View Full Version : Where do I begin?

03-28-2009, 08:02 PM
I feel so bad that I ever complained about Gus because compared to Os he is pretty much tame and wonderfu, lol!!

Here's my #1 for things to do:

1. Clip Os's wings, definitely. This will make stepping up easier, taming easier. We've had 2 episodes today where he flew out of his cage and I had to catch him, I know it terrified the little guy so something needs to be done.

So, I obviously have had babies. Gus is still only 4 months and coming along. Os is a different story because he is 2 and has already had a pretty traumatic life. Where do I begin on the taming?? Wing clip is one. I figure I have a month where the two are apart so this would be a good time to let him get used to ME. Is there a certain amount of time I should let Os be alone - say, a few days to get used to things around him?

I feel like a newbie again:)but I really just don't know where to start. I am looking at this as he is a wild bird, because he is. His calls are even completely different from Gus's, i feel like i am in the jungle!!

03-28-2009, 09:12 PM
i wish i could help you out. i guess the same rules apply only it'll take longer. i wouldnt know where to start either w/ a wild lovie. i've read stories where folks have tame theirs down, but it took longer. i think that would be very challenging (as if the hand fed ones aren't challenging enough), but very rewarding. good luck.

03-28-2009, 10:40 PM
I feel so bad that I ever complained about Gus because compared to Os he is pretty much tame and wonderfu, lol!!

Here's my #1 for things to do:

1. Clip Os's wings, definitely. This will make stepping up easier, taming easier. We've had 2 episodes today where he flew out of his cage and I had to catch him, I know it terrified the little guy so something needs to be done.

So, I obviously have had babies. Gus is still only 4 months and coming along. Os is a different story because he is 2 and has already had a pretty traumatic life. Where do I begin on the taming?? Wing clip is one. I figure I have a month where the two are apart so this would be a good time to let him get used to ME. Is there a certain amount of time I should let Os be alone - say, a few days to get used to things around him?

I feel like a newbie again:)but I really just don't know where to start. I am looking at this as he is a wild bird, because he is. His calls are even completely different from Gus's, i feel like i am in the jungle!!

Generally, unless a birds already been well socialized, its a good idea for the first couple days or so to have him remain in his cage. This gives him the opportunity to take in his new surroundings at a more relaxed pace. In the meantime, you can make your rounds, providing food, company, and a bit of conversation. Once he starts to show some interest, then maybe try for a "step up" or a bit of out of cage time. Sounds to me though, like your already off to a good start by having his wings clipped.

Often, quarantine can cause some confusion as to just when and how you should handle birds who are yet to be introduced. Do your best to follow closely the same routine you've been providing all along with your existing Gus, while gradually working to become aquainted with Os. Abiding by quarantine, while it can be a pain in the rear, can be accomplished by washing hands and keeping a second change of clothes always on hand. Likewise, if your newbie Os decides to relish in your hair, then thats not where you want Gus to be right afterwards. For now, one good rule to follow would be, to do your best not offer up more time now than you could otherwise provide at a later date, as the last thing you may need is a bird who steadfastly anticipates your arrival at 7AM every single morning. Another words, don't be afraid to start introducing yourself at 10AM.

Hopefully some others can chirp in a few notes here..............:)

03-28-2009, 10:47 PM
I guess my main concern is that once Gus is introduced, the bond between Os and I will fall by the wayside and it will be hopeless from there to tame him. Once quarantine is over I plan on having gus and Os together as much as possible, or as much as they will allow, because I do want them to become friends. However, like I said, I don't want Os to think "Oh sweet, another bird, no more of this human stuff" and then he's untamable. Get what I'm saying? I just want to make sure I go about this in the right way.

03-29-2009, 07:25 AM
I totally get what you are saying. When we first got Peanut I literally cried because he wanted to be with our parakeets. So, I let him play and explore with them. But, it was just a phase. He is so attached to humans in general that he will go and annoy the parakeets, but always chooses to be with us 99% of the time.

My utmost belief is that if you estabilsh a strong bond between you and Os, that bond will not break. It may lessen once he becomes friends with Gus, but it won't break.

03-29-2009, 07:58 AM
My utmost belief is that if you estabilsh a strong bond between you and Os, that bond will not break. It may lessen once he becomes friends with Gus, but it won't break.

I believe this too! When I quarantined Ducky, he and I did bond. I got his wings clipped before the quarantine ended. He has remained bonded to me (although now he is full-flighted so he can fly around and play with Squeaky) but he now chooses to spend time with me as well. It seems to be the best of both worlds!

Good luck with Os! Patience, consistency and lots of love will do wonders in taming your new lovie. :)