View Full Version : Behavior Study

04-02-2009, 09:05 PM
This is an older article that some of you may have read already, but I thought it had some interesting points about setting up a healthy environment for our birds.


Pips mom
04-02-2009, 09:44 PM
According to that article, I should be getting Ivy a pionus pal to get over her fear of strangers! Interesting. She is terrified of strangers...to the point where she will even start throwing up sometimes.

04-02-2009, 10:21 PM
I know it isn't practical to take every bit of advice, but it was interesting to see some of these ideas put to an actual study.

There's a lot of good and bad advice out there, its interesting to see some of it put to the test.

04-03-2009, 05:12 AM
I get her generalizations.. but it doesn't apply to my elmo.. I think her aggressiveness comes from being a Hen.. hahaha!!!

04-03-2009, 07:08 AM
I'd love to see the studies conducted with lovies... Amazons are very different in temperament.

And then... there are hens and there are Hens...

My Belle (RIP) was and Freyja is sweet as sweet can be, and then there was Etta (RIP) who was sent to challenge me and teach me the true meaning of the word Hen and then to correct me.

Freyja won't even bite when she's very angry about what's going on and hissing mad. Time will tell how she will transform with age.

04-03-2009, 09:10 AM
Oh wow... you are so lucky to have a hissy hen.. elmo literally went for my jugular the other night.. She was on her stand and I was standing there talking to her and BAM.. off goes a bit of my skin in my neck.. Hens are def sent to us as a challenge. I still love her exactly the same amount.. just with a bit less skin. LOL

04-03-2009, 09:41 AM
Great article! I would be afraid though to have Gus & O look for food because I would worry that they wouldn't find it and would starve. I know that seems kind of extreme but I just tend to worry about those things!!

I feel it IS true about having a avian friend for your bird - I wish everyone could see how much Gus has mellowed out. I really feel that he wanted a friend all along and we just needed to the right one to come along. They both call and chirp when the sun comes up and then they just hang out together and are SO QUIET its amazing. The chirping begins again of course if they hear a bird or when it begins getting dark outside, but I really think just knowing that there is another one of his kind around, Gus is content and happy and that in turn makes me so happy!!!

Oh & by the way Gus let me pet him again last night, even my boyfriend pet him! (gus isnt fond of my boyfriend). I think the article was great - it explained a lot and a lot of the things it said I totally agree with.