View Full Version : the exterminator is coming

04-08-2009, 07:30 PM
ok, so my building has an exterminator that visits twice a month every month to ensure that there are no bug problems in my building cuz at one point they had major issues. that's great, except, what am i to do w/ the fids? they have no where to go.

no one from the building has returned my phone call as to what goes on when they do bug bomb the place. i really wish they would and that i knew which company did it.

i did call an exterminator and asked. they said that usually they spray and do a heat sort of thing, but every company is different.

i think i'm gonna put the birds in their smaller cages and leave them in the bathroom. i'm so worried about them. I think i'm gonna also put up a sign on the door not to spray in the bathroom, to leave that area alone. I just hope they actually respect my wishes and not do it. No offense, but hopefully they can read english well enough to know what my sign will say.

i didn't even know they were gonna spray the place tomorrow til tonight when i got home.

04-08-2009, 08:18 PM
If you can help it at all I wouldnt leave the birds in your apartment, even in the bathroom. Those fumes are deadly and lots of the times (most I believe) they dont even want humans in the area for a few hours. I know that when maggie had fleas over a year ago my then roomate and I bombed the apartment and then had to leave for at least 3 hours.

I'm not trying to worry you, I just dont want to see anything happen to your little ones!!! maybe you can take them with you for a little time tomorrow? or to a friends??

04-08-2009, 08:21 PM
If they bomb- even rooms behind closed doors may have fumes come through... if at all possible, find somewhere to keep your birds during the day tomorrow.

04-08-2009, 08:29 PM
I too would suggest taking them somewhere else... to a friends.. to parents.. to anyone elses but your apartment until the fumes go away..

04-08-2009, 10:58 PM
i don't really know how they are going to do it. i gotta call the building tomorrow and find out the company so i can call and ask how they handle pests. i wish it was that easy as calling my parents, but we're estranged. i would ask my sister, but she's got a million cats lurking around at her place. and my bf? our schedules conflict bad tomorrow. i can't exactly take them to work either. it's at times like this, i wish there was a birdie daycare like there is for dogs.

Pips mom
04-08-2009, 11:06 PM
Just ask anyone.....a neighbor even! there has to be someone! It only would be for a short time, and anyplace is better than being where they are spraying chemicals!

04-09-2009, 12:06 AM
Awwwwww... see? Another reason to move to Hawaii!! I'd watch them for you!!

04-09-2009, 03:01 AM
yeah.... i lived in an apartment complex when i was little & the pest guys woud come and spray & we'd have to take our bird to our grandmother's.

the pest people that take care of my parent's house now (we moved) use something else that they assured my mom that she doesn't have to relocate Hina for. ...and so far, so good.

have you checked craigslist for anyone offering to bird or pet sit? can you leave them at the vets for a couple hours?

04-09-2009, 05:43 AM
can you leave them at a friends house? maybe there is someone on the forum near you? .. maybe contact a local child care cente?.. give your situation.. and tell them maybe it'll be a good day for the kids to see birds (of course keep them in their cage at all times).. being in their cage for one day is not going to kill them.. but staying in your apartment might..

04-09-2009, 07:07 AM
I hope you found someone to take fids! I know that Cindy (newloviemom) lives in Minnesota, but I don't know where, maybe she could help out? I wish I were there, I would take good care of them for you!

04-09-2009, 06:00 PM
thanks so much guys. i was so stressed about it all night. i couldn't sleep til 1 a.m. i was running around like a chicken w/ its' head cut off all morning. i got lucky that my sis didn't work today and so she took them. they are sitting on her dresser in her bedroom w/ the door closed so that her cats can't come in. of course, they aren't used to being in a cage all day w/ no outside time, but it'll have to do for now. but they'll be there til 2morrow night.

i miss them dearly. the window perches i bought them came in today and i'm excited that they'll have a new present when they get back. it's so quiet...i don't know what i'm gonna do w/ myself now. of course now i can actually work on my art project that my boss assigned me.

yep, i will def find out the company that handles the pest issues here and ask a million questions. Anyone think of good questions I can ask them?

Apparently, the building had a bed bug issue from someone who took in a used mattress. This was like a year and a half ago or so. I knew they still continue to spray the building, but i didn't know they did it twice a month!!! So now I gotta make arrangements twice a month. Oh boy. And I got 11 months left to go on my lease. Man, i'd take my loud and drunk neighbors back any day. Oh well, gotta move on and find a solution right?

04-09-2009, 06:06 PM
P.S. Getting a fourth bird might be out of the question now cuz how in the world am i gonna quarantine it? with this twice a month deal? Man, and just when I found a creamino lovie that is being rehomed right now too. I don't even want to talk to my bf (and he totally wants a creamino too) about another lovebird right now, not w/ all the franticness I've been going through the last 24 hours, I don't think the idea's appealing to him. I can just hear him right now, like, "seriously? No!!!!!"

04-11-2009, 09:59 PM
2 times a month is hard!! i hope you come up with a solution, because i know it can be stressful. here in trinidad we've had a dengue epidemic, and for the late part of last year they kept spraying chemicals from trucks in the road at like 4 in the morning. the paranoia drives you crazy!