View Full Version : My day at the bird expo.......

Pips mom
04-06-2009, 08:37 PM
It went great! We sold all of the playgyms and cages we brought. I had three cages we sold very cheap that were sitting in the basement not being used and in very good condition. Cages are a bit hit there.....ours sold in ten minutes after the expo started! Also quite a few toys sold as well, which is not bad considering everyone there was selling toys! My parrot charms did not sell well. They are cute too and were only two bucks, I was sure they'd be a hit! but that's ok, I'll put them away until next year when we'll probably do it again! I think we were the only vendors there that it was our first time doing it! Also I got meet some of my forum friends, Laura and another woman from another forum went and an online friend Lin who is a foster mom to rescue birds! It was a good day....weather wasn't great, but wasn't too bad either. (snowed when we got home! :omg:) We loaded up the car full of stuff and came home most of it gone which is good!
Also, I fell in love with a little DNA'd boy lovie on the tables next to us! He was a peachface, yellow with a reddish orange face. He had that spunk in his eye like Pip has! but my boyfriend wasn't going along with bringing him home so Pip didn't get his friend yet :( BUT.....those people are having another bird fair in June and the little lovie boy never sold......so maybe they'll sell him again in June?? I'm going to find out their email and see if I can't get in touch and maybe we'll get that boy in June! That way too I can prepare more and have a cage and everything ready for him too and gives me time to convince the boyfriend to say yes!!! :nyah: I sure hope that I end up getting him.....there was just something about him....I had a gut feeling and those feelings are usually right!....you know...that it would work out perfect and him and Pip would get along great. Maybe one day we'll get the chance to see if I am right! and if I'm not, we can always make due....one more cage in the living room! :omg:

04-07-2009, 06:40 AM
Oh, Im so glad you sold majority of your things :D

You should have slip the cutie in your pocket.. and be like.. oh.. he just followed me home? hahahah!

Pips mom
04-07-2009, 05:12 PM
I got the email of the woman who has the lovie I wanted and she has him and will hold him for me until the next bird fair in RI if I send a deposit! I can't just go ahead and send it until I know I can bring him home without the boyfriend getting upset.....also I have to see if I'll be going to that bird fair in June. He might sell before then, and he might not......guess we'll just have to see if it was meant to be!

04-07-2009, 11:44 PM
aww... who needs boyfriends.. bring the fid home anyways! hahahaha.. you just need to butter him up with breakfast in bed or something haha... isnt there something that your fella wants to buy.. golf clubs.. sporting memorabilia.. do a trade ;)

04-08-2009, 11:23 AM
Sounds like you had fun! Im going to my first bird fair in 2 weeks and Im so excited! I hope everything works out with the little lovie you want :)

04-08-2009, 02:21 PM
I don't think we have bird fairs here in GR - sad, I'd like to go to one!

Yea, I agree with momo, who needs boyfriends, get another bird!! = )

Pips mom
04-08-2009, 04:30 PM
I don't think we have bird fairs here in GR - sad, I'd like to go to one!

Yea, I agree with momo, who needs boyfriends, get another bird!! = )

We don't usually have them around these parts either.....at least not many and not closeby. This one was the closest ever to us, only about an hour and 15 minutes away. If you look around, you might find some around your area.....just not closeby, might have to travel an hour or two.
As far as the boyfriend goes.....my boyfriend is awesome, and he comes first! so I really need to get his approval first.

04-11-2009, 06:14 PM
What a good girlfriend you are.

I am not a good one when it comes to birds.... luckily the bf really loves them too.
(unless that is the rouse to get me to love HIM)

I saw this cutie Kim speaks of, and he is really irresistible.