View Full Version : New flights = out of control!!!

Pips mom
03-20-2009, 10:19 AM
Wow, what a difference a few new flight feathers make! I've been seeing it coming on now for a week or so, but today was it......I couldn't catch him, or get him in his cage, he is HORRIBLE with his new flight abilities :omg:.....it was so bad that we actually had to catch him and clip some flights ourselves, which I have never done before. At first we only clipped a few longer ones, and let him go and he was still flying great! so we caught him again and got a few more and perfect! He can fly just the right amount! I did notice he had a new flight feather that was still wrapped up alot on the bottom half of it, so we left that feather alone because I was afraid of it being a blood feather. Pip has not been clipped now since his vet visit back in Aug......for a long time when his flights would grow in, he would break them....he is so rough and tough, and I was wondering when he'd finally grow in new ones without them breaking! I can't believe he went that long without a clip and didn't need one. Everytime I saw a new flight, it would be on the outside alone with no other feathers protecting it and every time he would break it. Finally, new flights growing like crazy now, but WOW I guess it's been so long I forgot how bad he is with flight!

03-20-2009, 10:40 AM
Aw, your arial acrobat has been partially grounded! :omg: Doesn't sound like it's having too bad of an effect. Safety first!

Pips mom
03-20-2009, 10:44 AM
Safety first!

Yeah, safety AND sanity!!! :omg:

03-20-2009, 10:52 AM
Yeah, safety AND sanity!!! :omg:

Ah yes, sanity!! Pip really is a character and knows how to keep you on your toes!! :lol

03-20-2009, 01:01 PM
Ha ha! :) It sounds like Pip really had you going.

I've had baby birds up on the top window sill (up about 18 ft high in our living room with vaulted ceilings) when I was letting them learn to fly before clipping their wings.

They do eventually come down but certainly not when you want them to. It's like they get up there and then they don't know what to do, and it's a really long drop to the floor.

Sooooo.... they sit, and sit, and chirp, and look around, and chirp, and sit, and call their mama who is clipped and can't do a thing. Then finally they lift off again and go find mama or daddy!

They get altogether too sassy with full flight, that's for sure!!!

After a few times of this I decide they can fly just great and then they get an attitude adjustment, just like Pip did! It definitely works wonders.

Now that you know how to do it yourself you can trim the flights as they come in to maintain the perfect clip. :)

Way to go!!!

03-20-2009, 04:09 PM
Pips Mom - I swear Pip and Scuttle must be of a similar soul! haha. Scuttle grew in a couple of his flight feathers just recently and he's been flying like a crazy-bird! I couldn't believe how just a couple of flight feathers could give him so much lift. He's still insistent on being velcroed to my shoulder, though. The only time he flies off is if a loud noise - like something falling or a plastic bag ruffling - happens near him. Then he takes off for the nearest high thing.

I'm thinking of maybe getting his wings clipped soon, but I want to wait and see how he handles them. If he stays safe, I'll likely leave them, but if he starts getting unsafe about his flying - I may just get them trimmed.

Good luck! :)

03-20-2009, 04:54 PM
Ive never clipped my two and it did get to the point when i just could not catch them to get them back in the cage (theyre not stupid!), caused lots of problems when we went on a weeks holiday and my parents could not get Sticky in his cage for hours! When I got back I taught them to fly to my hand when i hold it up above my head so at least I or whoever looks after them gets a chance! Every so often we do a "drill" and they both come flying to my hand as they know they get a sunflower seed just to keep them remembering their trick :)

03-20-2009, 07:13 PM
Pip and Eddie always grow their wings together! I just clipped Eddie's myself 2 days ago. I am a wimp, and only cut them as short as the outer feathers. Just the primaries are cut, and I leave them long. He still can fly short distances, but he is less bratty and I get to see his purple rump!