View Full Version : behavior change...normal?

04-01-2009, 08:45 PM
Gus has been sleeping for about 2 hours now (Im editing this at 11:30pm). He has been on top of O's cage (O isn't yet allowed to come out of his cage, we keep him in there for safety reasons and so he can get more acclimated to our home and his surroundings - & new brother). I went to move him just now and he was awake, although me coming up the stairs probably woke him - but he didn't really respond to me. I knew all I would have to do was move my hand toward him and he would scatter away but he didnt react at all. He even let me pet him - a lot! My gus, the king of wanting to bite, let me pet him. Now, I'm a little concerned because this is completely out of character for him.

Is it possible for a bird to go into deep sleep mode and when they are awoken they just act sleepy like a human would upon being awoken suddenly? I know he can't be sick (never say never) but this is just very odd for him to let me pet him and for him to just sit there. I've actually NEVER pet Gus until tonight, so it was pretty wierd. I got him downstairs and in his cage but now he's just sulking on a perch.

Anyone have any ideas? My boyfriend says I probably just startled him from sleep and he's groggy - I'm just paranoid, especially with him and O meeting today, I just don't want to take chances.

04-02-2009, 04:14 AM
Yes. They can get a little disoriented when first woken up from a deep sleep. Peanut starts the night sleeping in my shirt and when I scoop him out of my shirt to put him in his cage for the rest of the night, he just lays there like a lump while I kiss all over him and put him in his hut. So precious! Why can't they always be that sweet? LOL

04-02-2009, 08:11 AM
thanks Jally! That's exactly how Gus was last night and I was like, "This is odd!" because I WAS petting him and cuddling him and I loved it, but when your bird doesn't ever let you do that it's rather different, as you can imagine!! He is his normal loud self this morning so I'm chalking it up to being tired and groggy - I kind of hope that happens tonight so I can pet him again!! = )

04-02-2009, 08:26 AM
You're welcome. I can understand how you could be a little worried and question everything (that is actually good that you know your fid that well). Peanut's been with me for almost 2 years and I still worry. Not as much as I did. But, gosh, I'd be a basketcase if anything ever happened to him!

04-02-2009, 08:46 AM
Oh yeah and especially with the way that Luka went so fast, I can't help but be weary of nearly everything!!! My boyfriend had to stop me last night because I went to keep checking on Gus and by 3am he had had enough of me getting out of bed, lol!! I know Gus pretty well at this point, especially his little attitude and free spirit - he actually doesn't try to bite me anymore which is GREAT!! He does when I try to pick him up if I MUST move him but other than that the lunging has stopped!! *phew*

Thanks again Jally!