View Full Version : New bird maybe....help!!

03-27-2009, 01:26 PM
Hi everyone! So I stumbled upon a bird today that is in need of re-homing. I don't know much except that the owner has to move out of town and cannot take pets with -- Oh & it's for sure a boy. I have a picture but that is roughly it as far as information goes, we just began contact. Heres the photo below:

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b9dd06b3127ccec6e22efbf47700000040O00AatWbZq0Zs2 QPbz4A/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/

I guess my question is: What kind of information should I request from this person as far as their bird goes? I need to know what questions to ask so I am as informed as possible. I haven't ever just 'adopted' a bird so I want to make sure I do it correctly, if I do it at all.

thanks!! Im getting excited = )

03-27-2009, 01:49 PM
Some, but not all the questions I would ask...

Are you the orig owner
Vet record!!!
Exposure to other birds
Exposure to teflon, chem
Diet- which pellet, seed, fresh fruits so it eats right away
Been around children
Habits (so he can feel comfy in his new home)
Fav toys
Cover at night?

I'm sure there are a million more you can think of...

By the way, QUARANTINE is a must.

He is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!:blush:

03-27-2009, 01:57 PM
Cute little guy! You are looking at a Pied Blue Peachie, at least from what I can see from the photo.

My concerns would be approximate age, # of previous owners, handled much (not that it matters at this point), diet, any health issues, who is the avian vet or just vet, if there is one.

The biggest concern is if you can give this one a good, forever home! Quarantine is an absolute must!

03-27-2009, 02:13 PM
The others gave good answers. I would ask(unless you know) how they are 100% sure a male. Also wanted to say thank you for possibly adopting and giving this baby a new home.


03-27-2009, 02:54 PM
oh yeah, absolute quarantine if I get this little guy. The person is going to give the birds cage, liners, food, toys, etc. with the bird. We'll see, I haven't heard anything yet from this morning so hopefully he's still available!!!

03-27-2009, 03:51 PM
Hi I just spoke with the lady who is selling Saphire. He is roughly 2 years old, she adopted him in August and he was one and a half then - he had a mate but the previous owners chihuahua got to her! = ( SO this sounds like it will be the third time this little guy is re-homed. I am going to call her later to see if we can work something out with the adoption.

I do have a concern because he is male and Gus is a male. I am going to ask the girl if he is a confirmed male just to be sure when I speak with her later. But I wonder is this a bad idea to have two males? I am going to keep them in separate cages of course until the quarantine is over. I know there is always a chance that two birds, regardless two females or males or female and male, can not get along but is two males worse? or better because they are two boys? thanks guys.

ps....this bird reminds me of Luka with the coloring, so maybe this was meant to be = )

03-27-2009, 05:44 PM
Two males normaly have a better chance getting along then 2 females I have heard.


03-27-2009, 05:53 PM
Male/male pairs are usually happy campers together! Could be a very good thing if you don't want babies! :)

03-27-2009, 06:57 PM
oh yeah, absolute quarantine if I get this little guy. The person is going to give the birds cage, liners, food, toys, etc. with the bird. We'll see, I haven't heard anything yet from this morning so hopefully he's still available!!!

This all sounds very exciting.......:)....... And it sounds like this one really needs a home. Hope all goes well for everyone.

Be sure to provide the exact foods this guys been eating all along, as many birds are reluctant to change. The danger is that he may likewise refuse to eat. Once he gets used to his new home, you can always gradually improve his diet., Good luck!

03-27-2009, 10:32 PM
he's adorable!!!!!

03-28-2009, 01:03 AM
wow! he's so precious!

i've already read and responded to the other thread- so i know he is definitely coming home to you and Gus....

but he is very beautiful... didn't i just say the right one will come along? its funny- i had just been writing you an e-mail saying how upset i was about losing loki and how i didn't know how i would ever find another bird who could live up to enko and loki and how i would find a breeder i could trust...

when Linda shot me over an e-mail about Freyja...

( Anyhow... how did I end up still on this forum rambling an hour after my first senseless post? ) haha... anyhow, congrats, he, indeed, is quite the jewel and I am glad his hard luck will end with finding you and Gus!