View Full Version : Tough day.

04-16-2009, 03:24 PM
Todays been kinda tough for me. I worked an overnight shift and got home early afternoon, ready to spend the day with my little ones. Well, they want nothing to do with me today. They aren't even letting me near them to say hello - they both run and snuggle with one another. I love that they get along and they are so cute but it makes me sad that they seem to be needing me less and less. I've just been sitting by their cage watching them play and preen. I spend both alone time and social time with them for hours each night so I know it isn't lack of interaction on my part - maybe they are just having a "no mommy allowed" day. Still, I miss them and I am only feet away.

Should I expect this now that they are bonded? Are they now more interested in one another than me? I suppose I knew there was a chance they'd fall in love - anyway, I hope they let me come around soon.

04-16-2009, 05:20 PM
Freyja and Odinn have days when they want nothing to do with me, and others when they want to preen me all day long. Freyja even has the occasional day when she clings to me all day and wants nothing to do with Odinn.

Don't be discouraged by one day!

04-16-2009, 05:31 PM
awww, maybe they're just having an anti mommy day and tomorrow won't be so bad?

04-16-2009, 07:51 PM
Yeah I'm just a big baby is all, LOL!! Yesterday they clung to me, this evening Gus wouldn't even step up for me. I was just feeling sad this afternoon, tomorrow is a new day!!! I guess I just worry the will continue to be bonding with one another and I'll eventually be left out of the equation. I think though as long as I keep spending time with them we won't backtrack.

04-16-2009, 08:24 PM
seriously, pan has his days where he wants to hop onto me (today) and days where he'd bite off my fingers (every other day). Some days Joey's nice to everyone, some days he's just plain grouchy. Evie's the only one who's the same day in and day out.

04-16-2009, 09:02 PM
They're like that. Today, Juanita clung to me, virtually all day, and she tried all day to try to get into the neck of my blouse. She succeeded several times and spent those moments snuggled in there, nipping me (OW!) on my neck and collarbone. She nipped my chin, too (OW!OW!)

One of those days. I'm worn out from all this parrot attention. I love her very much, but her relentless attention is sometimes too much. Of course, Petey and Chickie are also on me because SHE's on me!

Don't fret too much--be of good cheer.

04-17-2009, 04:23 AM
I know it is sad and can really hurt your feelings. There was a time where Peanut prefered my hubby over me and, boy did I cry! Literally! Now, I wish Peanut would go and spend some time with somebody else rather than me! LOL

Those chin nips really hurt, don't they?!