View Full Version : my first predator bird experience and the fids too

04-16-2009, 08:16 PM
so we were gazing out the window when we saw a pair of chickadees right below the window at the top of the pine tree. they were so curious and excited to see them. we sat there and watched them. after about 10 mins of boring nothingness, this huge bird perches on the telephone pole right outside my window. I have never seen anything like this. i thought it was owl or something cuz it had spots and the setting sun didn't help.

the fids were going nuts. they didn't move from where they were but they were loud as heck. i ran back to the bathroom to grab my glasses and found my camera. i took a few bad photos of it since the sun was setting behind it and the flash just made everything blue.

turns out it's a Peregrine Falcon. He heard them too cuz he looked straight at us and he was there for a good long time, at least 5 minutes, just sitting there and watching us. my flash also made him look. whew, but yeah, that's our adventure tonight at my place.

04-16-2009, 08:32 PM
Way cool!

Where in Mpls do you live?

04-16-2009, 08:45 PM
south mpls, right by lake st and lyndale area. yeah, i didn't know falcons lived in urban areas til i texted one of my friends and she said that is was prob a peregrine falcon. i googled it and it sure was. wow. i wish i had that falcon's sight though just so i can see him in as much detail as he saw us through my windows. i was waiting for him to fly to us. he was so incredibly close too.

04-16-2009, 09:05 PM
We have them here on the bridges over the river.

Portland looks very much like Mpls/St Paul. There is a river running through Ptld, too. Bridges all along.

I lived between Minnehaha Falls & Lake Nokomis. Used to live in St Paul, too, near Highland Park. I still have family in W St Paul. I MISS IT!

04-16-2009, 09:06 PM
If you go got our Miscellaneous Forum, stuck to the top is a Falcon Cam. It's in the city of Harrisburg, PA and momma Falcon raises her young there every year. Check out http://www.palemale.com and you will find the story of 2 hawks that live on Park Avenue on the side of a very swank apartment bldg (Mary Tyler Moore lives in this bldg) and it's in New York City, just across the street from Central Park!

Predator birds live everywhere and you never know when you are going to see one!

04-16-2009, 09:33 PM
i love minnehaha falls and nokomis area. so pretty there.

oh yeah, that falcon took me by surprise. i mean, we totally just watching the chickadees flying around together and then there it was. yeah, we have tons of feral pigeons here in my neighborhood so that's prob why the falcons live around here. i wonder where its' nest is.

04-16-2009, 09:46 PM
Oooooo I bet seeing that falcon made for an interesting day, how cool!!

04-17-2009, 01:05 AM
Im sure it made the fids VERY thankful for that clear glass called a window!!!

04-17-2009, 09:44 AM
The loud screaming chirps your lovies were making was the danger chirp. It's important to become familiar with this chirp to make sure you check on your birds if they start chirping like this. I've saved some lives this way as lovies will chirp this way with fights and when other lovies are in peril.

04-17-2009, 05:24 PM
If you go got our Miscellaneous Forum, stuck to the top is a Falcon Cam. It's in the city of Harrisburg, PA and momma Falcon raises her young there every year. Check out http://www.palemale.com and you will find the story of 2 hawks that live on Park Avenue on the side of a very swank apartment bldg (Mary Tyler Moore lives in this bldg) and it's in New York City, just across the street from Central Park!

Predator birds live everywhere and you never know when you are going to see one!

I was just going to mention the falcon cam. They're on the PA DEP building about 12 floors up on a ledge. Been there for years. I actually get to see them flying by my office window from time to time (I work right across the street).

They're currently sitting on eggs right now and the camera is live (with sound). :happy: