View Full Version : Insurance Blacklists

04-12-2009, 11:28 AM
The kind of dog you own can affect your ability to get insurance here in the United States!


My homeowners insurance company actually terminated my policy when they found out that I had adopted a Rottweiler/Golden Retriever mix from animal control in the late 1990s. I've owned small dogs since then but, apparently, small dogs are now making an impact, as well.

Just as an FYI, my current insurance company added a waiver to my policy that excludes my parrots as insurable. It states that any injuries to anyone that are the result of my parrots will not be paid. I'm on my own. Funny thing is that I've never had anyone outside the family bitten by any of my birds........

04-12-2009, 11:42 AM
Well I'm sure if they found out our roxy was a pitbull mix we wouldn't be insured either. That's ridiculous. Now that I think about it maggie would probably get us denied too because she's a chihuahua and ppl consider them "yappy".

What silly rules us humans have.

04-12-2009, 12:02 PM
Sometimes I wonder whats the point of insurance nowadays.. there are so many waiver policies that they just don't insure anything any more!

04-12-2009, 01:47 PM
Wow! That is so different than insurance in Canada! We do not offer a restriction due to pets. Pets are insured for specified perils but not by impact by vehicle. So if your bird or cat dies in a fire or is hit by lightening, you will get replacement value, ie: what it cost at a pet store or a breeder to get another one. It doesn't cover for sentimental value, which is understandable.

As far as liability goes, there are no restriction lists but there is no such thing as a "free" first bite either.

04-12-2009, 01:53 PM
i can see both sides of this issue. the insurance company shouldn't have to cover those who get dogs but take no time in training and handling of them.

but at the same time, i see it as a sort of discrimination against certain breeds. same with apartments that don't allow certain breeds. it really should be a case by case basis. if you can control your dog, there's no reason it shouldn't be allowed.

04-12-2009, 05:15 PM

A pitbull just malled it's owners live-in-girlfriend in my town a few days ago. They live in a trailer park, and I bet it doesn't get enough excersise or socialization.

It is a shame we all suffer for a few bad owners out there.

04-12-2009, 08:04 PM
i agree that bad owners give everyone else and dogs out there a bad rep. i think folks tend to just label certain breeds as all the same w/o considering that every dog is different.

04-12-2009, 08:35 PM
Absolutely agree with what everyone is saying, its the way the owner raises their animal. Our Roxy was raised with a 4 pound chihuahua and is the sweetest dog ever. She is incapable of hurting anyone and thinks everybody is her friend, she can barely bark and when she does she sounds like a little baby. I know people say "oh well its in their blood to be mean" - no it's not. It's in their blood to be LOYAL TO THEIR OWNER, and if their owner raises them to be mean and attack people or hurt dogs, than it will.

It's just my 2 cents, but it makes me mad when people say things like that. We love our animals, we wouldnt bring animals home that we ever think could be dangerous and we use the utmost care and love with them. I won't lie, I had the pitbull stigma before we got one, said I would NEVER have one, but now that I have Roxy, even though she is a mix, I wouldnt go any other way. Shes a wonderful dog and I just dont believe its fair when people judge by breed.

Just my opinion.

04-12-2009, 08:59 PM
i agree sydney. I was gonna say, Roxy looks like she's kinda a pit bull too. when my bf got his American Bully dog, which is in the pitbull family, i was really wary. i mean, i admit, his jaw is pretty intimidating and he's nothing but muscle. anyway, he's the sweetest and mellow dog ever. and he just loves kids. my bf even said that all the eight pitbulls he's ever had, they're all a bunch of scaredy cats. I know one of them got chased by a cat!!! LOL. so yeah, it's totally unfair.

04-14-2009, 10:22 AM
Our home insurance companies would not cover damage caused by a pet and I don't think they would cover the pet itself. However our pet medical insurance policies also cover third party liability for damage to persons or possessions, but obviously not damage to our own homes caused by our own pets.