View Full Version : Update on my OF Lutino Boy:0) Now a new problem

08-10-2005, 12:12 PM
Hi everyone,
This is an update on my boy. I pulled him through it a second time!!!!! :happy:
He's up and being his happy wonderful self! If was a rough few days!

Now I have another problem (His mate) :roll:

She refuses to eat! She is completely dependent on him for food.
When he was showing a sign of improvement 2 days ago, I put him in back in the cage for a visit. She was bumping him with her chest and grabing his beak
begging for food. He was overwhelmed and went to the bottom of the cage & fluffed up and went to sleep. So I returned him to his quiet brooder for some R&R..
I noticed yesterday her seed hasn't been touched since the visit. Again this morning not one seed has been cracked. All she does is sit and call for him.
What should I do???? I'm looking forward to any advice on how to handle my stubborn hen.
Egypt :blush:

08-10-2005, 01:03 PM
Hi Renee;

Try giving her some warm, soft food, like she would get from her mate. Warm birdie bread would be my first choice if it's something she eats anyway.

What was he diagnosed with again?

Best wishes, :)

08-10-2005, 01:34 PM
Also give a millet spray. Most lovies will always eat some millet, and this might kick her into full eating mode. If she does continue to not eat though, I would suggest a vet visit to make sure she is not sick. I also can't recall what your OF was diagnosed with, but if it was possibly transmitted to your hen, then a vet visit would be best.

08-10-2005, 04:11 PM
Thanks ! :blush:
He wasnt diagnosed with anything, he was weak from not eating. He constantly feeds her.
When he was in the cage she picked a bit and then flew up to him and demanded food.
I have the soft foods in her cage, millet, grain breads, veggies etc. Everything they usually eat.

Since this morning I've put them together, she nibbled but still wants him to feed her. I'm going to continue to feed him for a few more days, along with what he's eating. I might just have to separate them permanently. :cry:

Thanks again! :blush:

08-10-2005, 04:58 PM
I went back to your original message about your OF Lutino male and I didn't see anything about taking him in to see your avian vet. He may have been tested when he was younger but that was a while back. I have males that are always feeding their mates and babies but I've never had this happen. I think you need to let your avian vet take another look. This does not sound good.

08-10-2005, 05:34 PM
I hate to say this but from what you have said they should be seprated and stay that way and maybe both should get a vet visit. If he is feeding her and not himself then would be dangerous for them to be together. Hopefully the hen will eat soon.
