no worrying about ANYTHING for a few days! = )

My birthday is March 25 - my golden birthday to be exact. I will be 25!! Yeesh.

03-12-2009, 04:13 AM
were just going to the east side to see my parents and then up to my family cottage for 5 days. Nothing fancy, but thats fine, I really will just enjoy some R&R and no worrying about ANYTHING for a few days! = )

My birthday is March 25 - my golden birthday to be exact. I will be 25!! Yeesh.

Happy Birthday!! You're young yet...just wait til the day you have grandchildren!!:omg:

Pips mom
03-12-2009, 05:48 AM
Mines the first day of spring! the 20th .....not a grandmother yet, but I guess I'm old enough to be one! Have a great time on your get-away!

03-12-2009, 04:04 PM
lol 25 ah to be 25 again.... hey i heard that 40 is the new 20! Well atleast i don't look 40 lol

03-12-2009, 04:59 PM
OT-Bookworm, I'm interested in astronomy, too, and around here, if one joins the local astronomy association, they will let you borrow a telescope to use. They're decent, too--obviously, not high-end, but not dinky things, either. You might see stars sooner than you think! HaHa. Something to consider.

really? that's so cool. i live in the city so i see nothing :( but if i ever go out to the middle of nowhere :) maybe i should look into that sort of assoc around here.

03-12-2009, 05:03 PM
happy early 25th bday!!! i remember being 25. and thinking i was old. and now i'm 28. to be 25 again!!! Ok, i'll stop acting like 28 and 25 are so far apart. have fun whatever you do.