View Full Version : Characters!!!

04-20-2009, 06:08 AM
What are your birds like, personality wise? I thought it would be nice to do little character profiles on our birds :D... they have the most interesting personalities!!!

Here's mine...

Evie, Orange Winged Amazon: Evie is a princess, but in the nicest way. She was hand reared so she is quite secure and very trusting. Her favourite thing to do is to take naps on my tummy. On occasion she can be found attacking her old swing while screaming "Awwww... Mama's girl." The other birds don't interest her, and she is insulted when they dare to speak to her. (Don't they know she is a human? )She loves anything fun, cuddling, dancing, singing, trying new foods... and making fun of people:rofl:.. but most of all, she loves her mama :)

Haku, slate masked Lovebird: Haku is my fierce warrior- boy, which I did not know until AFTER i named him after an animated dragon. He is extremely aggressive, but very curious and intelligent. His prized possession is his coconut swing, and would fight to the death for it. Recently he has fallen in love with Evie, and is annoyed that she dares to fall asleep while he is clicky- dancing.

Ammy, Blue and Gold Macaw: Ammy is the clown of the bunch. He barks, squeals like a girl, shushes me at bedtime, and throws tantrums while dangling from one toe. He would like everyone to think he is tough, but he really likes kissing his mama and whispering love words in my ear:blush:. He likes Rao very much, but he annoys Rao sometimes with his loud barking and hyperactive behaviour. He is the ultimate social butterfly, trying to befriend everyone from the bunny to the turtles.

Rao, Blue and Gold Macaw: Rao is a very observant, very intelligent bird. Rao is not eager to touch or be touched, but she has an endearing way about her, like a curious child. Affection confuses her, and she worries about unfamilar, fancy foods. She presses her face to the cage in wonder when Ammy is being affectionate. When Rao thinks no one is looking, she flips over on her back and puts the bowl over her head, and barks to hear the echo. Ammy taught her how to make these barking sounds, but he will not teach her to say Hello :x

04-20-2009, 08:21 AM
Phoebe: Ah! Phoebe! The Queen of the house! The mistress of manipulation! She has the other birds wrapped around her little toe. Or scared enough that they will do anything she asks. In her dedication in having chicks, and building nests, she has taught the budgie to shred paper and bring it back to her. She claims what she wants and there is no way one can refuse.

She has a very strong motherly instinc and compassion. When Petie was injured early November, she spent all her time with him, keeping him warm. Then was not the time to build a nest! Her Petie needed her! She stayed with him at all time. Bitting us when we dared try to take him away from her to gie him his medication.

She is not fond of the human kind but if Petie decides it's time to visit with his buddies, Petie will sit on our shoulder and wait for Petie.

Which bring me to Petie. Our beloved Petie. He is our social little butterly. Or was. Since his injury he cannot fly anymore. It makes it hard for him to go see his human buddies. He loves men and loves to tell them how Pretty he is. Petie is definitely about Petie. He can say pretty bird, loves spending hours in front of his mirror. He actually preffers his reflection to Phoebe. Petie doesn't bite. He is not fond of hands but has learned to step up and tolerate them. Petie is gentle and loving.

Kio: Kio is our hyper little guy. He definitely has a huge crush on Phobe and would do anything she asks just for a loving look from her. He feeds her while she's nesting and follows her everywhere. In the morning, I have to open his cage first because he screems so loud to be allowed to go see his beloved Phoebe in the cage nest door.
Kio is playful and curious. Curiosity has put him in weird placed such as inside the glass shower. Go figure! It was worth exploring but it's hard to get out of there!

Yuki: She is reserved. She has a bit of a hard fitting in the group. We think it's because she's albino. Everyone is forever chasing her away. Kio plays with her sometimes but most often, you will find her in Max's cage, on his swing, just chirping away. She doesn't like human much but is great at stepping up! Recently we gave her a nest box. We knew it was time when we caught her in Pheobe's nest. She is currently sitting on three tiny eggs. She has been dedicated to them since the first one was laid.

Max: My gentle Max. The wisdom if the flock. Max loves human. He is split between Dan and I. He seeks Dan's attention to play and laugh and get into trouble. He seeks my attention for snuggles and love. I'm the only one who can rub his head. He doesn't like being held and if you dare touch him where he doesn't want to be touched, you'll loose a finger
Max has a perfect for words. His repertoire is unlimited. He always comes up with new words and sentences which he seems to use when appropriate. Max also knows bad words that he uses only when he's mad or upset.
Max is a great manipulator. When he realised that he was not allowed on the second floor, he plucked himself. Needless to say, he won and we lost.
Max likes his food as long as it's not green or a vegetable. He knows who the delivery guy is and greets him happily when he drops by and brings him french fries.

Rammie: Our newest addition and the most challenging one! Rammie needs Ritalin. He came to us as Rambo. It took him only a few days to decide he likes Rammie better.
He talks a storm when no one is around. He is hyper, needs to keep busy and loves destroying everything. His moto is: Everything is beakable! He destroyed most of our remotes for the tvs, by blackberry, the phone, the waterproof rubber band along the shower door, my touthbrush, the rubber pieces on my glasses and on Dan's glasses. He managed to flush my glasses down the toilet as well. He removed countless keys off my keyboard. I didn't know the computer mouse came in so many different pieces until Rammie put his beak on it. Rammie knows how to make a cute face to be forgiven. He fluffs up and looks at you sideway and makes content baby noises.
He's into everything. You cannot leave a glass or a cup unatended. Rammie has tasted my coffee, pop, organic dish soap, shaving cream and Lord knows what else!
His life evolves around me. When I'm home, no one else seems to exist. He patiently waits for me to come home at night and is on my head before I have the door shut. I can do anything to this bird. I can flip him upside down, open his wings, hold him in my arms, tickle his belly, open his beak etc.
Rammie loves to dance, sing and cuddle. He comes up with new words all the time. My favorite was when I was upset one day and Rammie landed on my knee, stared at me and said "Talk to me!" How can your heart not melt at that sight!
Contrary to Max, he loves his vegetable. His favorite are brussell sprouts.

04-21-2009, 12:12 AM
Eddie - My little human in a bird body. He chirps and I know just what he means. He would rather bounce around the house and burn calories than eat them. He loves water and loves bells. I could spend all day cuddling him and smelling his birdie feathers. He is friendly and kind to all birdies in the house.

Jimmy - Came to me not tame and much older than the age I got Eddie. He saw how Eddie enjoyed us, and is now very tolerant. He always steps up when asks, doesn't bite and letes me kiss his back when he is on my finger. He loves to look out the window and lately has been sneaking up to the top of the drapes. He doesn't like to be cupped or stroked, and that is ok.... he is his own little guy. he can't be trusted around the cockatiels.. he likes to nip toes.

Gunnie - she is what I call "my boyfriends bird'. It makes him happy to hear that. She likes to sit on his shoulder and they look like twins with white stick up hair. lol - She hates water, hates vegatables and hates to be handled. She always steps up, and will come to sit with you happily as long as you don't try to stroke her. She also taught Tori how to hiss.... great. :)

Tori - A love bug. Loves to be kissed, crys and begs for handfeeding formula still. She likes to be my little baby. She loves water and is fun to shower with. She eats a lot, but also hates vegatables. She is very pretty.

04-21-2009, 12:54 AM
joey: extremely confident and curious. Loud and not afraid to let you know when he's upset, either by slamming his food door or giving you a good nip. He loves to cuddle, is very entertaining, and loves humans. He loves attention and being with his mama. Can be quite clingy and demanding. It's all about him, who cares about evolet and pan. he's a trouble maker. His wings are growing in so he's having a ball of a time flying from room to room and making a racket.

Evolet: If she was human, she'd be that hot blonde in high school, the one who was too snobby to talk to you. That's my girl. She really is quite snobby to humans. but that's ok w/ me. she's independent, mellow, and loves to dive bomb. She's dominating and boy does she love her junk food. She'd rather starve than eat pellets and the foods I cook. At least the other two like mama's cooking. She's bossy and tends to get in fights. most fights involve her, whether it's over a toy, food, or anything she wants. and she usually wins.

Pantalaimon: the most shy. I feel like he's not fully out of his shell yet. I am working on building his confidence w/ me and the other two birds. He's coming around though, everyday gets better. He's afraid of hands, but not afraid to bite if he feels cornered. He loves to eat, take baths, and cuddle. He really loves to cuddle and preen. He's a very sweet bird, always up for games, and play time. He's very observant.

04-21-2009, 01:24 AM
Elmo: Runs by many names.. mostly.. Queen Elmo. In reality, I do think she has a personality disorder. For Twilight fans, one minute she is Alice and then she is Rosalie. She can be the sweetest little girl who will sit on your shoulder, preen herself and go to sleep on you. Other times, she is a beast who goes for your jugular vein if you touch particular toys. All in all, she's a female! Mood swings plus! She is obsessed with bells, highly cage territorial but loves nothing more than to do the dishes with you. It depends on the time of day to what sort of a bird you will have, mornings she's is the comic of the household, she's playing with her toys, Midday she's only into talking to the birds outside, Afternoon is her exercise time.. do NOT get in her flight path unless you wish to feel the wrath of the beak.. and Night time is mummy and elmo time.

Pips mom
04-21-2009, 05:44 AM
I guess I'll start with the order in which I got my birds.

Woody my little male normal grey cockatiel.... Woody is about as sweet as they come and is just always happy! He loves his Boss girl and going out places like to the vet and will happily sing to strangers. He is quite tame and will step up, but does not really like head rubs. He loves coming out of his cage and exploring and is a very skillful flyer!

Boss my female lutino cockatiel...... Boss is a pretty quiet girl, very pretty and even her voice sounds higher pitched and girly. If you want to pick her up, you have to do it just the right way, with your hands cupped in front of her...she happily steps onto them. She is somewhat timid and follows her Woody around like a little puppy dog. She loves her chew toys. Being lutino, Boss seems to have a few problems....like flying is a real issue for her. She crashes into things and at one point I had to keep her clipped, but she's improved some and now has full flight, but mostly she lacks confidence even to climb where she wants to at times. I really believe it may be her eyesight is not the best and have heard that being lutino is a form of albino and lacks the pigment in her eyes and can affect eyesight. She is a very sweet girl and neither of my tiels even know the meaning of the word bite!

Pip.....my lil lil monster! oops, I mean lovie! He is the energizer birdie and I often wonder where all the energy comes from as he appears to be too busy to eat most of the time! Pip is Mr. social and loves all other birds, people and even other animals! Just don't be on the other side of cage bars from him or you'll get a good foot nip! Pip hates being held, mostly it's being restrained in any way that he doesn't like. He likes the attention though and will step onto hands in certain situations.(yeah like when he's desperate!) He likes being on heads and shoulders. Pip can be a bit nippy, but mostly his bites are gentle.....unless he's in his cage! don't mess with his toys when he's in his cage! I have gotten bit even trying to change his water a couple of times! He loves toys....shake one and he'll come running! he especially likes bells I think because he likes noisey things. He is totally in love Ivy and wants to be near her ALL the time! He loves bouncy boings, swings and anything fun! and really gets into taking a bath. He's a determined little stinker and will "chirp" at you loudly if you chase after him trying to pick him up, as if he's yelling at you! Pip likes his veggies, but has never liked pellets much, and walnuts are his favorite treats!

Ivy female blueheaed pionus.....It was one year ago tomorrow that we brought Ivy home. She is a real mamma's girl and wants to be on me all the time! Only loves her mamma! Ivy is sweet and gentle and although she can bitey with that beak while being playful, she is always gentle and would never really bite! She is very playful, likes to play rough and is quite the acrobat! She is the best eater ever....she likes everything! and boy does she like to eat! She is very strong willed at times and can be demanding, but she is so affectionate and such a cuddle bug.....I even taught her how to give me kisses and she'll nibble sofly on my lip! She loves a good head rub, and will even do it herself sometimes with her foot! Ivy is very fearful of people she doesn't know, and is also afraid of some things, like my boyfriend's motorcycle helmet, she also gets car sick. She loves going outside and seeing the other birds, she tends to like and get along well with other birds....but she seems to have something against Woody and she hates when he sings and will scream! Nuts are her favorite treat and I can pretty much bribe her to do anything with them!

04-21-2009, 08:14 AM
There are a bunch of characters in my flock!

Echo - Echo is my male Abby that sustained a beak injury in the nest. His beak is crossed in an odd way as a result. Echo is the most animated of my flock and the loves of his life are food and me, in that specific order! He will quite literally eat or drink anything and has very distinct body language to let you know he knows you have something that he considers edible! His favorite attention getter is moonwalking. He slides back and forth on his perch with the agility of Michael Jackson and will continue until he gets what he wants! When Echo gets done eating, you're lucky if you find crumbs on the bottom of his cage!

Harley D - Harley joined my flock in January, 2002 after he decided I would be his new human and spent 2 days at my table during a local bird show! With such a display of affection, how could I not take him home with me! He's quite the social butterfly and is food driven like Echo. When he sees someone has food, if you don't offer some to him, he will come get what he wants and he's not shy! Being a typical Grey, he seems to know exactly when to use certain words in his vocabulary and you just can't stay mad when he does something wrong!

Ginger - Ginger is one of my original flock members and she's been with me longer than any of my other large parrots. Being wild caught and never handled, she prefers to interact without touching. She doesn't talk at all but mimics sounds to absolute perfection. Was that Ginger or do I have a new message on my cell phone??????? Ginger is also the queen of destruction. My mouse worked perfectly until Ginger chewed the connecting wire in half. I'm getting ready to replace baseboard and wallpaper in my dining room for the third or fourth time thanks to her!

Sonny - Sonny is my newest flock member so I'm still getting to know him. He's been with me a year and a half. I answered an ad for a free pair of Greys and Sonny was half of that pair. Sonny is a very aggressive bird and his mate was terrified of him. Not having room for two more cages instead of one, I rehomed his mate and she's doing just fine. Sonny is a red factor Grey and he's a former breeder who wants nothing more than to be a pet. He likes to be touched on his terms so it's slow going. Vocabulary-wise, I hear new words/sounds every day!

Monty - Monty is a formerly abused bird who was rehomed to me about 2 yrs ago. His abuser was a man so he hates men to the point that he will attack if one gets too close! Other than that, he's fairly laid back for an Amazon. He's 14 yrs old and has learned a lot of words and sounds in that time. Some of his dialog is acceptable in public. Other repetoires really need to stay behind closed doors! His latest offering is his rendition of a squeaky door. I keep the hinges of the doors in my house oiled by Monty adds the sound that isn't there when he sees a door open!

Alex - Alex has been with me since 1997 when a friend of mine won her as the grand prize raffle bird at a local show. She cost me 3 pairs of Green Mask Lovebirds and $50.00. The only thing I can say about Alex is that she is the sweetest Amazon I've ever met. She absolutely doesn't bite and loves everyone. Her favorite place to be is on top of Echo's cage so she can watch me doing whatever I'm doing. She loves cornbread, especially after I've just taken it out of the oven and I have it on paper towels on the kitchen counter to cool off a bit before I give it to everyone. I dare not turn my back or Alex will help herself to as much of it as she wants!

Bird Bird - Bird Bird is my female Quaker that I adopted from a freecycle list. She had been mistreated so badly that she plucked all of the feathering on her chest, legs and under her wings continually so that none of those feathers will ever grow back. She's strictly my bird and no one else can get near her and keep all body parts in tact! Bird Bird is my early warning system. Let something be out of place or not as it should be and she makes enough noise to wake the dead! She also had an extensive collection of words and sounds. Her newest addition is driving my daughter crazy!! Bird Bird mimics the cry of my granddaughter so well that you can't tell if it's bird or human that's fussing!! :rotfl

04-21-2009, 08:33 PM
oh I LOVE reading all of theseee!!.. It's amazing how every bird has its own specific personality.. but they are all quite similar at the same time!

04-22-2009, 07:33 PM
my only baby is soooo spoiled. I run around the house while she flies and squawks at me. She likes the song Medicine Man by The Hush Sound and she is very clumsy. I had never heard of a clumsy bird before meeting her. She trips over random things but she is always in a good mood about it. She despises the vacuum cleaner and the phone and doesn't approve of cameras, so photos are hard to come by. She tries to talk and thinks she's a human, when we ate dinner an hour ago, she somehow managed to open her cage and come to eat with us! She is a cutie pie and she knows we all love her and likes to take advantage of us. She has a name for everything. when she wants me, she tries to say my name, which is kinda hard to recognize but still unmistakable. She is so adorable saying step up! She hates water, except for when it has ice in it. She absolutely won't touch it otherwise! Foods that are wet are automatically out, as she won't eat them, either. She is my cuddle-buddy, and she loves it when she sits on your shoulder while you run around. I crack up every time she sees me coming and flies down from where she knows she's not supposed to be.

04-24-2009, 06:48 PM
Oh my where to start...
Well baby boo my half ficher half peachfaced hybrid lovebird is the alpha hen no bird big or small can mess with her (or human for that matter!), she takes joy in bossing everyone around and makeing dad bleed, she is the first bird that started my flock and she knows it, she excells at shredding getting sunshine to be at her beck and call and takeing out divots of flesh from dad.
If you land on her cage watch your toes and if she is doning something its smart not to bother her lol. That being said she is very protective of the flock in particular sunshine nothing to big or scary or loud will stop her from protecting those she loves!

Sunshine my male heavily pied green series peachface with dominant yellow is the explorer, troublemaker and casanova of the flock. There is no place he wont go nothing he wont chew and no hen he wont try to seduce (it's how i can tell if new flock members who are lovebirds are male or female without a dna test.)he will play a little with the others but mainly is looking for things to destroy and be on call for boos wants and needs.

Sweetie is a green series lovie, he does not like to step up but will land on you or wait where he is to be gently picked up, he likes scritches before bed and loves takeing a bath in my hands in the sink, he gets along with the flock but tends to do his own thing or come begging treats from dad.

Aurora is my newest lovebird he is a speed demon pohaku flys better but noone beats ro when it comes to sheer speed!Ro stands up for himself and will beak battle with the best of them but knows better then to mess with boo. Ro loves avicakes and makeing holes in paper.

Pohaku my tiel is the snuggle bunny! Pohaku has a large vocabulary with words as well as whistles.Pohaku is the best flyer doing patterens in the air and makeing everybirdie jealous.Pohaku also loves to get scritched and will peck at my cheek if i cut a scritching session short or don't scritch deep enough, pohaku is also my best eater and will anything he sees his dad eat.

Shadow is my grey tiel and is gentle and quiet. Shadow only does one call and other then guarding over treats basicly just chills out and shakes its head at the rest of the flock.

Oola'la' my male sun conure loves guavas and is the clown, when he is not eating he is playing with toys hanging upsidedown or turning my molding into conure art.

Mahina my female sun conure is my birder alarm noone moves without her screeching where and when they went there!She loves apples and gets the most wet when takeing baths.Mahina is a prolific destroyer of all that is wood and is the only bird i know who can go through a 2 inch guava branch in an hour.

Both my sun conures hate it when anyone goes into the bathroom they raise heck i am not sure if it's because they cant see you or there are weird noises comeing from there or what but every minute or so if you dont stick your head out and say something or they cant see you they go nuts lol

04-28-2009, 07:29 PM
I love this idea. Shows how much we know our little fids of which I have alot. Hope everyone enjoys reading......I will keep it short, if I can.

Okay.........top dawg........Patches my pineapple conure. She loves to terriorize everyone in the bird room including her roomy. She really is not a mean bird at all, she just knows she is bigger and badder even if the lovies think they are. She teases the tiels til they start screaming for momma to come help. Usually by the time I get in there, Patches has discretely walked back to her cage, up her ladder and is leaning into her buddy......Winken.

Winken is a green cheek conure missing one eye. While in the nest one of her mates pecked her eye out, but you would never know it as she has compensated for her lack of sight by being able to turn her head all the way around like the little girl in the exorcist, it is spooky what that bird can see behind her head. She is a little nippy, but only if you want to do something like scritch her neck, pick her up or play with her. If you are going to feed her, or give her a raisin...........she is very sweet natured and is totally smitten with her roommate Patches, although she is smart enough to know Patches is head of household.

Peaches...........oh peaches, my peach faced lovebird. He has the sweetest personality of all my birds and totally gets his beak out of joint if I play with any of the other birds. His favorite perch is my neck and will fight off any other attempt made by any other bird to take his person. He will tolerate them looking at me only.

Glacee......is my gorgeous little pastel pied and by golly she knows shes got the looks to die for and uses it every time she can. She is constantly trying to outwit, outlast and outplay Peaches when it comes to getting my attention. She does it mostly by making kissy noises she knows I cannot resist.

Olive.......my little aqua/tourquiose lovebird is the only other love in Peaches life, but...alas, Olive does not deign to show any interest in lovestruck Peaches. She is totally self absorbed and much prefers to be left to destroy whatever is in her path when I am not around. She is not a biter as she considers that to be crude and turns her beak up at the mention of a biter. She is a diva with attitude.

Bandit.....my pied cockatiel who thinks she is a dog and was meant to follow along behind her human all day long no matter what and tries constantly to climb up my pants legs, even when not wearing pants. She is best described as a bird that thinks she is human...........she will whistle for me until I allow her to follow me around, and she does not like Peaches. She is always complaining that Peaches gets too much of my time.

Rainey and Sunney.......my budgie brothers. Love to dance and have fun all day long. You literally have to shake them off your fingers to get them to go home as they too think they are supposed to be on or around me all day, however, they are quiet and do not bother anyone, they are very well behaved.

The keet clan.............all into themselves and will tolerate humans only for a treat or maybe a kiss. Their true owner is my son, however, I feed them, clean their cage, wash their toys and generally give them lots of love, which they tend to ignore as they prefer to be allowed to ring their bells and shred their straws all day. They are Mr. Jingles, Little Bit, Stormey and Tootie. Gorgeous little bunch of tigers in kittens bodies.

I love em all..........................

Pips mom
04-28-2009, 10:47 PM
Good job! These are so funny to read! I especially like the "hot blond" description you gave bookworm! that was pretty good! I know there are still more out haven't given us the storey on their flock.....let's keep this going...it's alot of fun to read!