View Full Version : Singles club

03-28-2009, 08:31 PM
Hi guys.

I'm sitting here today feeling kind of bad for my birdies. None of the three has a buddy. Jack and Chino don't really like each other, and Nokomis would rip them apart if he could.

I would love for each of them to have a partner to cuddle and preen. It's SO cute when birds do that. Someone to follow around and check things out with would be nice.

I know single birds generally do fine, as long as they have enough attention... but it's still not the same as having one of your own kind.

It's not that I'm thinking of getting more (right now, anyway-lol), because I know there's no guarantee they'd even like a new bird of the same species.

Today is a cold, grey, blustery day. Maybe I'm just feeling melancholy. :confused:

03-28-2009, 08:37 PM
Don't worry, sometimes I feel the same. Esp when I see elmo preening herself and it takes her a long time to get her whole body done. I think, aww if she had a friend then maybe it wouldn't take so long. But then I remember how aggressive she can get and I dont think I have enough money for the potential vet bills... and have the stomach for the lost toes.

I dont think that the grey horrible day helps either.. see if you think the same when it's sunny and wonderful.

03-28-2009, 08:46 PM
I defintely felt that way with Gus - I knew I was giving him tons of attention but I just felt he needs another 'him' around. Hopefully all goes well after quarantine but I really think that gus is a bird guy, although today he was verryyy velcro-like with mommy, so who knows!

03-28-2009, 08:57 PM
that's how i feel w/ Pan. he has no one to explore and preen with. joey will preen him, but jojo's kinda lazy. he'd rather get preen. then after a bit, it's like he's had enough and starts to get rough w/ pan and a fight breaks out. he can't just preen him nicely the way he does w/ evie. so yeah, i do feel bad for pan. but i do want to get a friend for him. just looking for one and hope that they'll like one another. i'm hoping for a female, that way evie won't be the only girl. i don't think it'd be fun to have 3 boys fighting over one female.

Pips mom
03-28-2009, 10:33 PM
Yeah, even though Pip does have a birdy buddy.....Ivy can't take too much of Pip sometimes! They're just such different personalities, like night and day! I too am thinking of one day adding another lovie as a friend for Pip, but not anytime soon though. Pip seems pretty happy most of the time, so I'm not overly concerned that he doesn't have a lovie buddy at this time. I just wonder how him and another lovie would do together..... I know Pip would probably love another lovie, but he can be a bit much to take at times!

03-29-2009, 08:49 AM
I think everyone goes through those type of days. I think about giving Kiwi a friend constantly, (he is an only lovie) . I feel bad for him sometimes, although he is totally bonded to me and my family, and is out of his cage whenever someone is home, which is alot.

However, I also know my limits - we (my human family - 2 sons, and my husband and I) have Kiwi, a snake (my sons'), and Jackpot my dog. I feel guilty all the time about not giving each and every somebody or somebirdy enough of my attention. I also know that just because I get a Kiwi a friend, does not mean they will get along, so they it could mean separate out of cage time, two cages, etc... Right now, the way my life is, this is not something I could manage without feeling burdened or more guilty.

So...........I give all my animals and humans all I can, take my dog for long walks and runs in the forest, take Kiwi out all the time and provide things for him to do when someone is not around. I believe all my companions feel my adoring love for them, and for now, that will do. :)

03-29-2009, 09:32 AM
P.S. I hope you are having a better day today Jeni - It sucks when it is not nice outside. :) :) :)

03-29-2009, 12:56 PM
Hi Jeni;

We only have one bird now who doesn't have a mate and she always seems sort of forlorn compared to the rest who have a buddy to snuggle with and to preen. (Maybe she is just fine and it's just me who thinks she's a bit sad.) Cricket was a handfed baby and most of our birds are parent raised. For some reason none of the other birds have ever liked her and I wonder if it could be that she didn't learn some essential birdie ettiquette or behaviors that the others all know.

Sometimes I wish I'd waited longer when I put her beside one of the males because possibly they would have accepted her after a longer period of time in close proximity. Now there are no unattached males available so she is a spinster.

Our little Cricket is a real sweetheart though. She is always eager to come out of her cage and she just loves riding on shoulders. She won't allow any petting or snuggling though. She prefers a more hands off approach but still enjoys our company. And, she has never gotten nesty or bitey.

We try to have all of the birds out every single day for a while but once in a while we do miss some of them because there are so many. I always make sure to give Cricket extra attention because she is alone and might need it more than the others. Most of them can take it or leave it depending upon their moods. Sometimes they'd rather stay and play in their cages but Cricket always want to come out. So, maybe that is a plus! We have one bird who likes us best.