View Full Version : Too young to mate?

03-13-2009, 03:43 AM
At what age would you guys say lovies "mature"? Stormy was about 2 months old when i got him in December..so hes gota be almost 4 months now? Lizzy is guessed to be the same age.

Today was the first day i noticed it. Theyd be running around the bottom of their cage, and Lizzy would get in a "position" like my female tiel would when she was ready to go, and Stormy would hop on. Poor thing, he would hop on and look around like..what now? :whistle:

Then shed get so angry at him..like it was his fault he had no idea what to do >: she would chase him around the cage with him screaming like she was trying to kill him.

It got better later on when they "snapped" out of it..but i was almost to he point of putting a divider in their cage (its meant for it). Are they too young to be doing this?

03-13-2009, 04:15 AM
Yes, they are to young. Most breeders want them at the least one year old. I would suggest rearranging the inside of the cage and hopefully it will put them off.


03-13-2009, 04:48 AM
I agree that they are too young but they are experimenting, none the less. Neither is too far from sexual maturity so this is something you will need to be watching.

03-13-2009, 11:06 AM
I agree that they are too young but they are experimenting, none the less. Neither is too far from sexual maturity so this is something you will need to be watching.

I agree they are mostly experimenting and it will take some time for them to get right. I would just keep an eye out for nesting behavior and adjust accordingly. I have noticed this behavior on more than one occasion with two young males where they take turns being on top or on bottom:omg:.