View Full Version : You can pick your human, and you can pick your nose...

04-06-2009, 04:21 PM
But you can't pick your human's nose!

Or can you?

Freyja picks my lips gently, and my ears she preens the hairs off from a bit too roughly, but OUCH! Freyja tried preening my nose hairs and I don't know how to break it to her, but up my nose she is not welcome, lest she learn to be more gentle!:very_sad:

(Secretly, though- I am honored she is spending time with me at all. She's been acquiescing to Odinn's advances and searching for a nest, shredding up everything in sight lately and hasn't had any time for her Fidma in about a week... I'm so happy to have her, pain or no!)

Perhaps the new cage will help to snap them out of their nesty mood. They keep trying to enter drawers and shelves and cabinets... and if there isn't one ready-made, Odinn and Freyja will make one. They are quite the resourceful pair.

I cook for them every other day or every third day. All the food I cook them is organic. I cook a vegetable medley/ or a few different vegetables kept separately, a grain (whole wheat pasta, brown rice pasta, brown rice, quinoa), and usually a sweet potato. I keep them refridgerated separately and add the parts together when I serve them. What I've started to do is serve them pellets, whole-grain low sugar cereals and some fresh fruit in the morning. Usually an apple or tangerine slice. I serve the fresh stuff in the afternoon- plus they have treat cups near each of their gym 'stations' around the room with different treats in each one. In the evening I give them a pellet, seed, & fresh veggie (usually a leafy green) mix. I find that if I feed them fresh food AND their seeds and pellets together, they'll avoid the fresh stuff and pick out the seeds and pellets. When I feed them only fresh food in the afternoon (excepting the non-fresh treats) they eat a lot of fresh stuff and seem to enjoy it!

They're a good pair. Odinn has stopped coming to hang out with us all together, but when I have to pick him up, he does not fight, bite, or struggle anymore. Freyja just left me, and joined Odinn in their cage- they're snuggled up together grinding beaks!

I made them a really cute swing today- designed exclusively for two lovebirds to fit side-by-side... its very cute and has a manzanita branch for the perch part. I'll photograph all of my exciting inventions as soon as I can! I miss having a camera, I've missed out on capturing so many priceless moments with these guys! Odinn's dozed off with his beak behind him, and Frey's just sitting there content as can be. Lovebirds: the title is apt!

Excuse the rambling... I'm just feeling a little better today than I have of late, and am so in love with my birds... They keep me such good company- I mean it, they are extra well behaved when I'm not feeling well. I let them out to explore so long as I am around and awake to watch them, even when I'm not up to chasing them about and keeping them out of things, because they generally keep out of mischief when I'm not up to doing it for them! I adore these little wing-a-lings so much I can't help tell y'all everything about them!

04-06-2009, 06:41 PM
Glad you are feeling better :). I find that when you're feeling bad somehow your fids are there for you..

But it is funny you're getting your nose preened! hahahaha.

Re: cupboards.. elmo is having this same issue. you cannot leave a cupboard open for 30 seconds without her jumping in it!!