View Full Version : Photo contest?

08-08-2005, 06:51 PM
I was thinking maybe we should have a photo contest. Submit pictures of our birds and see who will win 1st place 2nd place 3rd place and 4th place.

08-08-2005, 07:13 PM
Taylor, while that sounds like a cool idea, we all think OUR OWN love is the most beautiful so we'd have to vote for it. Come to think of it, now I have three and I couldn't choose, even between my three. :D But, I can promise you that I have the three most beautiful lovies in the world! :wink:

08-08-2005, 07:16 PM
Taylor, while that sounds like a cool idea, we all think OUR OWN love is the most beautiful so we'd have to vote for it. Come to think of it, now I have three and I couldn't choose, even between my three. :D But, I can promise you that I have the three most beautiful lovies in the world! :wink:

No way. Ditto is the #1 lovie on the planet! Just ask him, he'll tell you! :rofl:

08-08-2005, 07:37 PM

If you ask mine, "Who's the prettiest bird in the world?", they will fluff up and give you their best coquettish little sideways look(you all know the one). Yep, I'm pretty sure mine are the most beautimous :D

08-08-2005, 07:38 PM
Taylor, see what I mean???? :rofl: No way any of us could ever think another lovie is more beautiful than our own. My first lovie is a normal peachface, common to some but BEATUIFUL beyond belief to me! :D

08-08-2005, 07:38 PM
Well, ok. But Martha is the most beautiful love bird. If you disagree she will just have to bite you! lol.

08-08-2005, 07:41 PM
Well, ok. But Martha is the most beautiful love bird. If you disagree she will just have to bite you! lol.

My lovebird can beat up your lovebird! :rofl: :rofl:

08-08-2005, 07:45 PM
I have lots of lovies, and they are ALL THEE MOST PRETTYFULL OF ALL THE LOVIES IN THE LAND!!
And they would tell you so themselves but their little beakies are all grinding right now.....its bedtime.
:rofl: :rofl:
OH>..and I bet your lovebird cant beat up Mrs. Tikibird! :rofl: (she is the meanest one I have right now....sittin' on those eggies! :evil: )

08-08-2005, 07:46 PM
I can see that this is going to turn into who has the biggest flock...and can therefor beat up all the other flocks...

Doesnt that make Linda the winner?

Actually, I kind of like the idea of a photo contest...I guess any excuse to take more and see more pics of lovies. And while we may not be able to choose between mutations, I think it could be for the cutest pics...of course those big hairy butt squirrel pics are going to be some competition!!!


08-08-2005, 07:46 PM
:lol......I've got three.....against ONE!

Dave, btw, is Ditto a DNA'd male? I'm asking because I would love to have a pied (male) and he would be an easy fidnap for me. I have a b-i-l in Harrisburg and it's time for a visit! :D

08-08-2005, 07:48 PM
:lol......I've got three.....against ONE!

Dave, btw, is Ditto a DNA'd male? I'm asking because I would love to have a pied (male) and he would be an easy fidnap for me. I have a b-i-l in Harrisburg and it's time for a visit! :D

Nope, not DNA'd. Just a hunch. And until I see eggs he's a he. :p

08-08-2005, 07:52 PM
Actually, you're going to have a hard time convincing Echo that he's not the world's most handsome lovebird. To prove it, he will stand up real tall, spread his wings just a bit, bow down and stand back up again! :lol :lol

08-08-2005, 08:00 PM
Actually, you're going to have a hard time convincing Echo that he's not the world's most handsome lovebird. To prove it, he will stand up real tall, spread his wings just a bit, bow down and stand back up again! :lol :lol

Well then Ditto will just have to do his little dance. He's practicing it right now. :rofl:

08-08-2005, 08:11 PM
Lori: My creamino CuddleBunny can probably beat up your Mrs. Tikibird. She's not mean she's just crazy :p :rofl: :p

As far as flock on flock fighting, I think we'd have to have classes based on the number of birds one owns. I think Linda would be the winner by default :D .

08-08-2005, 08:42 PM
Hey, Hey, Here NOW!!!!

We ain't havin no birdy fightin. There is no fighting and NO BITING in this house. That's what I tell the birds anyhow. Yeah, like they listen :rolleyes:

08-08-2005, 08:42 PM

did I mention that I was hand feeding a pied? :whistle: It's a blue series too :p Not my breeding, but I'm taken care of them :D

Rubygem :evil:

08-08-2005, 08:51 PM
Uh oh, Ruby!
You may have to guard that baby with your very life! Around here, pieds are in hot demand! :lol

08-08-2005, 08:53 PM

When Janie comes to pick up that pied, you might as well throw a GCC in for good measure ;)

Hey, I have it on good authority that her hubby will be out of the country for awhile, so she could really stock up while he's gone :D

08-08-2005, 09:28 PM
:rofl: will he be gone next year about this time ;) cuz I could set up my pieds, and they can be from my own breeding stock.... :evil: and those GCC will be old enough to breed by then....and I'm adding that other pair soon :whistle: .

Has Janie caught MBS?

More Birds syndrome.... :omg:

I caught it a while back... :lol


Buy A Paper Doll
08-08-2005, 09:48 PM
Hey, I have it on good authority that her hubby will be out of the country for awhile, so she could really stock up while he's gone

I wish you guys had told me about this sooner, the rule where you can get more birds if hubby leaves the country! :lol Mine will be back on Friday.

08-08-2005, 09:51 PM

That's more than enough time. You are soooooooo close to Linda ;)

08-08-2005, 10:14 PM
Seriously, my hubby is going to Russia on Friday! Is this a good time to load up and add to the flock???? Ruby, save that pied for me and throw in a couple of GCC! :D I know you have at least two, I saw them! :happy:

08-08-2005, 10:18 PM

Everybody get a GCC. Lovies and GCC's and Grey's, and an Amazon or two. Maybe a Macaw........... Weeeeeeeee, ain't we got fun :D

08-08-2005, 10:20 PM
Hubby told me no more birds til I got myself a job :cry:


08-08-2005, 10:31 PM
Lori, I've got 13 days......get down here and help me BUY MORE BIRDS! :D

08-08-2005, 11:04 PM
I'll hold the pied...no problem :p but you better think twice for my gcc :mad: :wink:

They are momma's babies...and I couldn't sell them .... I'm not even sure I can breed them... :blush: :D But don't tell hubby...as that was the reason he gave me the okay to get them :whistle:

:roll: hummm you think that I can tell him the DNA results were wrong...LOL


08-09-2005, 06:07 AM
Has Janie caught MBS? More Birds syndrome.... :lol Around here we refer to that as being seduced by The Dark Side. :lol We all figured out that the birds themselves hatched an evil plot to get adopted by good suckers, er, good owners, :D and were using a form of mind control to achieve it!

Y'all forgot about Miz Gracie. She rules, so she wins! :lol