View Full Version : Drs Foster and Smith are Ditto's favorites now

08-10-2005, 06:32 PM
I finally found an exact replacement for his favorite rope toy. His old one is falling apart from cleaning it. Have to clean it quite a bit since he feeds it too. :roll: It's called KnotRageous. Ditto's favorite toy (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=5654&N=2003+113116)

Of course while I was shopping on the site I couldn't resist this. Wee this looks like fun! (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=10220&inm=1&N=2003+113116+113561)

08-10-2005, 07:29 PM
Dave, shame on you! Posting that link when I've just gotten two that LOVE toys! :D I was just looking through a Dr. Foster/Smith catalog this morning, trying to decide what to order. Now, I KNOW! :D

08-10-2005, 07:31 PM
Dave, shame on you! Posting that link when I've just gotten two that LOVE toys! :D I was just looking through a Dr. Foster/Smith catalog this morning, trying to decide what to order. Now, I KNOW! :D

I got the catalog yesterday. That rope toy jumped right out at me. I was worried that I wouldn't find anything similar to what he has now and he'd be mad when I had to get rid of it. Problem solved.

He must know I ordered it because he seems intent on destroying the old one right now. Hyper little sucker tonight. :lol

08-10-2005, 07:53 PM
Dave, I saw the rope swing at my favorite bird toy store on Sunday. I didn't buy it cause I have a bird fair coming up in Sept. and I've already bought these little suckers TWO swings (in LESS than 2 weeks!) but that is one that is on my list! It looks like lots of fun. Wonder if my blue boy, aka, Big Boi will enjoy it as much as he does the strings that close the blinds? He was climbing that thing today and seemed to love it when I pulled on it and gave him several good swings......Six Flags, here we come! :D

08-10-2005, 08:01 PM

Bela and Lacey have a rocker swing, and it is one of their favorite things in the cage. I know you only have a single lovie(for now ;) ), but it is really good for two, as they can have their own side if they so choose :)

08-10-2005, 08:04 PM

Bela and Lacey have a rocker swing, and it is one of their favorite things in the cage. I know you only have a single lovie(for now ;) ), but it is really good for two, as they can have their own side if they so choose :)

Now I just have to find out where to put it. He's got too much stuff in there. :rofl:

08-10-2005, 08:47 PM
Now I just have to find out where to put it. He's got too much stuff in there.

Dave, that really did make me LAUGH OUT LOUD! :D

Buy A Paper Doll
08-10-2005, 08:50 PM
I've already bought these little suckers TWO swings (in LESS than 2 weeks!)

Milo has a swing made of wooden blocks and a manzanita perch. He's pretty rough on it, to put it mildly. :roll: It's his Favorite Toy Ever and I haven't the heart to throw it out. I've been able to extend its life by taking it apart and replacing the really chewed-up blocks as needed.

08-10-2005, 08:57 PM
It's his Favorite Toy Ever and I haven't the heart to throw it out.

That's why I was so glad to find the KnotRageous. Ditto has had this one since Barb brought him home 2 years ago. He loves it and I would feel horrible taking it from him without another one to take it's place. She got it at the store where she bought him but that's 60 miles away. Now he'll be a happy camper and I didn't have to leave the house. :rofl:

08-11-2005, 11:55 AM
I want a rocker swing for Molly. My brother bought The Knotrageous for his B&G Macaw and he destroyed it in less than one day :omg: I think I like little beak birdies :lol

08-19-2005, 09:29 AM
I want a rocker swing for Molly. My brother bought The Knotrageous for his B&G Macaw and he destroyed it in less than one day :omg: I think I like little beak birdies :lol

Ditto loves the rocker swing. I put it in this morning and he hopped right on. He hasn't left it since. No 'fraidy birdy here. :cool:

Ditto's had his old knotrageous since he was a baby. It's about 2 1/2 years old now and is falling apart from cleaning it.

08-19-2005, 09:49 AM
When I got Peter 2 years ago, he was alone in a cage with a knot-ragous type toy, so I bought him one to come home with... I was cautioned by my vet (I took the whole cage/toys/bird in on the first visit) that Peter could hang a nail in the rope of the toy. I got paranoid and removed it for less "fluffy" toys for inside the cage. He's not a shredder, so if it doesn't start fluffy, he doesn't tear it up.

I also use the comfy perches, but have to really watch Peepo - because she'll shred the perches making them all fluffy. I also cannot give Peepo a happy hut, as she creates a hazzard by chewing them to pieces. Instead I gave her a coconut (that Peter was too chicken to use) and she LOVES that.

Be careful about the amout of loose string things your birds can play with unattended. I keep those fluffy things for outside cage play. Maybe I worry too much?

08-19-2005, 09:58 AM
The stuff he's got in there aren't too "fluffy" and he's not really a chewer so His stuff says relatively intact. The wood on the other hand has started to crack and dry out from cleaning it so much.

He actually likes to stick his face in the frayed ends and give himself facerubs (and make me panic because it pushes the feathers away from his nares when he does this). :rofl:

Still playing on the rocker and chirping away!

08-19-2005, 02:10 PM
He actually likes to stick his face in the frayed ends and give himself facerubs (and make me panic because it pushes the feathers away from his nares when he does this).
:rofl: When Peepo wants a good head rub and I'm not available, she'll rub her head all over the outside of her coconut! It's so funny! I give her plenty of head rubs all day, but sometimes I must miss that one spot... and then she'll hop inside the coconut and make kissy noises (It must be good! :D )