View Full Version : Foot Kiss Milestone

04-22-2009, 11:27 AM
Odinn was raised by non-tame lovebird parents and came to us very fearful of people and especially hands... though he was treated well by his breeder/original fidma, he wasn't handled so as to be tame. His mate Freyja, however, was a first day handfed lady who fears nothing! Lately Freyja and Odinn have been experimenting with their new-found desire to mate, and haven't wanted too much to do with their fidma or fidpa, so the going has been particularly slow in terms of Odinn's socialization...

we've worked with him gently, slowly and patiently, at his own pace...

today I held him in one hand, flipped him onto his back, and he laid there on my hand, letting me scritch and kiss his tummy and his feet.

When his mate, Freyja, called out to him, he hopped back upright and flew to her immediately, and has continued to play ever since. While I hoped and expected him to warm up to us somewhat, I never would have thought he would come so far... especially not this quickly!

I am honored to have earned his trust.

04-22-2009, 12:06 PM
What good news!! That is so cute, you must be doing a wonderful job with them.