View Full Version : My greatest thanks.

04-21-2009, 10:06 AM
I wanted to thank everyone for all their kind words, their posts and their tears. I never thought I would be going through an ordeal like this but it is very comforting knowing all the wonderful people I have met on these boards are helping me through. I know my little angels are watching over me and flying high in my heart. I truly cannot believe the outpouring of support from everyone, I had to leave the board last night because I couldn't stop crying, reading all the beautiful posts and all the wonderful things that were said about my little ones. I loved reading everything and it really warmed my heart, even if I was crying uncontrollably!! :) I know I did the best I could with my little ones and gave them all the love in the world. They were one of a kind birds and the light of my life, it is even hard writing that, I can feel the tears coming on again.

Both birds are getting necropsy's done. I should know the results near the end of this week. We confirmed at the vet yesterday that Oslo's neck was broken, but we are going to run tests on both so I can have peace of mind. We also need to make sure that the culprit is not in our home. We have been doing remodeling upstairs and although we kept the birds downstairs in a room completely away from the site, you can never be too careful. I feel in my heart I know what caused their death's but I want to make sure from our vet before I post that thought. If any of you remember, I am supposed to adopt a parrotlet, Oliver, this Friday - we are now giving that idea a second thought, as this tragedy is so new and we need to make sure we are not bringing a bird into a home that may be contaminated in some way. We will be running a full home check today including all our kitchen ware, our heat registers and windows. Someone is coming out to check the walls and air flow in our home, as it IS an old home, something may be lurking that we aren't aware of.

I miss my babies so much. I would do anything to bring them back, to hear their little chirps, even to watch them nip at each other would bring so much joy. I want to watch them preen and cuddle and get food all over their faces. I know nothing can bring them back, & in the very least I know I have wonderful memories and photos that will be there forever. I also have this board which has provided a wealth of support and is truly a place I can call my second home. Thank you everyone for being so supportive, so available and such beautiful, selfless people - hug your birds close for me, tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you, give them kisses (if they let you!) and spoil them rotten. They are truly a indescribable joy, and I will miss mine forever.

A thousand thank you's, you all mean more to me than you will ever know.

04-21-2009, 10:58 AM
You are very welcome!
We are a very friendly, close knit community and our main objective is to supply information to anyone who needs it. An event that affects one member affects us all. Yesterday was very hard and I'm glad you are having necropsies done for Gus and Oslo. You can request that remains be returned to you, which I've done a number of times. Perhaps postpone adopting the Parrotlet until you have answers. Any reputable breeder would understand why. Perhaps offer a non-refundable deposit (if you haven't done so already) to show your sincerity.

Please don't be a stranger and let us know what's going on!


04-21-2009, 11:37 AM
i've only just read what's been up and i'm so sorry for you. it must be so hard to lose two babies in quick succession. i really hope that your testing reveals something. i know it won't make it better, but it might help to know what is causing the problem!

thoughts going out to you today!

04-21-2009, 11:54 AM
I've tried to read your post twice and just burst into tears both times. I am so sorry that you are going thru this. I think most of us have lost a fid at one time or another and we know what it is like. Nobody wishes that on anybody and we certainly don't want them to suffer this kind of hurt alone.

I hope you get some answers soon. :(

04-21-2009, 04:11 PM
I *still* have tears in my eyes. What a tragedy for you. But they were so well loved, and they knew it, and they will tell all the other birdies at the Rainbow Bridge what a great fidma you were while they were on loan from above. Please do let us know the results of the necropsy. And yes, I think the breeder would understand and hold on to your new p'let.

04-21-2009, 04:52 PM
I have thought about you all day, hoping that you are doing okay. Please know that we are here whenever you need to find a friendly voice, a hug, or a soft word to help you through. (((((((hugs)))))))

04-21-2009, 06:37 PM
again, I am really sorry...i know what it is like to lose a much loved bird. i hope you find what caused Gus's death and can get it corrected. You will never forget your two little sweethearts but you can love another and I hope you are able to bring your parrotlet home eventually.

04-21-2009, 08:32 PM
Hi everyone - today's been better but just as hard emotionally. I have pictures of them everywhere, on my phone, my computer at home and at work, in frames at home - a part of me wants to take them all down but a part of me wants them to remain as memories. When I am at work I do better but when I come home the tears don't stop. I miss them calling, it's too quiet here. It's 9:30pm and Im just coming home, I kept myself busy until now because its so hard being at my house.

We are not getting the parrotlet. I cannot in good conscience bring a bird into this home not knowing why my babies died, I also cannot emotionally handle another bird at this time. I came home today and said "gussy!", not even thinking. My boyfriend kind of just looked at me and of course I started crying and said "I forgot". This is all still just so surreal, so overwhelming, I am sure it will be for some time.

I'll be lurking on the boards here & there, I am not going to leave the forum. Even though I have no lovebirds I still consider this a second home. I can't leave my friends. will post when I get the necropsy results which hopefully won't be too long.

04-21-2009, 08:54 PM
You are welcome. Thank you for your posting - it was beautiful and touching. Treasure the wonderful memories of Oslo and Gus - it helped me to remember all the good times when I lost my Blue Meanie. I understand your decision not to get another bird now. You need to do what feels right to you. I admire your responsibility in having your home checked out. Please let us know the necropsy results. Please keep in touch with us here. ((((HUGS)))))

Pips mom
04-23-2009, 06:38 AM
It's so sad when something like this happens.....especially when it's someone who has so much love for their birds. And then you have to sit and wait and wonder....why?? I know if it was me I would need to know, and it's good that you will find out so you can plan a future sometime down the road to bring home another one because you KNOW you just won't be able to stand the quiet house with no birdie chirps......it's good you can take the time and want to do the right thing. What's even sadder is we've seen this story before....just recently with Enko Chan. It's sad enough to lose one, but two so close together. It makes me feel lucky every day that all my fids are healthy and happy, and I'll surely be extremely careful when the times comes where I want to add another lovie as a friend for Pip!
I sure hope that this very sad time passes as quickly as possible for you and that you are able to get passed all of this and bring some happiness back into your life. Until then everyone here you know sincerely feels your pain and are very happy that you have chosen to stick around even if you are without a feathered friend for however long! It's good you can lean on your birdie friends here during this tough time.

04-23-2009, 12:24 PM
I know very well how quiet a house is without birds. You are more then welcome here. I do not have any birds either right now. My last Lovie Drac passed away a while back and it was not til recently I even thought of getting another bird. Just take the time to grieve. One day the right bird will find you again.


04-24-2009, 05:03 AM
Im a bit late to this but im terribly sorry for both your losses. Ive been there with the "forgetting" too :( Its so hard to lose a loved one.

Im still shocked over the neck breaking. The way you described it, i wouldve bet money it was something they caught/ was in the air. Im curious to see what Guss' results come back as.

04-24-2009, 12:55 PM
Hi, how are you holding up? Maybe now that the weather's a little better you could open your windows more. This way you can hear the outdoor birds better. I know this helped me a when I lost my Peaches last year. Any word on the results yet? No matter what the news it will help you to put some closure to this. Just know that we are all here for you. :)


04-26-2009, 01:59 AM
Ohh, LovelyS. I'm so sorry for your loss. I was gone a week and so much has happened to you, Gus and Oslo. :very_sad:

...Truely a difficult week for you. When my 13-year old cat died, I was so familiar with him hanging around me that I used to imagine seeing him sitting over there, walking toward me, washing his face and doing all the cat things he used to do. So if you called Gussy's name, it's natural.

Your emotional burden will be heavy for a while, but if it's any comfort to you, it will get lighter.