View Full Version : New babies finally have names.

08-10-2005, 11:14 PM
Please tell me the birds will forgive me for taking so long to pick a name..lol. My new Budgies have names(and i joined like 25 budgie groups..lol). The yellow and green one is George and the blue one is named Sky. They are adjusting well and are chirping often now. They , Baggy, and Whisper get going and the house sounds like i have 100 birds. The Budgies also came with enough food to feed them for 6 months. They do not like cage covered though at all. I guess they never had it in former home.


08-13-2005, 04:32 PM
Good names Steph.....my birds only will tolerate being covered if the front of the cage is left uncovered.....so they can see out......recently I have quit covering due to night frights.....I was covering because I thought they would get too cold at night with the A/C on....but I guess not......the cat creeping around at night didn't help either....since I got my finches and kitty wants to eat them I've been having to shut the door to the bird room at night too and have a night light on for the fids.

08-13-2005, 05:33 PM
Yeah i wanted to cover them because the room they are in DH and i use til late at night. But they get very flustered so I stopped covering. Dec 18th the can move to bird room. That room gets dark at night and not much noise so hopefully they will like it. I tried to take Sky out to get a better picture of her and she bit me..lol. So alot of work to come with them if I want to tame. Still not sure as they seem happy way they are.


08-13-2005, 07:35 PM
I think it took me like 5 or 6 weeks to name Trixie (Is that right everybody?) so I am sure your birds wont hold a grudge cause Trixie didnt seem miffed at me for taking so long :)

Buy A Paper Doll
08-13-2005, 07:54 PM
Yes, Perran took for-e-ver ;) to pick a name for Trixie and she came out just fine.

As for covering them at night, my sister's parakeets are apparently nocturnal. They're fairly docile during the day but as soon as you cover the cage, they become very active. It's like they're free to be themselves without being watched. They scurry back and forth on the perches and chatter away, squabble, bicker, and work on their little plot for world domination.