View Full Version : I have a question about my boy !!

08-08-2005, 09:44 AM
Hi everyone,
I have a pair of Lovies that I've raised from 2 weeks of age. They've always been together and they are a proven pair. They're about 20 months in age.
He's an Orangefaced Lutino, she is a OF Aussie.
Long story kinda short:
I've noticed that my boy's number one priority is pleasing his mate. He always seems to put his mate first. When I feed them he will eat, then go and feed her. Then shell come down and eat herself and lay in the dish and kick the rest of the seed out. So there are a few dishes in their cage now.
(( But! )) 4 months ago he got really weak and I realized that he was under weight. So I seperated them and put him in a hospital brooder and hand-fed him. He pulled through after a few days. About a week or two later I put them back together. Since then no problems. (Mind you I took the nestbox off). Now to my problem. Yesterday I go to feed my birds and there he was again fluffed up in the corner. I pulled him out, and he feels under weight. So again he's being hand-fed by me and is on heat. This time I'm not sure if he's going to make it. :( I've seen him eat just about everytime I feed them. (So I've been thinking everything was ok.)
I've put nesting boxes up for a few of my pair. I havent gotten to them yet. I started about 5 days ago. I believe he gets excited knowing that love is in the air and he's determend to woo is his mate, so he stuffs her, and is starving himself. :(
Has anyone ever dealt with this???
Shoud I separate them for good???
He's a sweet sweet boy, he has never nipped me.
Please say a prayer that I can pull him out of this a second time.
He's been tested by a vet for diseases when he was younger. I havent introduced anyone new to my aviary that hasn't been tested and quarantined.

08-08-2005, 09:51 AM
Just because the lovie was tested at some point he could still develop an illness, which could be making him weak. I would make a vet appointment to see what's going on with the little guy.

08-08-2005, 09:53 AM
maybe a trip to the vet is in order....I think I would take him in and have them test him....and check him out. Sometimes we cant fix whats wrong on our own, even if we think we know what it is.
When is the last time he had a check up??
I wish you luck with your little guy.
Please let us know what you decide to do and how he is doing