View Full Version : Must bath in the sink with dishes

03-12-2009, 02:02 AM
Does anyone else have this problem? We cannot seem to do the dishes without elmo coming over and wanting to bath in the water. Previously, I have always taken her to the balcony for a bath.. where there is a permanent bath there which she has always bathed in.

Though since she has had her wings grow in, if you touch the kitchen sink, you can see she is figuring out how to jump in with the dishes. Poor mum today, doing the dishes was being harassed by elmo. Mum had to shoo her out of one of the pots that she landed in because it was obviously dirty and she was about to bath herself in it!

Everything had to stop and, we had to clear and rinse off the sinks (we have two basins) and dedicated one basin to Queen Elmo.. so she could have a bath under the running water tap. No longer is a dog bowl full of water sufficient enough for her. :x

Does anyone else get interrupted at dishes time?

03-12-2009, 04:26 AM
Yes constantly! Master Peanut is always about to dip himself into the dish water. But, when we empty the sink of dishes and bubbles and fill it up again for him, he changes his mind! Argh!!

03-12-2009, 06:03 AM
LOL. Jally, Peanut doesn't enjoy bubble baths? But would rather a snack with her bath hahaha!

Normally she HATES the washing gloves but today, getting in that water meant more to her that she jumped ON them.. I've never seen her so determined.

03-13-2009, 08:32 PM
Love that. Lately I have been giving Eddie and Jimmy a dish in their cage because I think Eddie gets a better bath that way (although maybe not as fun).

They rotate days for bathing, it is too funny. It is VERY rare for them both to bathe on the same day. I wonder if this is a natural instinct?

03-13-2009, 08:45 PM
Sweetie is the only one of my flock who does that as he is still new i still get a kick out of it lol, pohaku the tiel bathes by me misting him and the rest like thier water dishes lol

03-13-2009, 09:53 PM
Normally, I take her to the table on the balcony and have the water bowl there, and mist her, she knows what I am asking her or hinting at her to do.. well she used too.. now we cannot walk into the kitchen without her following one of us in there.. and let alone TOUCH the sink..

She hasn't dived in since the other day, I've been trying to mist her satisfying the bathing want instead

lol lemonypicket, maybe they rotate because they don't want each others dirty bath water ;)

elmo just tips over her water bowl in her cage.. it's quite annoying.. no matter if its fresh water or if it's been there for an hour or what not.. she tries to tip it over.. so I have to put about 3 different water stations around the house to ensure that she has enough fluids..

Pips mom
03-13-2009, 10:23 PM
Pip loves the kitchen sink! but he won't go there on his own. If I take him there with me and run the water he wants to take a bath! I put a cup in the sink upside down and near the side of the sink and he hops right on it and I spllatter the water on him lightly.

03-13-2009, 10:27 PM
Mine havent seen the kitchen sink yet lol. They bath in their water dish on top of their cage. I have to say i think thats really cute tho :D

03-13-2009, 11:52 PM
It's alot cuter when they bath in a bowl than under the sink.. well for me.. I hate holding my arm out for soo long while she considers to go under or not!

Pips Mom do you find that pip constantly wants to drink what ever you're drinking from a cup?.. or any cup really.. if there is a cup near elmo she will jump up on it and tests whats inside!.. lucky I dont drink milk.. just juice and water!

03-14-2009, 12:25 AM
Pips Mom do you find that pip constantly wants to drink what ever you're drinking from a cup?.. or any cup really.. if there is a cup near elmo she will jump up on it and tests whats inside!.. lucky I dont drink milk.. just juice and water!

Odinn was VERY shy, and approached cautiously for the first few days- every day he gets more and more bold, and now will even come to us and hang out even when Freyja is off somewhere else...

but during those first few days, you can imagine my surprise, when I sat down for a snack with them- I was enjoying corn chips and salsa, they millet & dried figs- and all of a sudden like a flash- Odinn was perched on the edge of my bowl with his beak in my salsa! I've never seen him move so quickly. But yes, they definitely are interested in eating and drinking what I am.

Pips mom
03-14-2009, 10:31 PM
Yup, both Pip and Ivy are curious about things I eat and drink! One time Pip knocked my drink right over on me and it spilled and made a big mess! I don't usually let my birds drink from my cup, but I will share my food though!

03-18-2009, 02:12 PM
I made a little water park for a couple of my birdies. George and Gracie have their favorite bath dish placed in the sink where the water can gently splash down, and I put a ladder leading down to it. Georgie bathes nicely in the dish, and Gracie slides on the bottom of the sink like it's a slip and slide.

Spoiled? Maybe just .... :lol

03-18-2009, 09:09 PM
LOL that is soo cute!! Barbie we need photos of that!!..

kk and tango
03-20-2009, 12:02 AM
My tiel is ONLY interested in dirty dish water! She couldn't care less about cooperating with a clean sink--but oh! Dirty pans of water are irresistible!

03-20-2009, 02:15 AM
My tiel is ONLY interested in dirty dish water! She couldn't care less about cooperating with a clean sink--but oh! Dirty pans of water are irresistible!

Ewwww hahaha. Stinky lil bird! :rotfl

03-20-2009, 01:25 PM
Mine all bathe in a dish. They bicker over who gets first dip. I tried the sink but it's a little scary for them

03-20-2009, 07:41 PM
My tiel is ONLY interested in dirty dish water! She couldn't care less about cooperating with a clean sink--but oh! Dirty pans of water are irresistible!

Mm.. lovebird fragrance with pasta sauce.. yum!!:rotfl

03-21-2009, 03:24 AM
Momo - nice to see you here! I hope elmo is behaving herself with her new wings!


03-21-2009, 04:35 AM
Hey Megan!!

She is being very naughty with her new wings.. flying everywhere she can get her little feet on to. She sat on the microwave today!! Trying to jump on the plastic thing we use to cover food we put in there!!

How are your nutty birds ;) Eggs laid yet?

03-21-2009, 05:41 AM
Toolie, my Quaker, loves to bathe in multiple water dishes when I'm changing out the water for my larger parrots. I routinely pull all the dishes (20-30 oz stainless steel), wash them, refill them and put them on my kitchen counter so I can return them to their proper cages. Enter Toolie! Not only does he have one dish, he has a choice of 5 and he will normally use all five. A little splash in this one, another splash in that one.... He usually ends up with the 30 oz dish to finish his bath but not before he's tested the water in all the others! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

03-21-2009, 05:57 AM
haha that sounds so funny Linda!!

Yep Momo eggs were laid and now i have two gorgeous little babies!!! one more egg to hatch hopefully! they are very cute.

Lol that sounds like elmo, shes a little stickybeak:) glad to know shes enjoying flying though!!

03-21-2009, 06:03 AM
Oh.. need to see photos of these babies megan!! soo cute!! They will be gorgeous babies.. beyond gorgeous both parents are too cute

She is beyond a little stickybeak. Everything is about her.. I can't walk near the door without her flying over to me and not allowing me to leave. She keeps doing the wing thing.. now when I bend over to give her a kiss. I think she thinks I'm going to feed her..

Oh wow.. I like Toolies attitude.. they are all his!! are you sure he's not a lovebird ;)

03-21-2009, 08:24 AM
It is so funny how curious lovies are! Squeaky always loved to check out what is in my drinking glasses too. And Ducky was doing it yesterday when I was eating breakfast - trying to get in my cereal, juice and water! They both bathe in a dish of water, together, on top of their cage. I tried putting the dish on the kitchen counter but they don't like that much. Ducky will run down my arm to check out the kitchen sink while I am doing dishes too! He will go under the tap and splash around a bit now too. So cute! :)

03-21-2009, 11:13 AM
Elmo was curious about my noodles today.. she walked straight through my plate.. *head desk*... she obviously didn't like the texture.. came back to my shoulder to wipe her feet on my shirt.

cp.lovebird.. why would you want a dish on the kitchen counter when there's running water!! ;)

03-21-2009, 12:09 PM
Elmo was curious about my noodles today.. she walked straight through my plate.. *head desk*... she obviously didn't like the texture.. came back to my shoulder to wipe her feet on my shirt.

cp.lovebird.. why would you want a dish on the kitchen counter when there's running water!! ;)

How true! :rotfl

03-24-2009, 01:06 AM
Kale baths are fun. I usually wet down a few large Kale leaves and clip the to the top of a cage in the birdroom. I put a water bowel or two near the kale, and the birdies LOVE it. There will be a bunch clamoring to roll around in the wet kale and play in the water. Sometimes I break out the squirt bottle and will mist everybirdy. It's great fun :).

Linda. I have a lovebirdy who recently started who started perching and bathing in the clean water cups when I'm changing waters. It's too funny cause there's like 15 water cups and he will hop among them and play:rofl:.