View Full Version : Camacide Has Returned!

08-08-2005, 01:04 PM
Don't know who else has it yet, but I just bought a quart bottle where I buy my bird food. If anyone is interested, call Smelt Feed at 813-248-2359.

08-08-2005, 06:52 PM
ah....linda.....what is it?? (Ive never heard of it......) please enlighten me.....

08-08-2005, 07:48 PM
Sorry about that, Lori!
Camacide is the only insecticide that can actually be misted onto a bird and will only kill insects. It's completely natural and insects do not fare very well once they get it on them. I use it for everything from ants to palmetto bugs and it's very efficient. About a yr ago, a different company bought out the manufacturer of Camacide and the new owner had to apply to EPA in order to continue to sell it. Supplies have been out for almost 6 months. The feed supply store where I get everything just got some in yesterday!!! I've been lost without it. The only downside to this particular formula is that it does not leave a residue. It kills the bugs and that's it.

08-08-2005, 07:52 PM
is it safe to use with other pets as well,,,,you say you can mist it right on the lovebirds?? (unusual...)
can I use it in my snake's tank to kill fruit flies...and yes we have those in there,, I think they are attracted to her shedding and her water.
and can I also use it around/on my dog? near/on my plants outside/inside??
If this is all so that would be a miracle misting spray!!
Thanks for the info Linda, (cant wait to hear if I can use it for all of the above!)

08-08-2005, 08:03 PM
and what about kids with headlice? :rofl:

5 bottles of headlice shampoo that costs 50 bucks and up to 12:30 at night nitpicking after we found the girl I babysat had been infested for at least a month... :( and now we gotta do it all again in another week...

pets have ivermectin and advantage and revolution etc...these things are only supposed to work on insects, so why cant we use 'em on those darn headlice?? I jsut wnat to take one of those little tubes and squirt it on the back of all our necks.

off the topic I know..sorry


08-08-2005, 08:28 PM
I accidentally sprayed one of my lovebirds with Camacide (kids switched the water bottle and the Camacide bottle) and it had no ill effects on the bird at all. I will admit that I gave the lovie a bath real quick but it didn't bother the bird at all! Don't know that I would go as far as to use it on humans. I've used it outside on my plants and it works, although the manufacturers of Camacide have a house and garden formula that works better for outside plants.

The secret to deterring head lice is hair spray or any hair dressing that contains alcohol. Lice hate it and will avoid hair that's been sprayed with it. I have plenty of experience in that area!!! When my daughters were growing up, I went through the same thing, but I never got infected. Reason? I use hair spray. My daughters weren't too crazy about the idea but once they found out it works, they didn't have head lice again!

For insects outside and fleas on your dog, try food quality diatomaceous earth (DE for short). Works great and can even be ingested.

Thus ends Heloise's lesson for this evening.... :)

08-08-2005, 09:32 PM
Traci mayo and veggie oil are safe non chemical for head bugs. My daughter got them sevral times and that is how got rid of them. just massaged it on head and rinsed 2 hours later.


Buy A Paper Doll
08-08-2005, 09:41 PM
Funny story, many moons ago I was babysitting my sister's kids and discovered they both had lice. The drugstore was closed or something and out of desperation we used the dog's flea and tick shampoo. We figured if it was safe to use on a puppy it should be safe to use on a kid. Guess what, it worked faster and smelled better than the head lice shampoo.

08-08-2005, 10:53 PM
Camacide was always available here. Did it go off the market in the States for a while?

08-08-2005, 11:00 PM
On the head lice: I found Mayo works better than the expensive shampoos - about 2 hours on the hair (I usually wrapped my daughter's head with a plastic bag - ON HER HAIR ONLY :rofl: ). She rode the school bus in a very rural OH district with a pretty poor little girl, bless her heart. Kristen's teacher was the one that really helped me.

Pesticides are usually really bad news in the long run... is camacide considered an organic pesticide or such? I had two dogs in GA that I flea-bathed weekly through the summer. Both died from cancers, and the dogs weren't related. It made me rethink "approved" uses of chemicals like that. I'd love to know of something that doesn't harm birds. I let my trees go to the beetles because I don't want to harm the outside birds with chemicals.

08-09-2005, 02:02 AM
Yup I learned mayo cause for 3 month daughter got it...turns out ehr friend had it and her mom did nothing. I was pregnant at time and my doctor told me safe thing to use since i had to treat whole house.


08-09-2005, 05:46 AM
Camacide is all natural, which is why it leaves no residue. It's a natural insecticide.

Yes, Camacide was off the market for almost a year while it was awaiting EPA re-approval.

08-09-2005, 06:12 AM
That explains why Shy never noticed it off the shelves in Canada. The re-approval process probably was much smoother.

08-09-2005, 08:00 AM
I've been trying to get some Camacide for months. Thank You Linda for the information!! I NEED some soooooo bad. I knew they had finally gotten the approval, but they hadn't started distributing it yet. I'll look around and see if I can find it. Again, Thanks!! :D

08-09-2005, 01:45 PM
Funny story, many moons ago I was babysitting my sister's kids and discovered they both had lice. The drugstore was closed or something and out of desperation we used the dog's flea and tick shampoo. We figured if it was safe to use on a puppy it should be safe to use on a kid. Guess what, it worked faster and smelled better than the head lice shampoo.

dog flea shampoo actually has the same pesticides as soem of the head lice shampoo, only in a much smaller concentration (and is much cheaper!!). We opted for the lice shampoo that has the best results, but in between treatments I am doing the oil/vinegar and teatree oil thing just in case. My neighbors are going through the same thing and haven't been able to get rid of the lice...they keep reappearing. So I dont want to take any chances...I dont want to wait a week to kill any newly hatched lice whose eggs didnt get wiped out by the first treatment. Tea tree oil is supposed to be really effective. Even more so if you put it in 40% alcohol..but I just couldnt bring myself to douse the kids long hair in alcohol overnight...


08-09-2005, 03:54 PM
Jackie, if you find it, let me know. Otherwise, I'll call the number that Linda listed. Are you all talking about using this for problems around the cage or in the same room as your birds? I haven't had a problem with that, yet, but do have ants, off and on, in my kitchen and garage.

Suzanne, your comment on wrapping your daughters head, HAIR ONLY, cracked me up! Weren't you just a little tempted to wrap the whole head?

08-09-2005, 06:41 PM
Traci I use tea tree shampoo and maybe thats why they stayed off of me last time..lol. I lvoe the smell(i am weird).


08-10-2005, 08:19 AM

I want it to use around the house inside & out. You know - ants, bees, spiders & stuff like that. I don't have any problems with moths - thank goodness. But I want to make sure I have some on hand just in case I ever need it. Go ahead and call that number if you want and let me know what they say. :D

08-10-2005, 09:26 AM
Jackie, my exterminator comes on Friday and I'll ask him where to get it. I've used this same guy once a month for 23 years and Oliver certainly doesn't have a problem with what he sprays but I am having him skip the quarantine room. I'll let you know.

08-11-2005, 10:23 AM
Suzanne.....what about those "Beetle bags" I see hanging in everyones yard? They look somewhat like a torpedo. They are yellow at the top where the beetles are drawn to go in and they are dark green on the rest of the bag. I'm not sure where people are getting them, but they seem to fill up fast. Your local home extension group could probably tell you where to get them, maybe at an agri/feed supply.

08-11-2005, 10:36 AM
Traci.....bag up all fuzzy items that can not be put into the dryer......run pillows, comforter....etc....in the dryer......heat kills them.....people who use hair dryer on their hair do not get lice.....if everyone infected is not working to eliminate them....they are very hard to get rid of......my daughter caught them in kindergarten, she weighed no more than 50 pounds and I was having to poison her head every week for about 3 weeks....which I felt was so unhealthy......school had not notified kid's parents from the bus or in the adjoining class room. I ended up using "Adam's Flea Spray".....(haven't seen it on the market lately) on her back pack and her coat.....and lightly rub it in her hair after spraying it on my hands......it has (pyretherin) in it....and that is they only way I could get rid of it......other than putting on my "Power Coat" (a denim riding coat with shoulder pads, lots of glitter paint and gems on it) and threatening the principal and the school nurse to advise everyone so it could be stopped.....I took a live louse bug put it in a tiny tupperware container in 1/4 in of alcohol and it lived for 2 days sealed up with the alcohol......I also gave my daughter a perm, which killed them....I even found a flattened bug on her head and taped it to a piece of paper and showed it to the principal and nurse.