View Full Version : My Love Bird Family Grew....

Angelic vampyre
03-26-2009, 06:29 AM
I got a call through the bird shelter i run from a guy who wanted to surender some birds.

I head out there, he was very hard to understand on the phone and not much better in person. He said he thought they where love bird. I got there and soon worked out that he had a mental issue had a look at the birds and felt like crying.

it looked like there was about 6 dead birds in the bottom of the cage, some almost gone, another looked to have been dead a few days. As there was no seed or water in the cage the remaining two had been eating the dead birds :omg:

I brought them both home, one is missing a few claws but other then that they seem in Ok health. Going to keep them together for a while. When i get my new avairy built I will add them to my colony and hope they don't attack or attempt to eat the other bird but will have to see how we go.

They are both masked and a VERY VERY dark green almost black in colour.

Pips mom
03-26-2009, 07:01 AM
That's pretty sad.....even with a mental issue you'd think he'd know at least to feed them! and who would sell or give a pet to a person like this??? when it's that obvious that you can hardly understand him!
I sure hope the remaining two do ok. I'd get them vet care after being in a situation like that!

03-26-2009, 07:13 AM
yes, i would be sure to have the quarantined and if you can, take them to a vet. how awful. thank god you were able to take them out of there.

Angelic vampyre
03-26-2009, 07:46 AM
The vet I like to use is not on till Monday but i did speak to him, they are in the OK weight range and I have a general stock of probiotics and antibiotics on hand so they will get treated with that. Also going to treat for worms and mites etc... and then go see the vet at the start of next week. They seem in good spirits now that they have a cage twice the size and it's clean. Will keep you updated

03-26-2009, 08:27 AM
I am so glad that you were able to rescue the remaining birds. It makes me so sad and sick to think of the situation that you found there. :very_sad: My prayers and thoughts that the new birds recover sufficiently to join your flock!

03-26-2009, 08:32 AM
I can't bear to hear stories like that - my heart just breaks for what both the dead and the 2 alive lovies had to go through. I'm so glad to hear that you rescued them, and I am sending lots of positive thoughts that they recover from their ordeal soon.

03-26-2009, 09:39 AM
I hope the birds end up OK!! How terrible, what a rough situation to be in, poor little ones.

03-26-2009, 11:00 AM
Argh that's nasty, must of been a horrible sight. Got any pictures of the 2 you got? Nice of you to take them in :)

03-26-2009, 02:59 PM
Poor little guys, what happened to the ones you said were almost gone? Glad you rescued the to remaining :)

03-26-2009, 03:49 PM
Glad they found a good home! I also hate storys like this thats why i be very carefull when on youtube theres some sick people out there makeing vids of thier birds killing each other grieveing etc .....sad......

Angelic vampyre
03-26-2009, 05:35 PM
Sorry that was a miss type on my part (I was a little angry) there where only two alive, the almost gone ones where there was a rough shape of the bird and a beak left and that was it as it they where almost completly decomposed.

The seemed happy today, they where looking at their veggies as if it was some strange monster that was going to eat them so I have mixed a few corn kernals in with the seed in the hope that will kick start their veggie eating ways.

I do need to get pictures but did not want to stress them out anymore then I did last night so will try and get some over the weekend.

03-26-2009, 07:18 PM
how sad and unfortunate. yet, how lucky these two are to have found you. i am so glad they are in better hands now. stories like this are heartbreaking. all those poor lovies. :( gross how they were eating the dead ones to survive. how do people like that end up w/ pets?

03-26-2009, 07:26 PM
were you able to ascertain whether or not there were any other animals in the house? i know that this guy has mental problems and it sounds like perhaps he shouldn't be by himself... but he should be reported to the authorities for abuse and neglect. if he had the presence of mind to call the shelter, he should have called before the situation degenerated so badly.

thank goodness you were at least able to save the last two.

Angelic vampyre
03-27-2009, 04:59 AM
yes I did check for other animals, i also called the cops and let them know where I was going to be as i was going alone (something i don't like doing) found out he has a carer who orgianlly supplied him with the birds and then he left her care. RSPCA knew about his but had not checked on him as far as anyone could tell me. I have reported him and told them that he thought he was doing the right thing but he did not know, he was unprepared to look after the birds. i would say the old carer was feeding them but when she/he left the poor man did not know why there where dying, he had never had to feed or water them in the past. the next door neighbour had given him my number as she found my website.

03-27-2009, 07:03 PM
What a sad situation for those birds and even for the old owner. I am sorry you had to walk into that horrible scene. Hopefully your intervention has helped prevent this from happening again. I am sending you and your new babies good vibes. Please keep us posted.

03-27-2009, 08:00 PM
what how do they even allow that you youtube? videos like that? thats so sick it makes me so mad. i hate animal abuse it literally is the worst thing for me to the point that even seeing a picture can bring me to tears.

I think people who abuse animals should have it done to them. (yikes, I guess were seeing the nasty side of me huh? sorry bout that)