View Full Version : Should I do this?

08-09-2005, 03:00 PM
I was just telling Lori it’s like I can’t make a decision now without consulting you guys first. ;)

I posted a while back that someone offered to buy one of my lovebird babies early and handfeed themselves. Most agreed that was probably a bad idea and I believe it was Linda who said she has a strict policy of not doing that no matter what kind of experience the person has. I have been sticking to that because I think it’s a good policy.

However, I’ve come across an opportunity and wanted to know what you all thought of it. I am looking for an adult peachface to breed with a female I’m getting from Lori. I emailed the seven breeders I could find on birdsnways located in Massachusetts. One emailed back and said that trading would work out very well for them and they have a heavily pied male who is a year and a half old. Sounds great.

They wanted to know if we could trade now. I wrote back and said the babies weren’t weaned yet. They wrote and said that wasn’t a problem as they pull all babies at two weeks and hand feed. They are a professional aviary.

Do you guys think there is an exception to be made here? Or should I stick to my guns and say “no way” until they are weaned and if they can’t take it then it’s not a good deal? I’m doing this as a hobby but some people have businesses to run so I can understand that they might not want to wait.

Also, I know that I am doing the exact same thing – acquiring birds for breeding purposes. But for some reason I am more nervous about trading my bird to someone I KNOW is not buying it as a pet. This seems silly as this is what I am trying to do with my birds – build up my breeding pairs, but it still makes me worry more about the ones going to something like that rather than a life in someone’s home. Has anyone ever heard of them? They’re based in Fitchburg, MA. No website. It’s called C&M Exotic Birds. (Carmen and Miguel).

As a side note – this is not Goldmoon’s first clutch, but it is the first one she’s ever been allowed to raise on her own. Will taking one of the babies early make her stop feeding the other three? They haven’t written back to say yes or no yet anyway. Maybe waiting a month will be fine with them. Who knows? But I wanted to get opinions anyway.

So let me know what you all think about bringing one baby out there before it’s weaned and if any of you were worried with your first clutch knowing they were going to a breeder. THANKS

08-09-2005, 03:11 PM
And as a little update, I just got this email from him. He sounds kind of. . .abrupt. Am I being overprotective?

Adam is a friendly little guy. Yes it is problem for me to wait because I like to handfeed my babies at an early age. I enjoy a baby bird during the early stages of its life. I love to handfeed, maintain him sweet and friendly throughout handfeeding and weaning stages. If you feel it is a problem then I can not make deals with you.


08-09-2005, 03:20 PM
The answer is no, no exceptions. Unweaned will continue as long as we allow it to happen. You may be told that the baby is going to be a breeder but breeders don't handfeed their breeding stock. I think there's more to it than you are being told. Don't do it.

08-09-2005, 03:22 PM
I personally wouldn't do business with this guy. It is stressful enough for a fully weaned baby to go to a new home. The fact that he doesn't understand where you are coming from and can't wait doesn't bode well. Many "professional" breeders are the worst kind that don't really care for their birds, they're only in it for the money. Many breeders barely break even money wise, so to make a profit, many of these professionals skimp on care.


08-09-2005, 03:22 PM
How could you ship an unweaned chick? I agree, don't do it. It sounds very risky.

08-09-2005, 03:27 PM
I have to say, before getting that reply I was actually considering it. But hearing "we can't make a deal"??? First off, it's not a "deal". And secondly, if you're not willing to compromise then you're not going to make a good home for my new baby.

I'm going to write back and tell this guy (politely) to buzz off. Thanks!

08-09-2005, 03:27 PM
Airlines will not accept an unweaned chick so shipping would never be an option. This question is asked when the shipping reservation is made.

08-09-2005, 03:33 PM
Well, the guy is right in Mass as am I so he figures no shipping. Dang, I would have loved to have pointed that out in the email I just sent him. :) If the airlines won't do it, it can't be good right? Ah well. I said my piece to him. He can deal with it. I was very polite.
I'm sad about losing the pied though. He sounded cool. But I wouldln't want a bird from someone like that anyway. . .

08-09-2005, 04:19 PM

Pieds are not too hard to find. I see lots of them at bird shows, so I know you will find one when the time is right for both you and the babies.

Just curious, how much does the guy want for his pied lovie on just a straight purchase? That might be something to consider?

08-09-2005, 04:27 PM
there are NEVER bird shows in MA. :) I wish there were. That would be a great place to shop around.

I didn't bother to ask how much he wanted because it doesn't seem worth it unless he wants 5 dollars or something. He's over an hour drive away from me and he had quite an attitude in that last email I got from him. I don't know if I'd really want to buy birds from someone like that.

If pieds aren't too hard to find I'll just hold out for another one. I'm looking for all types of peachface mutations really so it doesn't matter anyway. Thanks!

08-09-2005, 04:48 PM
Have you tried Flying Gems Aviaries out of Cape Cod? They have a good reputation so that might be an option if you haven't contacted them.

You may find that you will have to travel to get what you want or go for the shipping. I happen to live in a state where there are lots of shows and plenty of breeders. I consider myself to be very fortunate.

08-10-2005, 10:58 PM
A 'professional' aviary is not professional at all if they would even suggest such a thing. Shame on them.

I would seriously consider getting a bird from somewhere else, as birdie well-being is obviously not their prime concern.

08-11-2005, 07:21 AM
Linda, I will try flying gems. Thanks!

Shy, I know. I definitely will not be getting a baby from them. When I sent them back this reply:
I don't feel hand feeding is a problem. But I do have a policy of not selling them unweaned. That happens far too often in the bird world. I want to be sure my babies are going to be safe when they leave. You don't have to hand feed to have a friendly bird. If that's the way you do it, all the more power to you. Hand feeding is too nerve wracking for some.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to email back and forth with me on this, but I'm going to hold onto them until they are weaned. Adam sounds great. I hope you find a good home for him. Thanks again!

I didn't receive an answer after that. Nice, huh? No thanks!

08-11-2005, 01:27 PM
I think you made an excellent choice.

There are lots of birdies in the world and you will want to ensure you get yourself set up with one that has been given the best start to life that is possible.

Parent fed chicks make for healthy chicks and handfeeding should really only be done if the intervention is absolutely required.