View Full Version : Milo and Chinese food

Buy A Paper Doll
08-09-2005, 06:41 PM
I had Chinese takeout for dinner tonight. I pulled out 2 pieces of plain steamed broccoli (no sauce) and a big pinch of steamed white rice. Perfect for sharing with birdies. I spread it all out on the coffee table as a buffet for my pair. What do you think Milo tasted first?

A. Broccoli
B. Rice
C. The styrofoam container that my food was in

Yeah. :x I had to grab him and fight the little styrofoam chunk away from him, the little devil. I think we've passed the point of "don't turn your back on these birds." Now, it's "don't even blink." :roll:

08-09-2005, 06:49 PM
Ack. :x I guess you'll need to serve it on a porcelain platter from now on.

Gracie likes steamed broccoli and peanut sauce from the Thai restaurant. I decided to make it for her one day, so I bought all the ingredients. Guess who wound up eating it ... and it was good, too!

08-10-2005, 10:53 PM
Be careful with chinese food as some restarants add high quantities of MSG to the veggies to keep them looking nice and green after they are cooked. MSG will stop a birdies heart in it's tracks if the quantity is too high. I have seen human patients brought in with all the same symptoms of stroke from eating MSG laced chinese foods. The recovered, but a birdie would not.

I say this for all the members who might think 'all' chinese food is safe for birdies. Some is, some isn't. Please be careful.

Did Milo like the Kung Pau Chicken?? :omg:

Buy A Paper Doll
08-10-2005, 11:01 PM
Wow, I guess all things considered, the styrofoam was the safest of the 3 choices after all. Who knew? :omg:

Tonight they had plain white rice and chicken, cooked by their momma herself. :)